Does Ranking Always Catch Up to Allinanchor?

@lishiwei (1550)
April 29, 2009 12:18am CST
I have a number of competitive keywords on which I've done a good deal of internal linking using the keywords and have started an aggressive backlink effort as well (I've also done a good deal of on-page stuff). For each of them, my allinanchor score (from McDar) is well ahead of my ranking. For instance, for the keyword "extranet", the allinanchor is 18, while my ranking is 475. For other competitive terms, I have allinanchor as high as 2, while my rankings are between 20 and 30. Can I expect my rankings to get close to my allinanchor score at some point? I know this was discussed at great length in the great "sleeping bags" experiment. Wanted to know whether that would shed any light on my current situation.
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