I don't know how to deal!!

@messageme (2821)
United States
April 28, 2009 11:38pm CST
I need someone to help me! I don't know how to deal with this! I thought everything was ok and now he is leaving me. I couldn't put into words to let anyone know how I feel about him. I have been hoping for a ring and this is what I get! I seen myself growing old with him. My love is so strong for him that if someone would shoot at him I would jump in front of the bullet for him. This came out of no where he just tells me one day this isn't going to work out and he is thinking about leaving.....He wasn't just thinking it, his mind is set. I can't deal with it. He says he loves me very much but he is unhappy. If you love and care about someone so much how can you just hurt them so much and he is not even willing to try. He says we already have. I didn't even know something was wrong until it was too late so how could I try to make it better. He says he has been looking at woman more, how can he do that if he loves me? I have never thought of another man, I have never looked at another man. I am so happy with what I had and now its gone. I know this is normal and everyone goes through heartaches, but I am 27 years old and I have had my share, trust me. But none have ever felt like this. I thought I finally had my family I always wanted and the most perfect relationship! After my heart had been broken so many times before I told myself I would never love again....Of course I did. And now look. I am too old for this!! I thought once you are older people actually try to work out their relationships, not just give up on them. I have so much pain built up that I don't know what to do. Its so bad I feel like I can barely breath! I need someone to hold me and tell me it will be ok, but he was my best friend so now who do I turn too? I feel like such a failure to my kids. Why could I not see this and fix it! Why could he not just talk to me and let me know that things were bugging him? He use to tell me everything!
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13 responses
@cvodrey (225)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I went through EXACTLY what you are going through when I was 28. I was with a man for five years. And suddenly he started acting different, coming home later, or not at all. He was cold and distant. And my heart was breaking into a million pieces everyday. I thought I was going to lose my mind. Well...I guess I kind of did. I went from 135 to 102 in about six months. I smoked three packs of Marlboro reds a day. And my kids were constantly asking me, "Mommy, why are you crying all the time?" There's more...but it would take forever to write. Let him go. (imo)He tells you he loves you because that is what you want to hear, and he doesn't want to feel like the bad guy. That is what my ex did. It turned out that he had fallen in love with someone else. It might feel like he is the right guy for you. But just because we want something doesn't make it so. In fact, I am glad now that my ex and I split. It took me forever to figure out how something so perfect could end so badly. You know the old saying though, "the ends justify the means". Think of your relationship as a stepping stone. In the end I realize that that is what mine was. It hurt to let him go, but I learned a lot from the time he and I had together. He made me a better person. As of now I am re-married to the kind of man I always dreamed I would marry, and I have bore two chldren with him. Ends are sloppy...but all ends are beginnings to something else.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Parts of this are so true for me too. He swears up and down there is no one else though. I don't want no more stones, He is the person I always dreamed of. I realize that just because we want something doesn't mean anything, why does it have to be such a hard lesson though?
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@cvodrey (225)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I wish I knew why the lessons had to be so hard and painful. For me, I think it made me stronger to know that I could survive losing the one person I thought I couldn't live without. I also learned that friendships are very very important. And that was something I was shorted on when he and I were together.
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• China
29 Apr 09
I think, one may have lost his mind at that monent. So, do what you think is right for you, and do whick you think is able for you, and do what you think is what you want. Maybe, when times gone, every thing will be new for you, and also new for everyone.
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• United States
29 Apr 09
you got to get grip, girlfriend. just think about it as good riddance to bad rubbish & go on w/your life. u are not the failure, he is. some men can't be true, always looking for the grass to be greener on the other side but they eventually find out it's not. don't let him back in when he gets over this little fling because he will do the very same thing to u again. been there, done that so please think hard on what i'm saying. i don't mean to be mean to you just being truthful.
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• United States
29 Apr 09
very well said, jelly.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I have done that beore...let someone back in that left me once and yes the same thing happen again. I would never do that again! NEVER. That is what makes this so hard is for how much I love him I truely know this is the end. And I don't want it to be. there is so much more we haven't shared together. I do believe that if he did love me as much as he says then he would do everything in his power to keep us together and he is not. He says he just knows it would end eventually. That is not love at all!! How could someone leave the one they love?
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29 Apr 09
absolutely right atique, that man does not deserve your love at all.. if he truly loved you then he would have made his real feelings known to you and he would have done everything he could to keep you guys together. Think of it as salvation for you.. at least you didnt say I do to him.. Imagine if he said that after you were married?! now that would be a nightmare.. but your free now and don't waste your love on him. He's obviuosly a waste of time and he will never find true happiness if he has such a mediocre character. You did nothing wrong, so I say jump up and down and go phew! thank God he's gone.. Happy my lotting..
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@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
29 Apr 09
I think for you it is better this way than you will know it when you two are tied together. I find it really amazed how he could say that he loves you but is unhappy. Love is enough reason to be happy in life. I can just conclude in his statement that he really doesn't love you at all, because if he really loves you he is already happy. I am advising you to move on with your life. although that may be difficult for the time being but if you choose to grieve over it it would just lose your precious time in moving on. Be happy that you were not caught in it in the middle of being married to him. Think of it that you are still lucky that he went out of your life when things are not too serious in your relationship. I know there are things that is hard to leave behind but that is the past and now he want's out.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I tried figuring that out too. I told him that if you love someone then that person would make you happy. Then it turned to you do make me happy, but there are just to many problems. Why did he not talk to me about these problems then? I didn't even know they existed. Things use to be so perfect with us.
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• China
29 Apr 09
I think it is you who could answer all the questions. Because this is your own thing, and you, not someone else, who know all the details, whick will take the future life to you. So, in my opinion, you should think, think, and think, then do what you think is right. And best wishes to you, have a good luck!
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@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
29 Apr 09
I think he is just making excuses to get out from this relationship. That is all those problems that he was telling are just a way for him to justify his decision and nothing at all. If he really loves you he would do anything on his power to make the problem not a problem in the relationship. but what did he do he allowed it to happen maybe because just to find a reason for you to split up.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
1 May 09
It is really sorry state of affairs that despite your best efforts and dedication you are going to face this unfortunate situation. I would say give it a last try and even then it does not work, let him go. If someone is so stone heart and careless about you, why should you bother about him. God is great and am hopeful that you will adjust with the situation sooner than later. All the best.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
2 May 09
Hope you will come to terms soon and will be able to live happily and will adjust to the circumstances. My best wishes to you!
@messageme (2821)
• United States
1 May 09
Thank you, I think the schock of this is starting to wear off. I have come to realize he has no intentions on trying to work out anything and he is leaving. I guess just like everything else in life I will have to deal with it. I do hope I feel better soon.
@raydene (9871)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Hello Darling This isn't about you Sweets It's about him. You did nothing! It's not your fault! His is leaving because he is either unable to commit to a real relationship or he wants another. Try to get past it asap and get on with your life. Look at the good things in your life Count your blessings...Like a fire.. you will emerge a better person out of the ashes of this relationship. Give it time Doll you will be ok. xoxooxxoxo
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I'm learning you can never count on anyone but yourself. There is no such thing as true love. And just because things seem to be ok doesn't mean they are.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
29 Apr 09
One of the hardest things there is in life is to let go of someone you love....but as the old saying goes....If you love something set if free.....if it comes back to you it will be yours forever....if it doesn't it never belonged to you! Let go....see what happens.....maybe he'll be back and after seeing what the other side looks like....he might have a new attitude.....and if he doesn't come back....you can make your life your own..... I know it's hard right now...but trust me. Each day will get better and you put them behind you.....the pain will ease!
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
30 Apr 09
I keep telling myself that too, but at the same time if he ever did want to come back I don't think I could because I would be too scared he would do it again.
@riyasam (16556)
• India
30 Apr 09
you do love him,if so set him free,if he ever was yours,he will come back to you.all these self-pity talks will make him want to go farther away from you.act as if you dont care,let him realise he needs you!give him some time and space!!
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
30 Apr 09
thanks for the advice. I have thought about that myself, but then it comes down to if he realizes his mistake after he leaves then I wouldn't want to take him back because I would be scared he would do it again.
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
29 Apr 09
My love life is almost the same like your, but He never say he wants to leave me. I always told him that I want to leave him and he pretends it means nothing to him cuz he never want to leave me. Love is hard for you as a woman, so DO I? I feel what you feel and see what you see... however, you have to stand up and deal with it... nothing that you can't do. You have to be strong, and talk to him about this problem. If he say he loves you but he unhappy, and also had looked for another woman, that's a jerk. He just say it but he didn't mean it for the word (I love you). Does he is a head of household? if he does pay all the bills and mostly make the decision by himself then he just want to do something follow his feeling only, not you. I meant, he just do what he wants and doesn't care how you feel and the kids. If you are talking about old, you are not old. 27 is not too old, I am 25 with two kids and I never depend on my husband. I always think about myself and my kids first. you can say I am selfish but if you think and know about my life then you wouldn't say so. If you want to make this thing work with your husband, you should talk to him nicely. Ask him what does make him want to get divorce? What went wrong? ask him to tell you and you will promise to correct it. Explain to him, how hard if he is not in the family anymore, how about the kids? what should you do?. Another thing, if he is getting divorce, he has to support you and your kids. Ask him if he wants to do that? and everything has to be separate. And tell him that each one of us will be loosing everything, family, money, benefits, and love and care. well, tell him to think about it all over again and everything is not too late. Say, you are there waiting for him to change his mind and you will do anything to make this family work. I know it is hard for you now, but if you dont act now then everything will go upside down. For your kids and your family, then you have to dare to do anything.. I wish you good luck and hope it comes out what you want. Always think, a lot of people in mylot will give you an advice, so dont fall apart alone. Good luck my friend.
• United States
29 Apr 09
I feel for you, I do... but you're ONLY 27. Trust me you're not "too old for this". I was married for 14 years, had 3 great kids, but one craptastic husband. That was 14 years of my life wasted and here I am 34 and just rediscovering how it feels to truly be loved the right way. Life has it's knocks, same with love. You can't ever make someone your everything, not only is that not fair to do to them, it's not fair to you either. That's a hell of a lot of pressure to put on eachother. It's better to walk away/let him go now than to discover years too late that you wasted your life on what you only *thought* was perfect.
@messageme (2821)
• United States
29 Apr 09
It's just so hard.
@berrys (864)
• Singapore
29 Apr 09
he says he loves you but he is unhappy, do you actually love him or do you just want a man in your life? surely if he was unhappy you would've been able to see it because happiness and unhappiness works vice-verse if one person has it the other is bound to have it to. you have kids to think about, don't do stupid things. if you want him back try rationalizing things out with him, ask him what is it that he's looking for in a relationship, but you musn't change for him, you deserve way better than to change for a man who thinks he loves you. my dear take a holiday and clear your mind, leave your kids with your mother for a few days, go somewhere with a beach and just take a stroll and clear your mind. its better to have loved than to not love at all. one day, the right guy for you will come along, so don't bother with this frog, your prince charming's still out there waiting upon your arrival. and when your carriage comes you shall find your happily ever after. good luck and god bless. cheers love.
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I could tell he didn't seem as happy and when I asked what was wrong he would say nothing. I started questioning things because of the way he was acting, so because of that he started to say I am being jealous and controlling. Yes I truely love him and I know I do. I have been in a relationship where I thought I loved someone but later to find out it was more of a lush. I know the difference. Sad thing is I can't take a holiday and leave the kids with my mother. My mom left me too when I was 16. Everyone I love leaves me.....
• United States
8 May 09
I really feel for you messageme I know that you have talked about issues that you have been having with you current so. I myself feel that if he is stating he is not happy and you are than there must be something he is not sharing with you. Is there at all a chance that you both could go to consuleing and see if you guys can work thru this? I have no idea what is really happening but this would be the best opinion or advice that I could give you. take care and keep in touch with me okay:)
@messageme (2821)
• United States
11 May 09
He wasnt willing to do that. I asked. He just doesn't want to do anything about it:( thanks for the help though
@mymhie5 (118)
• Philippines
29 Apr 09
failing is part of life move on gurl
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@messageme (2821)
• United States
29 Apr 09
so basically we are all here to fail? Or does it just keep following me around?
• China
29 Apr 09
i think i have the same problem with you. but you are so lucky that he said love you . i just love him , but he reject me . i try my best to forget him ,but i found i could not forget him. he will go to usa next month, i don't konw what i can do . i am so sad. i want to speak to him ,maybe just a goodnight! but no,noting so you are lucky.
• United States
29 Apr 09
I think you are better than him. he doesn't love you, and you love him so much... he is blind. I say, He is totally stupid. I see, he has diamond but thought it was a sh*t. Forget him and move on, nothing is end just one man... I know, there are many men out there are wonderful than him and will make everything change in your heart if you find yourself to accept another man. Good luck
@messageme (2821)
• United States
30 Apr 09
I feel like he is rejecting me anyways. I don't think his words of him saying he still loves me means anything because if they did then why would he be doing this.