Can anyone tell me.... why oh why these things happen...

@Sissygrl (10912)
April 28, 2009 12:03pm CST
So my dumb moment of the day was.. i finally got to have a shower at 1pm, and i left the door open a crack incase either of the kids needed anything while i was in there. i had the baby in her highchair in the bathroom with me. I forgot to turn the fan on, so it was alittle steamy.. the fire alarm is RIGHT by the bathroom.. WHY does steam set it off.. maybe i'm slow.. or maybe i just need to be informed.. is it because of the consistancy ? is it the heat of the steam ? cause to me.. steam is alot different then smoke.. Also.. how come where ever i live, whenever i put the baby down for a nap.. that is the exact time one of my neighbours decided to run their vacuume or mow their lawns? unripe fruit and pine needle covered chicken to all who can answer me!
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21 responses
@sconibear (8016)
• United States
28 Apr 09
PARTICLES......PARTICLES......CONDENSATION the smoke detector doesn't actually detect smoke, it detects particles in the smoke. inside the detector is an ionization chamber and a source of ionizing radiation. The source of ionizing radiation is a minute quantity of americium-241 (perhaps 1/5000th of a gram), which is a source of alpha particles (helium nuclei). The ionization chamber consists of two plates separated by about a centimeter. The battery applies a voltage to the plates, charging one plate positive and the other plate negative. Alpha particles constantly released by the americium knock electrons off of the atoms in the air, ionizing the oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the chamber. The positively-charged oxygen and nitrogen atoms are attracted to the negative plate and the electrons are attracted to the positive plate, generating a small, continuous electric current. When smoke enters the ionization chamber, the smoke particles attach to the ions and neutralize them, so they do not reach the plate. The drop in current between the plates triggers the alarm. steam or high humidity can lead to condensation on the circuit board and sensor, causing the alarm to sound. as for putting the kiddies down for a might want to check your home for hidden cameras.........seems kinda suspicious that the neighbors KNOW when nap time is. class dismissed.
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• Canada
29 Apr 09
*Gasp* You Googling cheat!!
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• Canada
28 Apr 09
Wow! Now that is one smart bear! Way to go sconibear :)
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@sconibear (8016)
• United States
28 Apr 09
not that smart........see response below.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
29 Apr 09
The fire alarm goes off at our house too due to steam from the shower or the clothes dryer so you're not alone there! These things are sent to try us I guess! When my daughter was a small baby I used to go down for a nap at around 1 pm each afternoon while she slept and it was then that someone would inevitably knock on the door or the phone would ring until I put a sign on the door and kept the phone off the hook. Confucius says, "If s**t has to happen, let it happen PROPERLY."
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
lol i like that one. it sure does have to happen it seems!! but however bothersome it is, it could always be worse right?! its just maddening in the moment!!
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
yea it sure is the way to stay sane and calm and collected!!
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
29 Apr 09
I usually look at how much worse it could be and I feel better!
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@Kowgirl (3489)
• United States
28 Apr 09
If it's humidity that sets off the fire alarm , I would be hearing it constantly. I live in Florida where the humidity is always high, shower or no shower running. On top of that I am only a few yards away from a lake. I hate being cooped up with the AC on all the time, so it has to get pretty hot before I turn it on. Maybe the steam is more like smoke than we know or has one of the same chemicals as smoke. I will have to look this up. I had neighbors like that so I played a radio to try to cover up the noise. It worked most of the time. Eventually they got used to the noise and would sleep through a loud party right in our own home. Send the fruit and "pine needles" (Rosemary?) ASAP
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@Kowgirl (3489)
• United States
28 Apr 09
Guess sconibear gets the fruit and pine needles. Sure deserves some reward for that answer. Thanks Sconibear, you just made me a little smarter.
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@carolscash (9492)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I haven't ever heard of a shower setting off the fire alarm. That is such an odd thing as I can't understand how the water could be that warm or the steam. I have to sleep during the day on Wednesday and when we lived in town, it seemed that everyone in the neighborhood would mow then. I had to learn to sleep through it.
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
I had teh same problem before kids i worked nights and i lived right near a college so a lot of the kids lived around me as well and they were loud.. i guess they were even loud in the night too i bet.. but i learned to sleep with earplugs. i dont think they make earplugs for babies lol.
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@mummymo (23706)
29 Apr 09
Pmpl honey - you are living in the same place as me then honey! I love those pine needles in a garlic and erm pine needle flat bread, so can I have some, can !??? xxx
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
lol come show me how to make it and then i'll make it whenever you want!
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@mummymo (23706)
30 Apr 09
Deal! here is how to make flatbread - you just add some pine needles and garlic! lol xxxx
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
29 Apr 09
If it's right by the bathroom then it's becuase of the heat from steam and the consistancy of the steam is a lot more compact and thick closer to the source you might want to move you smoke detector a little farther from the bathroom. LOL!! Now about the neighbors. He he he .. It's the worlds cosmic sense of humor. Honest there is someone up on a cloud saying ain't that the funniest thing you have ever seen. so do I get the chicken?
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
30 Apr 09
LOL GUESS SO! no one else wants it!! as if it stinky or something.. i dunno!
• Canada
28 Apr 09
Hi Sissy! I too used to have this problem with the fire alarm going off after or during a shower. Now that we are renting a house and not an apartment for some reason the fire alarm we have now doesn't go off unless their is actual smoke! I think it has to do with the humidity and/or fogginess! I can also relate to others sabotaging nap time! It is a pain in the butt big time!
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
yes those rotten sabatogers!! lol atleast its pretty quiet in the building at night time.. for how big it is.. i think its cause its a more expensive building for the area.. so most of the people who live here are working class.. respectable citizens.. lol i dunno why they let me in!! hahaha.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
UGGG!! I had one of those in my place before we moved from ontario, i had my daughter, and i was pregnant with my second and it was winter.. he used to smoke all the time and it was forced air heating, so the smell would get into my apartment. well.. i lived in the basement and i had control of the heat.. so.. everytime i smelled smoke i just shut off the furnace and turn on my space heater. SCREW EM! lol. and everytime i heard the water turn on... yeap i turned on teh water so they got no hot water. lol i'm surprised he didn't come down and stab me lol. he was physco! he was banging on all the windows at 4 am one night, and blamed it on his girlfriend when it was brought up to the land lord. LOL and on a few occassion i was awoken from my sleep by him yelling the b word that rhymes with itch!! What a b that sounds like astard!! lol.
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• Canada
29 Apr 09
Wow! That guy sounded like he was a about 4 cans short of a six pack LoL! I just can't wait until we can get into our own house and have the whole house to ourselves. It's not too bad with only 1 neighbor below you, but it's bad enough! I also can't stand it if they make liver and onions or cook something really stinky because then I can smell it up here! Uggghhhhh!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
28 Apr 09
Good question...must be the steam that's all I can think's sorta like smoke I guess! and you can keep the pine needle chicken and unripe fruit! LOL
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
What i cant give away what in my fridge to some unsuspecting.. victi.. i mean person ;)
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
28 Apr 09
My smoke detector will go off for a few seconds in the middle of the night sometimes, during the summer months. I asked my site manager about it, and she said it is because of the humidity. So my guess is that it is the same consistency as smoke, just as you've suggested. Everything else that goes on like that is simply because of Murphy's Laws. My life too, is run by them. Try to enjoy the ride... it really can be rather amusing. p.s. I will pass on the food offerings lol.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
28 Apr 09
lol canadagal... those food offerings where from my other discussions i've started lately. hehehe. I am SO glad i am out of ontario. I hated the humidity!!
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
28 Apr 09
Oh... I'd caught the references to your other recent discussions (you're one of the few I have started discussions sent to my hotmail inbox). That made me laugh out loud, literally, when I read this discussion. :D Yeah, the humidity here can get really bad. Last summer was alright.. I don't remember putting on the a/c too many times. We'll see what this year has in store though.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
28 Apr 09
It's the electrical "smoke" detectors that make the noise and get set off. I live in a rented townhouse complex, and I don't know what kind of quality the detectors are. By law, there is one on every level of the house (in our case, 3). 2 of them are the electrical ones... and for me to change them, would likely either cost me a bundle, or just plain get me into trouble. lol. I'm doing quite well thanks hon. I hope you are too! :)
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@Amberina (1541)
• United States
29 Apr 09
You know if you ever want someone to call, come over just put your baby down for a nap and then dry to take one yourself and they are sure to show up. I have no idea but these things happen just when you think you have a moment to yourself to take a well deserved nap, shower, or a private moment with your husband. What I would do next time is put the ringer off on the phone and let the answering machine get it if someone does call. Put a sign on your door saying don't knock baby and I taking a nap, and the same sign on your lawn whenever you want to take a nap. I know it seems like a lot of trouble but if you at least put the sign on your door and take care of the phones you might be able to get some small earmuffs for the baby so the lawn mower won't wake it up. One rule in my house was whoever woke up the baby had to take care of it until I got up lol. Needless to say when I announced that the baby and I where going to take a nap everyone was quiet the whole time we where sleeping lol.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
lol that wouldnt work at my house... other then the baby and i, there are two two year old.. they are so not capable.. lol and my husband.. also not capable.. lol baby just screams whenever he tries to pick her up.. I think he likes it that way, then he doesn't have to do anything. hm.. i think i got the poopy end of the stick with this situation!!
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@madasp (563)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I don't know about the smoke alarm, but I do know about trying to shower with a baby in the bathroom with you LOL. I also know about the neighbors getting noisy when the baby goes down for a nap. Never fails. Thats when someone has to let out their yapping dog or the kids down the street decide to run there homemade motorcycle up and down the road. ARGH! Seriously, some days I have visions of being locked up when they catch me chasing one of my neighbors down the road with a baseball bat in one hand and my tired, but not sleeping, son in the other!
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
lol we are one in the same.. i have had the same visions!! or stabbing someone in the eye with a rusty spoon!! inconsiderates!!
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
28 Apr 09
When my oldest was little, every time I'd put him down for a nap-no matter what the time-the a$%hole down the road would whiz by on his dirtbike which sounded like a chainsaw two inches from one's head. Of course my poor baby would start awake screaming. I told him, "sweetie, don't worry, it's just a jerk on a bike, a jerkbike!" and he picked up that term. Fast forward a couple of years and we're at a convenience store. Outside is huge "hog" with an equally huge biker and he's just getting off it. Lew points and says "look Mommy, there's a jerkbike!" I got ready to kick butt as best I could but the big teddy bear (that looked like a Hell's Angel from the movies) laughed, ruffled my boy's hair and said "I have 3 kids and none of them like my bikes!" Thanks for bringing back a precious memory!
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
28 Apr 09
that's hilarious!! haha your more then welcome for the trip down memory lane lol.
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Hey Sissy! Don't worry, you are so not alone! These things happen to the best of us! There are just some things that we just can't help! I think it is the steam that sets the smoke alarm off! I wouldn't put one in my house because I used to smoke and and burn things in my oven! I would be setting it off all the time! Luckily, I don't have any kids, and I am fairly careful and haven't burned down the apartment! As for mowing the lawn, everytime I decide to lay down for a nap that's when they decide to mow the lawn too! So you see, it isn't just you!
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
heeh thanks opal its great to know i'm not alone! and i sometimes burn things too. sometimes its not even food.. last year (i have a discussion about it i'm sure) i burned the lid to a tupperware container onto the stove element. lol i left it for the person who moved in after me to deal with lol. oops.
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@Pleiades (846)
• United States
28 Apr 09
*Chuckles* What a prize! I'll have to bring this steamy situation to my firefighter friend. I'll let you know what he says about it. *Pleiades
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
the prizes are references to some of my other discussions if you care to look into them ;)
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@jillbeth (2705)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I've never heard of steam setting off a fire alarm, perhaps you need to take cooler showers! I guess it won't hurt your baby to learn to sleep through lawn mower and vacuum cleaner noise, though. It will set a good pattern for them later in their lives. Although I have learned, the hard way, not to take a flash picture of a sleeping baby. Especially when he/she isn't yours!
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
28 Apr 09
hehe blah to cooler showers! i like it hot!! ehehhe. And i SO wouldnt mind if she DID learn to sleep through those things.. but nope she has not.. i call her my baby but she's 13 months.. so even though she is My baby.. she isn't a baby any longer...
• United States
28 Apr 09
ummm...idk cuz it senses the heat maybe from the steam? and the vaccuuming and mowing of yards is all cuz maybe you need to become one of those b****y moms that yell at everyone and everything. lol or maybe your just unlucky? idk is it just canada? i havnt had this problem yet.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
28 Apr 09
i think i'm just lucky.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
28 Apr 09
Hmmm. I think that you must have had someone in the shower with you and the two of you were on fire. Hence the fire alarm going off. As for putting the baby down. Sod's law aas we say over here. I once drove mine a 100 mile round trip to soothe her one night - in the middle of the night! She slept well in the car. As soon as we got home...... Waaaaaaaa!!!! Grrrrr.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
lol i assure you i was alone in there.
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
30 Apr 09
Because it's a stupid fire alarm? Seriously I've never heard of that. Something must be wrong with the smoke alarm!
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@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
29 Apr 09
Well, when you are residing in a close neighborhood everything may happen. Especially the baby can be easily awaken even it's a tiny noise. I know that for sure because I had a nephew who cries every time he got disturb by anything that is noisy. Just bear with it. I mean don't mind it so much. It could ruin your day.
@Chevee (5905)
• United States
28 Apr 09
I understand how you feel about the baby taking a nap situation. I said a few chosen words last week about this too. I have been out of work every since December 2008, and I can count on one had how many visitors I have had. Well last week when I first started baby sitting I had more company than at a family reunion, every time that baby dozed off someone would come ring my doorbell or call on the phone and would wake that baby up. I was very upset about the whole thing. Don't even mention my neighbor with this loud truck of his, he was constantly in and out of his drive way.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
28 Apr 09
my inlaws are great for that.. they never call unless it is at a time when the baby sit sleeping or we are eating. EVERYTIME they call! I have learned to turn the ringer off if its naptime.