How's it gonna end...

@talker96 (154)
United States
April 29, 2009 7:13am CST
So I'm watching the History channel, and it's a show about the end of the world(what else does that channel show) and it got me thinking, how's it gonna end? What do you think? What will be the end of humanity as we know it, whens it gonna happen and why? This is your chance to play god, which, if I'm not mistaken, mylot was created for.(it was originally planned as a military experiment on user related weather manipulation and small claims court filing for the city of Flint, Michigan)Kill us all off people.
2 responses
@LiveLove (443)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Well last time I checked, the sun's intake of specific gases has its size steadily increasing. Apparently in less than 2 billion years the first three planets will be consumed by the Sun, if the Sun doesn't die out by then. Humans will most certainly cease to exist since most organism have mechanism to eliminate foreign bodies and Earth will eventual do just that, of course depending on if it becomes consumed or not. By the way, I'm not actually stating the above as what will happen but rather what I imagine would happen.
@sulynsi (2671)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
If by world ending you mean the planet earth being destroyed, never. If by humanity being destroyed, you mean humankind as a race, never. If you mean the society of today that is ruining the earth, that is different. The one who made the planet et al, intended it to be here, inhabited by human society that will look after the earth and its animal and plant life, forever. The detour of the last few thousand years is just that, a detour. It doesn't change the original intentions, nor will it stop the final fulfillment of that purpose. No one needs to "play god". That part is already taken.