
@dfollin (25544)
United States
April 28, 2009 1:26pm CST
My grand daughter is two and a half.My son and the girls mother still have her on a binky.Which,I do not and none of my babies liked them.But,she is too old for them anyway.Do you agree with me? Her mother brought her to me today with a binky that she had chewed wholes into,which she does a lot.And she told me that she put her to bed with that one last night.She said she had no more.However a few weeks ago she told me that she had plenty of them. How do I get her off the binky? One night when she had spent the night at my son's,a few weeks ago.He brought her to me in the morning and said that he had got her to bed without her binky.
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15 responses
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
28 Apr 09
If the binky is old enough that it is chewed and has holes in it, then it is dangerous for that child to use. I babysit and one of the boys I wathc is 2 1/2 and he has a binky too. The mom and dad let him have it all day~ he talks with it in his mouth. When he comes here, he walks in the house and give it to me. I tell him that he is too old for a binky as binkys are for babies and he is not a baby. I do let him have it for nap, but that is all. They also let their daughter have one. when she turned 3, I told her that I lost it and she never asked for it again here. If your granddaughters is all chewed, take scissors and cut off the part she sucks/ chews on. Do this so she can't see you doing it, then tell her that it broke. Maybe that will get her off.
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
29 Apr 09
When she comes here,I put it up till nap time.I have told her that it was broke and she will be quite for a few minutes when she is tired.But,when she is really tired she will start cryinf and screaming for her binky.Both myself and my daughter have told her that it was for babies and she is a big girl and she throws it across the room.Then when she is tired she starts with the crying and screaming again.When she stayed at her great grandmothers house she did the same routine,took it away till nap.But her parents mostly her mother gives it too her at the drop of a hat. It is dangerous to give her a torn one and I told her mom that today and she said that she didn't know that.Well,duh! Think about it.It only takes common sense.
@dfollin (25544)
• United States
30 Apr 09
She keep giving her a torn one while she is sleeping tho.When she is with me she only has it when she is sleeping.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
30 Apr 09
Next time the torn one comes to your house, throw it away. You can even replace it with a new one, but she can choke if she is sleeping with the torn one.
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@Soteira (75)
• United States
28 Apr 09
You should talk to your son and tell him how dangerous this is. If she is chewing holes in them she could end up choking herself, especially in her sleep. It is also bad for her teeth, she can develop an overbite from this at her age. Her parents need to put their foot down with issues like this. They need to throw all the binky's away and let her watch them do it so she knows that there is no more or even have her throw them away.
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I know I told the mom again today about the dangers of the torn binky.I have told both of them.One night she did not even use it when she was with my son.
@dfollin (25544)
• United States
30 Apr 09
Thank you.
• United States
29 Apr 09
I hope for your granddaughter's sake that they do the right thing soon. She is lucky to have a concerned and caring grandmom like you! Good luck!
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@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
28 Apr 09
i am guessing you are talking about a soother and well my daughter was 3 when she got rid of hers. we moved into a new house and while we were at the old house, we told her we would not be taking it with us as she was a big girl and didnt need it any more. she ended up throwing it away herself!
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• China
29 Apr 09
I agree with you ,just let kid do by themselves. Once they feel ok,they may stop it. Don't force them.
2 people like this
• Canada
29 Apr 09
My daughter threw her soother away on her own at 1 1/2 which made me super happy! I think that it has to be the child's decision until they reach a certain age and then the parents have to intervine kind of like you did cher by saying that the soother wasn't coming to the new house!
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• Canada
29 Apr 09
Honestly hun I would suggest talking to your son and explain your concerns. Then the decision would have to be theirs weither or not they take her soother away or not. I was really lucky because at 1 1/2 my daughter threw her soother away on her own and didn't want it anymore! Good Luck Hun
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
29 Apr 09
You were lucky.None of my kids ever liked them.I tried to discourage her when she was an infant not to get her hooked on them.I did not see her much till she was 5 months old.The baby's mother thought that the only people that should watch her or even hold her was her family.Her mother told her she was being silly.I have talked to my son and the girls mother.My son is better about keeping it from her then her mother is. Thanks
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
30 Apr 09
Yes,that was silly.Even her mom told her so. Thanks
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• Canada
29 Apr 09
That is silly that only her family was able to watch or hold the baby. I wish you the best of luck and that she gives up her soother soon my friend!
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@kezabelle (2974)
29 Apr 09
YOU dont get her off the binky it is not your place to do so, the child is two and a half more than young enough to still require the comfort of either a teddy dummy or a binky, if it was a teddy she took to bed or cuddled all day for comfort would you view it in the same way?? i suspect not. leave her be allow her to have the comfort she can gain from her binky it is a well proven fact that children who can find an object to comfort themselves with are often a lot more secure and less clingy, why would you WANT to remove her form of comfort from her personally i think its cruel!! And they WILL give it up when they are ready by daughter had a dummy for comfort she is 5 and doesnt still have it she happily gave it up herself when she was ready its usually a lot easier on both mother and child to allow that transition at the childs pace rather than forcing it when they are not ready! So no i guess in answer to your question no i dont agree with you.
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
1 May 09
It is not like a choice of what clothes she wears and it is nothing to be just simoly concerned about.She could die because of her mother being irrespondsable! And what's a dummy? I've never heard of that for a baby or child.
@dfollin (25544)
• United States
30 Apr 09
It is my place when there is a whole in it from her chewing it and that piece of rubber could come off and suffocate her.Plus it is bad for her teeth.No I would not take a teddy from her.It is not harming her and in that case no it is not my place.But,when she comes to me with a torn piece of rubber in her mouth that can either suffocate her or mess up her teeth.
@kezabelle (2974)
30 Apr 09
It still is not your place you are not the childs mother, you have a right to be concerned and obviously you have every right to voice those concerns to the childs mother but really if you get pushy about it that wont help matters, if anything id just buy a new one for your granddaughter and leave it at that, like I say as her grandmother you have a right to be concerned but still no right to decide when its time she loses the binky alltogether that is the childs or mothers choice.
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@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
28 Apr 09
Honestly you can not get her off of them, the parents need to do this and make this decision. Sorry.
@dfollin (25544)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I have told them,but they are young and do not understand.
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I am with you on that, I think she is too old for one too. As for when she comes with one that is ruined, throw it in the trash. She will cry but she will survive and get over it. Maybe you can put on a big show of her getting rid of it on her own. Good luck, I have a granddaughter that loves her ninny too, but she just turned a year old.
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
30 Apr 09
I throw them in the trash,but then she want it when she is going to take a nap.It would be different if we were in my own apartment.I could then put her in her crib and let her cry and go to sleep.Instead I have to put her in the stroller and walk her till she goes to sleep.Yesterday,she was asleep in ten minutes and I brought her back in the room and put her on the couch.She woke up and wanted her binky.I told her that it was gone,that it broke aqnd she shut up for a minute then started screaming again.I had to put her back in the stroller and walked her again for an hour.She was sleepy.I brought her back in the room and was afraid to take her out.That is not comfortable sitting in a stroller with her legs hanging down.
@Shaun72 (15959)
• Palatka, Florida
29 Apr 09
I have a 3 year old nephew that still uses one. Which is strange because me or my sister never used a binky. I am not sure what my sister had tried to get him to stop using his binky but he always wants it when he sleeps espically. He always chews holes in his binkys also.
@dfollin (25544)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I know neither of my boys liked them at all and my daughter only wanted them for a short time.It is strange.I have seen some kids 5 and 6 years old with binkys.
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
well.. I think from the way you say.. "the girls mother" instead of my sons wife, or my daughter in law.. that you are not too keen on her in the first place.. that may be an assumption, you can correct me if your wrong.. I do agree she is too old to have one.. but i dont think as her grandmother you are the one to decide or dictate how the child is raised or what they do with her.. I have had a problem of my mother in law butting into how we raise our kids.. i take the babies to bed with me as long as they were nursing.. we all get more sleep that way, and we all know moms need sleep to function. I'm going offtopic a little, but we had to literally remove her from most aspects of our lives because she was butting in. so now we refrain from telling her things and keep her at a distance so we can live our lives normally without her.. unwarrented and wanted "help".. I hope that's not the case with you!! You should keep my story in mind, i'm not dictating or anything.. please dont be mad at my opinion, I just dont want the same thing to happen to you or you family that happened to us.. I had to tell her that she had her turn raising her children and now it was my turn and i'd do it how i felt was right.. *shrug*
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
30 Apr 09
My son and her are broke up.I am being nice to her for my grand daughters sack.She used to be a big liar and now she has gotten better.She has gotten nicer to me and my daughter,but I still have to watch what she says.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
30 Apr 09
ohh i see that makes sense then.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
My sons never had much trouble getting off of theirs. They stopped using them when they could put other things in their mouths. But I was watching Nanny 911 once and I liked the way that she got the children to throw away their binkies. She had a bag tied up in a tree and she told the children to hand over their binkies, and said she was going to put them there for the tiny babies. And it worked.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
1 May 09
Yes two and a half is way too old to have a binky. Only one of my girls got attached to that little gadget. I finally just told her point blank that she was too old for it. I gave her a week and did a count down...each day encouraging her to use it less and less. On the final day...I tossed it. She was ok with it...knew it was coming.
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
1 May 09
Good way you did that.I like that name you have for it,"that little gadget".
• United States
5 May 09
I too have never really give my kids one either. I figured after seeing my neice at 5 with one still her mouth & how it ended up messing up her palate + front teeth no way! Plus one less thing to break them of *LOL* I've heard of people sending the binky's in the mail to the new babies who didn't have binky's and making a big deal out of it... you know putting the box in the mail ect. I've also heard of people cutting off the ends of them so they have nothing to suck on. Or the traditional standby of cold turkey.
@dfollin (25544)
• United States
6 May 09
I have seen kids five and six years old that are still on binkys.I know a woman that has her boys ,ages eight and five still on sippy cups too.
• United States
6 May 09
My 6yo still uses a sippie cup. BUT it's only at home occasionally because she will not put her drink up on the kitchen table or counter where her younger siblings cannot get it. I swear I clean up the floor more than I'd like in a given day from someone spilling a drink even in a sippie.
• United States
30 Apr 09
I know my daughter who is almost 10 months only uses the binky for nap time or when she's about to go to sleep. Most of the time it falls out of her mouth and she doesn't even know it. If she wants it she'll wake up put it back in her mouth and fall asleep but most of the time she won't. We don't encourage her to use one, unless we are in public and she's wailing and I can't leave where I am. I think that it is old in my eyes to still be on one. It also can't be good for her teeth either, or atleast I would think. I plan to take my daughter off ASAP. It's just a matter of weening her off of it... Which she is doing a good job of on her own. I would be VERY concerned about her having one with chewed holes in it. I guess if they are going to allow her to continue to use it atleast get a new one so there is no choking hazzard when a piece comes off of it. (Please don't take this in the wrong manner, I'm just stating to have a new one rather than one with holes for the choking reason) They stress this big time on the packages of bottle nipples as well as binkys and such. If anything starts to fall apart or come off it needs to be thrown away and replaced. We even had a case here locally that one of the pacifier companies silicone part easily came off and a parent luckily caught it before it became a tragic situation. I know my mother suggested that when it comes time to get rid of the binky to cut it back. They won't like it and won't be so tempted to use it. That was her method with her 4 kids. I'm not sure if this is any better than having a holey binky but it worked for her. Goodluck to you & your grand daughter!
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• United States
29 Apr 09
If she is old enough to bite holes into it, its time for her to let it go. Not only can she than choke on the pieces if they are big enough, but it is no longer soothing her its creating a habit. My son's grandparents, took him off the pacifier(accidentally) but when he came home, he no longer needed it, when he stayed with them, he threw it away and they assumed he lost it, when he would cry thats when we assumed he needed it, to shush him up for our own good,but after a few days he was completely over it. Use your judgment if you think she is too big, she is
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@dfollin (25544)
• United States
30 Apr 09
Yeah,but my son and my grand daughters mother keep giving them back to her.
• United States
29 Apr 09
neither one of my boys cared much about one. can't really give u any good info on what to do. i had a time getting mine off the bottle tho. they can sure get attached to things to be litlle fellows. good luck!
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