do you know how to swim?

swimming - how important?
April 29, 2009 8:17am CST
you wan to know how if you still dont know how to? is it important that you'll know how to do it? what are the advantages? i know how to./.. and im proud i do... even without someone helping me out to study how to swim...
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15 responses
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
15 Jul 09
Well, I know how to swim. It is really great if you know considering that you can really enjoy when you are in the beach or in the pool. Its just a matter of practice since I think everyone of us will be able to do it.
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@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
18 Jul 09
You are right indeed. Well, I do hope that you will be able to learn well and enjoy much. Just be safe always and make sure that you will have someone with you as you swim, most especially in the sea.
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• Philippines
18 Jul 09
i do have so much fun swimming my friend. ive learn it when i was still young and glad that i did have that chance to know it. thanks for sharing! jhelai
• Philippines
18 Jul 09
yes you are right jpso! we could all do it. just have fun and everything will go just as expected.t hanks for sharing. jhelai
@xannebull (1793)
• Philippines
1 May 09
i can swim a little but not for so long, i can do swimming when i know that i can just step on the floor everytime i felt out of breather. i love swimming and always go to swimming pool and beaches especially on hot weather, i just love to swim and i hope i can go to a training school for swimming.
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• Philippines
15 Jul 09
well, i guess that already a good try my friend. and i know you can do it. soon you will. keep it up and stay those determination! thanks friend jhelai
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• Philippines
18 Jul 09
hello virajqi you can also ask for that discussion. that is so good. thanks for sharing jhelai
• Sri Lanka
16 Jul 09
I like to swimming pool too, but why are you didn't try to swim to river. Its not easy, I think its interesting question too.
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• United Arab Emirates
15 Jul 09
I had 2 drowning experiences in the past 5 years and thats why I think it was necessary to learn swimming. I started out by registering at a local swimming club, then got a hang of it, watched some videos online and am still practicing..I think you should to the same, its a means of survival so why not check the videos posted on youtube, it could help!
• Philippines
18 Jul 09
i know how to swim my friend and thanks for sharing about you views and nice ideas. basic swimming is alredy a great big help for someone who needed it. and i hope you could do it. stay safe jhelai
• Hong Kong
1 May 09
Unfortunately, I don't know how to swim. My dad tried to teach me quite a few times when I was a kid but I didn't get to get the hang of it *smiles*. I never tried to learn afterwards and therefore I still don't know how to swim.
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• Philippines
18 Jul 09
thnaks for responding friend. and thats good you are becoming a good swimmer. jhelai
• Philippines
15 Jul 09
well thats just fine my friend. some do know and some still didnt know how to swim. we cant do anything about it, i guess. but i love the water so i really have a bigger tendency of knowing how to do it. thanks friend jhelai
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• Sri Lanka
16 Jul 09
I loves swimming in the sea, but I becoming good swimmer.
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@youless (112366)
• Guangzhou, China
15 Jul 09
Yes, I learned how to swim when I was a child. I think it is an important ability. I have several friends who don't know how to swim at all. When we go to swim, I feel sorry to them because it's not very funny for them anyway. And if there are any accidents one day, swimming may give you a chance to survive. I love China
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• Philippines
18 Jul 09
swimming is really a very helpful skill to learn and hopefully know about. it helps in times of distress and a best way to exercise as well. hope your friends will have the time to learn about swimming. stay safe jhelai
@111flylcx (267)
• China
1 May 09
Three days ago our school's natatorium open to all the students .Many classmates are going to swim.Unfortunatly , I cann't swim .When i walk along the swimming pool,I may feel dizzy . I admire those who can swim like a fish in the pool.
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• Philippines
15 Jul 09
maybe you are hydrophobic? anyways my friend, still i do hope you could learn the basic steps of swimming for your own safety measures too. thanks for sharing jhelai
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• Philippines
10 May 09
I still don't know how to swim but I'd like to learn how to.
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• Philippines
15 Jul 09
and dont give hope, okey?! you still can do it. just be determined and that good spirit of knowing about it, keep it up! thanks friend jhelai
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
27 Jun 09
Hi jhe, I like swimming and I always enjoyed swimming during my school days. I had some classmates with comment interest and we would have our whole day swim during Saturday noon. We used to go swimming in the nearby waterfall or swimming pool. We brought some foods and drinks together with us when we went to have fun in the water I seldom go to swim nowadays. I would like to have swimming only when having vacation. Yeah, I have fun together with my trip friends swimming in the hotel swimming pool. It's much safer and convenient as well to swim in the pool than in the sea or waterfall. Happy posting and have a nice day!
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• Philippines
18 Jul 09
thanks so much my friend for sharing. yeah i love swimming with friends but now we seldom do it because of busy schedules and everything else. stay safe my dear! jhelai
@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
1 May 09
I have practiced breathing and floating but, I just can't do them together at the same time so, I guess I still don't know how to swim. I really want to learn how but, maybe some day.. I guess..
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@ratyz5 (7808)
• Philippines
15 Jul 09
Hwoa~! Its been a long time since I last posted in this discussion of yours.. Actually, I started to have swimming lessons from my colleague last month and I was able to float, breath and now, do an awkward free style stroke. My colleague calls it 'front crawl' which I think does make sense when you look at how one moves during free style. (^_^ ) If I am comfortable with free style, I'll try other strokes (^_^ ) I will indeed keep it up
• Philippines
18 Jul 09
yeah its been a long time that i havent visited mylot my friend thats why it is just now that i got the time to scan through my discussions and commented on them. ... wow!!! that is so great... you learned a lot already and thats good. congrats... stay safe jhelai
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• Philippines
15 Jul 09
i wish you good luck for it my friend. and i know you still can do it. just have that determination. keep it up! jhelai
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
1 May 09
I know how to swim but that too only to the extent that I can swim to save myself. I have a doubt if I can save other's life who doesn't know how to swim. I think only advantage is that you will not loose your life in water if nobody is near to you for some hours.
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• Philippines
15 Jul 09
thats good my friend. atleast you still know ho wto do it and saving your life is the most main issue why we need to know how to swim, right? thanks for sharing jhelai
@modstar (9605)
• Philippines
1 May 09
Yes i do but not much. As long as it's not more than 2 feet above my height. Anything above my height kind of makes me nervous to swim. If possible, there's should be an edge somewhere so i can just swim to that direction so i can hold on to something. I am a lot more careful when i'm swimming on the beach because there are no edges so i try to swim only as deep as my neck.
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• Philippines
15 Jul 09
really? well before i am also like that. but when i grow older i rather like to swim to places at the sea or pool which is higher than me. as to exercise and make my self be use to the settings and places. thanks friend jhelai
@ucue2008 (924)
• Malaysia
21 Jul 09
Wow, you learn by yourself to swim? That's amazing. My pupils always swim near the river, and they always asked me to join, but I'm too scared, so I cannot swim. If I can, of course I want to know how to swim, it kind fun and great.
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• Philippines
21 Jul 09
yeah! its really is fun my friend. well my brothers and dad taught me about swimming when i was still young. but i am also a very determined type of person. if what i really want to learn but be done! and thats how i did it! i am also so very attentive with the proper way on how to do it. and glad that i did know about swimming. jhelai
@Jouhar (409)
• India
1 May 09
I'm an expert at swimming and diving . I learned swimming from my father and there was a river near my home. It helped me a lot
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• Philippines
15 Jul 09
wow! thats great. my dad is also my trainer. nice to be able to know about it, right? thanks friend jhelai
• United States
19 Jul 09
When I was a kid, my brother pushed me into deep water and told me to swim and that he wouldn't save me. I started to doggie paddle instinctively. After that I wasn't afraid to keep learning.
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• Philippines
20 Jul 09
and thats good for keep on learning that the best way it is. thanks for sharing friend. jhelai
@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I know how to swim. I feel it is important to know how because you never know when you may have to use that skill. I learned late. I was around ten or so. I am trying to find out about my son getting lessons. Better safe then sorry.
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• Philippines
15 Jul 09
yes i know what you mean my friend. itss nice to know how to swim because we dont know when it is badly needed in the future. its a great help for us too. specially to our children. though i didnt get those lessons in knowing how to do it. its really my own free will and determination to know how to do it. thanks friend jhelai