there is no other way

@willy6 (498)
April 27, 2009 8:08pm CST
Jesus is the way and there is no other way that we can be saved. The bible says that, I am the way the truth and the life no man commeth unto the father but by me. The devil always present himself before us to confused us, but we should know God for our self that we can recognize the devil voice. If we build a relationship with the lord and try to know him by studying his words, then we wont be easily fooled by the devil. Society need Jesus and for things to change we have to acknowledge it.
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14 responses
• Thailand
28 Apr 09
Fail! There are many other ways to live your life. In my part of the world we feel no need for salvation because the rather sick Christian idea of sin is not accepted or believed. With no sin, no devil and no hell why do we need to be saved? Before you study the words of the New Testament do some research as to who wrote it, why it was written and who it was addressed to. Here are two links to start you on the road to enlightenment.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
28 Apr 09
Very good Chiang_Mai_boy. I am glad you responded too. Shalom~Adoniah
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• Thailand
29 Apr 09
urban I find it difficult to understand what ax the Public Broadcast system has to grind but you may be able to enlighten me. The other link is to an article by the award wining and widely respected author Robert Wright. What ax does he have to grind?
@urbandekay (18278)
29 Apr 09
But when you read these links look first to see who writes them and know what axes they have to grind! all the best urban
• Philippines
28 Apr 09
That's true according to the Bible John 14:6 . I'm a genuine christian and I am A worker of our Jesus is Lord Church , Philippines. Mylot is a very nice site , here, we can share the gospel to all the people.
• Philippines
28 Apr 09
That's true according to the Bible (John 14:6). I'm a genuine christian and a worker of our church. Mylot is a very nice wherein we can share the gospel.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Well, I do not want to share the Gospel. I especially do not want to hear people say that everyone MUST believe in the christian testament or they are doomed. Everyone does NOT have to share the christian testament. Shalom~Adoniah
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
28 Apr 09
Are you honestly saying that you are judging over 60% of the world and sending them to your christian hell because they do not believe in your jesus. You know that that is ludicrous. Most of the world is not christian. Even many of those who claim that they are, do not even come close to practicing any form of christianity. Are you daming them too? Who are you to judge? When was the last time you read the history of this bible that you so believe in. Have you ever read the Gospels that didn't make it into the Cannon? You ought to read them and then start all over.
• Uruguay
28 Apr 09
Take it easy, there is no need to get so angry. I read willy6 comment and I didnt see anything that states that 60 percent world will go to hell. I think will6 was just trying to encourage Christians. Everyone have thir beliefs we can either accept it or reject it. However I think one thing that we must do is respect it. There are many religions in my country such as Muslims, Hindus, Christians etc. And I respect and learn for each of them.
• United States
28 Apr 09
I'm not planning on going to the Christian's heaven. It seems like an extremely boring place, standing around praising this all to human like deity who isn't really all seeing, all knowing, or all powerful. Nope. Not for me. I have to wonder, if people who believe in all the mumbo-jumbo of super-natural beings, spirits, and all that, do you believe in vampires, zombies, werewolves, and other types of old christian superstitions? Those things were all caused supposedly by demons, so if demons exist, then vampires, zombies and werewolves must also exist too, right?
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Apr 09
"so if demons exist, then vampires, zombies, and werewolves must also exist too, right?" Absolutely correct. demons do exist and so do vampires and all the above. The spiritual realm is 1000% more real than this natural realm we live in could ever be. But if you don't believe, than no one can force you. I wish you happiness and peace.
@ptty_noel (190)
• Uruguay
28 Apr 09
There are many various religions. One of which is Christianity so I think that this comment was intended to encourage christians. There are person who believe that what a christian beliefs is not true however there are christians who believe that some things mention in other religions are not true. Everyone have their own different opinions and I think they should all be respected.
• Thailand
28 Apr 09
A discussion that begins with the heading "there is no other way" is not meant to encourage anyone. It is directly confrontational, directed at anyone that does not share the OP's superstitious beliefs.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
28 Apr 09
A discussion that begins with the heading "there is no other way" is not meant to encourage anyone. It is directly confrontational, directed at anyone that does not share the OP's superstitious beliefs. I is confrontational and seemingly intentional to stir the pot so to speak.... Everyone have their own different opinions and I think they should all be respected. that is very true HOWEVER on that note, everyone has their own beliefs and that should be respected too rather than implying (as the OP did) that those of us who DON'T believe as the OP are all doomed....
@tzaddi (395)
• Philippines
28 Apr 09
i think you're right and i also believe on what you said. God created us with imperfections and we have to make up for it and you're right that if we keep the word of the lord, temptations can't catch us easily. i give enough time to God and let it be.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
28 Apr 09
Society need Jesus and for things to change we have to acknowledge it. There are thousands upon thousands of ppl in society who DON'T have nor need jesus and we are all doing just fine. And if one is living a mindful, compassionate and loving life, helping others etc etc..why would they need to be saved? Just becuase they dont believe in your god and bible?? Where is the logic in that??
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I agree! Shalom
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
13 May 09
Society need Jesus and for things to change we have to acknowledge it. I disagree in a huge way! Society needs to stop being so arrogant and shallow...society needs to stop being so narrowminded etc...What we need is to get back to being a compassionate and loving society, ACCEPTING all the differences we have to offer because they are ALL worthy whether its religious, racial, cultural etc etc...We NEED to get back to being a "mom and pop" world...Maybe SOME ppl need jesus in their lives but not ALL of us do by any fact some of us are much better off WITHOUT playing that game since its not what we believe in or feel in our hearts and souls..
@Wolfechu (1193)
• United States
28 Apr 09
So, which particular way of Jesus is the correct way? To date, there's around 10 major denominational subdivisions, without even counting the sub-subdivisions. Presumably if no other way is correct, only one of these is correct. When the great schism in the 11th century happened, who was right? Where should we have gone from the council of Ephesus? I'm going to go out on a limb here, and guess that against the odds, your particular church just happens to be the right one, though.
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
Can you prove even word of what you have written? When an atheist says there is no God, you people come rushing asking him to prove it. But you have made so many matter-of-fact statemnts without bothering to give any evidence. Very surprising! Nobody can prove that there is no other way to be saved other than Jesus. Nobody can prove the existence of the Devil. As for society needing Jesus, that is total crap. People have lived for thousands of years before your Jesus was born. The ancient Egyptian, Sumerian, Roman, Greek, Indus valley, Chinese etc.. are the civizations that flourished and prospered and they did so without your jesus. It is fine to have any beliefs, but I would request people to think twice before making such matter-of-fact statements. Forget about proof, you have not even given any logical argument to support your views.
• United States
29 Apr 09
like several others I have to disagree there is more than one truth Christianity is only one version of the truth there is no real TRUE religion they are all true to those that follow them and false to those that dont they are all right but yet they are all wrong religion is personal and based on faith faith cannot be proven or disproven to anyone that doesnt share that faith
@dismalgrin (2604)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I had someone ask me if I knew christ and I was freaking out because I used to, but how do you explain that you now have some pretty compelling evidence that god is either fake... or a jerk. Really, I said 'I don't know what I think about god right now' and the guy shot back with 'well, it's not about what you think, it's about what the bible says!' So, I shut up and went home and chewed on that awhile. Then it hit me. christianity is set up so that it goes around in circles. Believe that god is real, because the bible says so. The bible says so, because god is real. If you can't accept this narrow minded logic... then you will go to hell. Why? because the bible says so. Why does the bible say that? Because it's true. How do we know that it is true? Because it's in the bible. Ugggg. I don't know about any of you, but that seems like a tiny little hamster wheel to me. And then you have the people shouting their freedom in jesus, but they are afraid to do much of anything for fear it is a sin. Then they follow certain rules because to do something is a sin, when their own bible says it's okay. There is a lot of misinterpreted tradition going on in the world of christianity today and people follow along because they don't want to become pillers of stone or something. I can't honestly say that any such thing makes sense to me. But, if someone wants to follow it, just keep me out of it.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
2 May 09
Isn't the devil just someone to blame for bad choices? Isn't hell just a way to scare you into believing when you won't? Just what am I being SAVED from??? As a child of God, I am eternal. Do you know why so much of the bible doesn't add up? It is written by MAN! Let's step back and think. Look at this complex world and universe around us. Why would it be important to a being capable of creating it all for us to believe??? God is so much more than you can find in any one book. Explore the real possibilities.
@AmAllen (119)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I'm glad ou have such firm religious beliefs, but one thing I've always wondered was... Doesn't your bible say "Judge not lest ye be judged" thus saying God is the only one who can judge, and he will judge you for judgeing others. Okay so by the bible thumpers that shove religion down my throat and say I'm going to hell if I don't stop my evil ways and get saved. Aren't you judging me? Who are you to judge me? All hail you the holy jesus christ. Because by your own christianity and trust in "god's almighty word the bible" you are sinning and defying god's orders right?? Hmm.. sign me up for that religion, hey everyone sign up. This religion condones sacriliage. YEAH!! They condone sinning against another woo hoo.