i do goofy things, surely it's not my age, lol.

United States
April 28, 2009 6:10am CST
yesterday i went out to my freezer to get what i thought was some dressing i had frozen. i usually mark everything & had a sticker on this but had failed to write anything on it. duh !! anyway i just knew it was dressing & i set it out to thaw. i didn't look in the bowl got busy doing something else. my grandson was coming over yesterday afternoon & i thought he might eat supper w/me.he loves dressing. thank heavens he didn't because after he left i went to get the dressing ready to bake & when i took the lid off it was chicken broth instead of dressing. i'll not say what i said, wasn't nice. i have a potty mouth anyway. sooooooo guess what i'm making today, u got it , dressing. do y'all do crazy things like that? tell me i'm not alone, please. lol.
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14 responses
@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
28 Apr 09
No, I don't think you are alone. A couple evenings ago, I got hungry for lasagna. I took it out of the freezer. Turned on the oven and put it in. Needed 45 mins to be ready to eat. I turned on the TV and laid comfortably on my couch. You probably guessed it all ready... I had fallen a sleep, woke up 5 hours later, thinking I was suppose to be waiting for something. Then I got this weird smell in my nose and realized I had forgotten about my lasagna. Take care, have a nice day.
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• United States
28 Apr 09
thanks for your response. glad to know i'm not alone, lol. i take it you had to scrounge u up some supper like i did last night. you have a good day & take care.
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@Margajoe (4747)
• Germany
28 Apr 09
Thank-you. No, I skipped dinner that night. It was so early in the morning, I turned off the oven. Took out my burned lasagna, and found in the middle I still had two bites that I could eat. Two little bites. hahaha! That was all that was left of it. hahaha! Bye for know.
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• United States
28 Apr 09
after that many hours in the oven i'm surprised u found 2 bites. lol
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• Philippines
26 Apr 10
a few days ago i bought some food.then put it in the freezer.the next day i took it out and put it in a tray.ready to cook it.then i put it in the oven and left it for an hour. but i forget to put the oven on!.
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• United States
27 Apr 10
Good morning & thanks for responding. U fit right in w/me. I know u were aggravated when u do that if u are like me. I really give myself some good lectures sometimes.lol Happy tues. to u.
@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
29 Apr 09
You are not alone. I'm younger but I do some goofy things too. But I wont mention it here, It's kinda private. Anyways, I think we all experience that kind of goofiness once in a while. Stay Happy always.
• United States
29 Apr 09
thanks for your response. now we are all going to use our imagination & have u doing all kinds of things, lol, just teasing w/you. have a happy day.
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@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
30 Apr 09
I have a cute story about my mom, she's always doing stuff like that! She went to Walmart the other day and when she got home she was looking at her receipt and it said SOFT CHEESE 11.99. She didn't remember buying cheese, didn't intend to buy cheese and could not find new cheese anywhere in the house. It bugged her so much that she went to Walmart with her receipt and went to customer service. She insisted she did not buy any cheese and was so sure about it they refunded her the money. She went into the cold room to grab some dog food the next day and it hit her - the dog's food is SOFT CHEESE and beef and she had indeed bought it during the same trip! She felt so bad about accidentally scamming Walmart and getting her money back that she went BACK to Walmart and insisted on (re)paying for it.
1 person likes this
• United States
30 Apr 09
that is a cute story. bless her heart, i know she hated to go back & tell them what she had done. lol. i always look at my receipts when i get home & it takes me awhile sometime to figure out what some of the things are. [em]doh[/em . tell your mom to hang in there she is not alone. thanks for your response. have a happy day.
@anniefannie (1737)
• United States
30 Apr 09
I have things in the freezer I have not labled and I will get a surprize when I open them.have done it before.
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• United States
30 Apr 09
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• United States
29 Apr 09
No, you are not alone. I have left water on the stove while doing something else, and come back to see that the water is all dried up and the pan is starting to glow. DUH!!! Then the ULTIMATE DUH MOMENT!!! I do it again at least 2 more times THAT SAME HOUR!!! I have done this not only once, but several times. Please someone tell me I'M not alone in this. I probably am. Oh well, oh no got to go check if I have any water on the stove... Oh good, nothing cooking tonight... Phew!!!
• United States
29 Apr 09
what a cute response, thank you. seems as if we all have had our moments. we all need to pay more attention to what we are doing instead of mylotting all the time like i do, lol.
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@riyasam (16556)
• India
28 Apr 09
hi,you sure are not alone.i dump various things in my freezer and once since we weare havin guests,i decided to make cutlets(lamb) ,i took the ingriedients i.e,the mince or rather it looked like mince,luckily,i did not have to make them,as the guests had to leave early,since my kids have a habit of eating some raw mince,it turned out to be ginger paste.
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• United States
28 Apr 09
thanks for your response. good story. makes me feel good to know i'm not alone lol/have a good one.
• United States
29 Apr 09
I really don't do too many goofy things around the house , except if I haven't much sleep or not feeling well. On the other hand my husband does enough goofy things to last me and him a lifetime!..hehe.. Like my husband almost always forgets and leaves out the shredded cheese when he's making pizza, I can't tell you how many times I have woken' up early in the morning and have found a very warm zip lock bag of shredded cheese on the counter top. My husband also like's to leave out the salad dressing bottle and I have thrown out MANY bottles of salad dressing because he forgets to place it back in the refrigerator the night before. Last night I woke up and went to the kitchen to get a drink of water and saw that my husband left a loaf of bread wide open on the stove ( not the cheap type of bread, the expensive grain bread)and boy did I get mad because I have a cat that loves to steal bread loafs and I don't like stale rock hard bread which will happen to bread if exposed to air too long.Luckily I found the bread before it got hard and before the cat sniffed his way on the stove to steal it, I just could imagine my cat jumping on the stove and slapping the open loaf of bread over onto the floor then jumping down to the floor and start chowing down on my expensive bread!( he's done similar stuff like that before- I wouldn't put it past him to do it again!)
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• United States
29 Apr 09
that husband needs to straighten up, lol. doesn't he know how expensive food is. bet his mama went in right behind him like u do. he isn't spoiled , is he?? lol
@Humbug25 (12540)
28 Apr 09
Hi ANTIQUELADY I do goofy things all the time, so many that I would be here all day talking about them. I guess having young kids, a busy lifestyle and sleep deprivation does that to you!! Well not you so much but most certainly me. That is my excuse for doing goofy things and I am sticking to it!! LOL
1 person likes this
• United States
28 Apr 09
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I can't think of anything right off that I have done goofy lately. But I am certainly guilty of it too. And mine are not all food related either. So you are not alone.
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@ronnyb (6113)
• Jamaica
28 Apr 09
lolol trust me Antique it is not your age ,It will be some time bbefore you go senile you still have a good fifty years left .What has happened to you is something taht coul d ahve happened to a fifteen year old it was simply something that you forget to do.I do things like that all the time and beleive me i amd not even as meticulous as you to label things .Happy though that you avoided disaster by having your grandson eat it
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• United States
29 Apr 09
good grief, 50 years mopre. i don't think so but appreciate the kind words. i used the broth & made dressing for supper. told my friend i'd bring her a bowl of it. she called & said she was picking up a chicken at wal-mart so we both had a good supper.
@chillpill90 (1936)
28 Apr 09
No way your not alone every one has silly moments, me myself a few weeks ago bought some food then put it in the freezer the next day i took it out and put it in a tray ready to cook it. Then i put it in the oven and left it for half a hour. But i forgot to put the oven on!!!! So yeah i think it proves that everyone does silly stuff no matter how old they are.
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• United States
28 Apr 09
thanks for your response chil. good to know i'm not alone, lol. guess we ll do crazy things. have a happy day.
@shell2784 (752)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I don't think that its crazy at all! I don't mark anything I put anywhere first of all. lol Once I threw a bag of lettuce in the freezer... well, that was no good, and a pint of ice cream in the fridge. I've put cat food in the fridge and cheese in the pantry and every other thing. Kind of like when I look ALL OVER for my glasses that my 2 year old daughter has to tell me they're on top of my head!! You're not alone... :o)
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• United States
29 Apr 09
what a cute response, thank you. i feel all better knowing i'm not alone. have a happy day tomorrow.
@cicisnana (772)
• United States
28 Apr 09
Well it's been awhile, but let me tell you what I did when one of my boys was just a babe! I used to make his formula up in a glass Mason jar and of course, set it in the fridge. Well, one day hubby was working on his car and needed something to squirt gasoline into the carburetor with and wanted my dishwashing liquid bottle. So I took all of the liquid and put it in a Mason jar and sat in near the sink. Now this was Ivory, so it was a milky looking substance. No, we're not making baby sick, I'll tell you guys that much to keep you from worrying!! We went on to bed and got up the next morning, seeing that Mason jar on the sink I was aggravated at myself for leaving the babys formula out all night. I picked it up kinda swished it around in the jar and boy was it thick, and ruined, it had to be to be that thick. Right down the drain went all of that milk!! LOL, it took a few hours before I was ready to do some dishes did I realize what I had done. It can't be age with that one, I was only 26!!
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• United States
29 Apr 09
great response, thank you. guess we all do crazy things. can't blame yours on age if u were just 26. that;s just a chivk. have a good one.