Someone Dropped Off Another Friendly Cat
By CatsandDogs
@CatsandDogs (13963)
United States
April 29, 2009 10:48am CST
at my neighbor's house and she called us to see if he was ours and her description sounded like he was our Dreamer so hubby went to see and to ask if the lady would want to keep him and she didn't and said she was going to call the animal catcher so hubby brought him home instead. I looked at him and knew this kitty is Dreamer's son because he's marked just like him. So now it's back to having 10 cats again. I certainly can't turn him away. He didn't ask to be born and he didn't ask to be put in the situation that he's in so we will give him a home. Not to sound mean or anything but I was hoping our numbers would dwindle some so I could eventually get another siamese cat just like my Gracie but it doesn't look like it's going to work that way. Oh well. God has His reasons for He knows best so we will make the best of it. After all, I wouldn't want to be in any homeless kitties feet.
Hubby named this kitty Spot because he has a white spot on his back.
Now I stress the importance of this, SPAY and NEUTER your pets!! If you can't afford to then you shouldn't have it!! There just aren't enough homes to go around!! Please, do the right thing and SPAY and NEUTER all of your pets!! It IS the right thing to do!!
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21 responses
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I agree wholeheartedly! But, I'd like to add that, at least here in this country, there is a program called "S.N.A.P." (Spay/Neuter Assistance Program). You can find them online. They offer a reduced cost spaying/neutering program. All you need to do is show proof of the animal's vaccinations and you can have this done at a greatly reduced cost.
If you can't afford the vaccinations, either, you don't deserve the privilege of owning a pet. They need their vaccinations just as much as our children need theirs. Moreso, actually, if these animals are allowed to roam outdoors, because some diseases are so easily spread, like rabies, parvo, etc.
GREAT POST, Cats, and congratulations on your new kitty!!! 

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@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
Our local shelter is offering reduced rates on pets adopted from the shelter, and low income families! 

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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
29 Apr 09
A lot of the agencies that help people find low cost spay/neuter programs also offer reduced rate vaccinations and some places even have a free vaccination day where you can bring you pets in and get them at least the rabies and distemper shots. If it's at all possible, keeping your cats inside ill help them live longer and healthier lives.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Apr 09
All of my fur babies are allowed outside to roam. Well, the dogs have a huge fenced in yard but the cats can go any and everywhere they want to. I can't afford a cat fence.... maybe when I win the lottery. lol I guess I have to get father and son together to be neutered because I can't have them intact or they'll go out and make some more. I know of a place that's really cheap in doing it and thanks for that information!! Actually, Dreamer goes back and forth between my home and my neighbors, just that she doesn't know it yet and I was hoping she'd take him in to be fixed but it doesn't look like it so I'll have to. And I already have 9 cats Marti, no congrats needed but thanks.... I just didn't need any more but I certainly can NOT turn it away.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
30 Apr 09
Hi cats! I think that is so wonderful how you open up your
home for another stray cat! I wish I could do that for every
stray animal in the world! I agree with you that we need to
take care of as many animals as we can and make sure that
they are neutered and taken care of! I don't have the room
in my tiny apartment or the money or I would have 10 cats too!
It breaks my heart to know that so many animals are without
homes! I cry every time I see an ASPCA commericial and know
that I can't take all those animals home with me!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Apr 09
OMG--are you two talking about that ASPCA with that singer Sarah MacLalan's??? I found a YouTube video of it where she sings In The Arms Of an Angel
Okay ladies....tissues out

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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
30 Apr 09
Oh gosh Opal, I have to change the channel when that commercial comes on because I just can't handle it. It's like acid to my conscience, it eats me up alive so I can't watch it if my life depended on it. Those sad eyes, one to another and another and the music and the words.... no way.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
30 Apr 09
Yup.... that's the one. I can't watch that commercial it tears me apart!!
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
29 Apr 09
You know I am an animal lover too. But I can't afford to spay or neuter them. I can't even afford to feed them, but somehow manage to do it. My cats adopted me, some kid dropped off a box of kittens. He was on his way down to the creek to drop them off there. My son told him to leave them. Of course I couldn't let them starve, for food or for love. of course they found people, they weren't going any place. I do agree with you, it is best to spay and neuter your pets.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Polly, I'm serious about this now, call the human society or animal shelter and see how much they charge to have them fixed. They either do it free or on an offset cost so you can afford to have it done, they go according to what you get every month and I WILL SEND YOU THE MONEY via snail mail or if I figure paypal out, I'll send it by paypal. I'm serious and don't you dare turn me down! lol I'll spank your hiney!! lol
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 May 09
Tomorrow is Monday Polly.... I'll be waiting for that amount so don't forget to call and find out how much it'll cost to have your cats fixed. It's so important. Besides, the howling of a in heat female can drive a person bonkers! 

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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
30 Apr 09
glad that beautiful kitty has found its way to your home. we have had so many drop offs to our place and we really do not have the means to keep them. sadly the local shelter will not take them either.... if we feed them we encourage them to hang around - yet we also can not afford to feed or vaccinate them or neuter them - so we hope that they will move along... in the mean time I feel so bad to not give them affection and food. One has stayed here for a few months now, I guess it is eating mice and shrews or rabbits from the field, not sure why it is living here it has not been encouraged and it flees whenever one of us comes around. there are a lot of predators around our place that would make a meal of such a critter. a real pretty long haired tortise shell with yellow eyes that slant upwards on the outside..
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@kamaal_ahmed2006 (18)
• India
30 Apr 09
i love cats cats r very friendly & sweet.u can't throw ur cats like a garbage.they depend on u for their needs once they become take care for them
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
1 May 09
That's so nice of you to say! Maybe there are more cat lovers than I first thought and gosh, it feels so good to know that!! Believe me, it's not me who's throwing these cats out, someone else is and they come here to be loved and for food and shelter which I will provide for them. I can not turn an animal away. I don't have the mean heart to do so.
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@crazydaisy (3896)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
I agree with you about that people should look after there cats allot better I found one which was a only 12 weeks old I ended bring it home now I got 6 cats the kitten was. jet black.just what I need and a dog you think I liveing in a farm hehe...meow meow meow ruffruff..I agree with you about what you said.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I now have 10 cats, 2 need to be neutered, and 4 dogs, one needs neutering when he's old enough. I DON'T NEED ANYMORE!! lol But for the life of me, I can't turn any of them away or send them to any shelter because after all, they didn't ask to be born or to be put in the situation that they're in. Besides, if I were a cat, I'd hope someone would take me in, feed me and love me till my days end.
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@crazydaisy (3896)
• Canada
30 Apr 09
I agree with you I would do same as you do if I found a little puppy!!!
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Agreed 100% about spay and nuetering pets. I had a stary Black Labrador roaming my neighborhood. It was a very friendly dog as the third time it went by my house he came when I called him so I placed him in my backyard calling the police. He was removed and I called the Humane society 3 days later and the owner claimed him.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I have been away for almost 2 weeks due to troll attacks on me.
I called them to take the dog if noone claimed it actually.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Hi Grandpa Bob!!
Good to see you!! Where have you been hiding?!
Hubby and I found a few dogs on the loose and luckily we were able to find their owners and return them. I haven't seen them since so they must've gotten stronger chains to keep them on. I couldn't call the shelter because I'd be afraid they'd be put to sleep but luckily in your case, the owner found him. 

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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
29 Apr 09
You are so right about the spaying and neutering. That's partially how I ended up with my zoo (along with lovely people in the neighborhood just dropping their kitties off on my doorstep all the time). I have 12 at the moment. I need to get my two feral females caught and spayed. They just came out of their I'm doomed if I don't get them in. Your Spot is very lucky to have you for his new mommy. I'll bet he'll be as spoiled as the rest of them soon...if he's not already. LOL!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I guess I'm the cat lady of this neighborhood but that's ok, I love each and every one of them very dearly. They will all be cared for, that's for sure. We now give them their shots when they need it, all except for the rabies because it has to be done by a licensed veterinarian. I'll be taking father and son to the vet soon to be neutered because I certainly don't need anymore but I can NOT turn any of them away so if another were to come, it's found it's forever home.
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
29 Apr 09
People dropping their pregnant cats and unwanted kittens on someone's doorstep is how we got our latest, Booboo. Hubby went to go fix a customers car and she had like 30 cats and kittens due to people leaving them for her (knowing she'd do right by them) and she BEGGED him to take at least one, so he came home with Booboo (cat #7) for my anniversary gift. LOL
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I'm still banging my head up against the wall..... 30 freaking cats?! Wow!! But at least they're with someone who loves them but I pray she's caring for them in shots too....
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
30 Apr 09
You're right, I couldn't have known. I'm not a psychic but I was suppose to be there that night and wished I was because I feel I could've saved them all. Losing all three pets and my fiance' was more than I could bear at the time. It was like my whole life was erased because nothing and no body existed anymore. It was 18 years ago but it's still very close to my heart.
Thanks Elic. Hugs!
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@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
29 Apr 09
I agree CatsandDogs neutering and spaying is VERY important. When we got our shihtzu Katie she had just had puppies that were being sold and she had also had a litter before that so when we realized that the owners were basically treating her like a puppy mill we decided to take her instead of a puppy. After paying $250 for her you can imagine me being a "tad" ticked off when we found out she hadn't even had a set of shots yet when we were told that she had been shot up to date! So we cut our losses, got her shots, examined, and spayed! Now she seems a lot happier, the vet even commented on that
so that makes me happy
!! That's awesome you took another cat in, bless your heart

@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
30 Apr 09
I was happy to find out from the vet visit that Katie is in fact a purebred shihtzu I was just ticked that I was told her shots were all up to date and she hadn't even had one a day in her life! BUT since we've had her she has been spayed, and gets her yearly shots and check up! I do agree with spaying and neutering though. It's crazy how many unwanted, homeless, and sheltered pets their are now a days!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Oh I do know how you feel PurpleTeddyBear! Because I wanted another Chihuahua for my other one to have a companion and we found Missy but she didn't look pure bred but we loved her anyway and bought her. Well she's full grown now and so is her sister, Lady, that someone had bought for us instead of for himself like he made it seem and neither one look like a Chihuahua because their ears don't stand up at all. So all the money that was spent to get them only to find out that they weren't pure bred after all made us a "tad ticked off" too but, like you, we sucked it up and didn't say anything to the woman about it.
Not that we wanted another cat, we were waiting for the numbers to dwindle down some so I could eventually get another siamese but I guess I won't for a good long time. However, for the life of me, I can NOT turn him away. He'll be fixed right along with his daddy.
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@ChaJudLeoBit (1656)
• United States
1 May 09
I certainly know how you feel about the multiple kitty home. I'm the same way. I have... plenty kitties inside, plus I feed a feral cat population outside. I even tried to get some of the outside kitties fixed at one time when I had the $ to do it, but I haven't done that in a long time. My inside kitties don't go out if they aren't fixed, but I have a boy who is getting older and may be a risk to a few of the girls I haven't fixed yet.
I am unemployed right now, so they make me want to pull my hair out!! LEAVE EACH OTHER ALONE!!!
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@ChaJudLeoBit (1656)
• United States
4 May 09
I met a woman at a convenience store who said she knew of a place to get low or no cost spaying. She told me to come back and get the info from her, but I have forgetten. So I should do that. Especailly since I now have 3 MORE KITTENS!!! AAAHHHHRRRRRR!!
But they are SO cute!
Want one?
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
1 May 09
Wow! You're awesome!! Not many would contribute to the feral cats like you have and that's really awesome of you to do that!! I do feel for you though, being unemployed and having female cats in need of spaying.... oh gosh. Have you called the humane society about your plight? They may be able to help you in finding a place where you could take them to be fixed and not cost you anything. It's certainly worth a try!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 May 09
Oh gosh, another unwanted litter. No I don't want or need any more cats. I have 10 of them already which is more than enough. Please do get that information and get them all fixed before they have any more. PLEASE!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Apr 09
Well congratulations on your new addition CatsandDogs. Even though you were hoping to get another Siamese like Gracie and no doubt from a shelter, you're still saving a little life by bringing in Dreamer's "son"--hope you take pics soon...

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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
30 Apr 09
All I know it's NOT easy AND expensive. One would need a lot of land, build housing areas, and NOT caged areas...what I envision are housing for say cats that are free roaming, have their own beds, condos to play in..the same type of set up could be done for dogs..though might have to do separate quarters according to breeds. The food expense is the pits..I know one pet rescuer that spends about $3,000 a MONTH on just pet food...then there are the vet costs...sheesh...lets hope we win mega million lottos...LOL
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
30 Apr 09
Ahhhhh dreaming the dream and wishing we could live it....
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
30 Apr 09
If you can find a way, I'm more than game to do it!! It's a long time dream of mine to do a rescue but I don't know where to go or how to start....
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@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
29 Apr 09
oh i know what you mean I think the word sucker is on my mailbox or my pets hand out flyers saying if you need a safe place to go go see my mom I have 3 cats an 2 dogs allwere strays with sad stories an there is a man on our street that has at least 20 cats that keep having babies he has been fined but it dosent do any good a friend of mine catch the wild kittens cause i am sure you know 20 cats make over 30 more but we catch them an try to find homes for them but there is just so much we can do to help these guys we just caught 12 an placed them in a no kill shelter
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Apr 09
That man is an inconsiderate @ss!! What you could do is catch all the cats, as many as you can at any given time and take them to the no kill shelter so they could get the proper care that they all need including spaying and neutering so there's no more to add to the population. A cat and it's mate can produce so many kittens and the population grows and grows like this listing that I've found and that's if 2 kittens live, no imagine if all 4 to 8 live how much more there would be!! Please do something to help them!
1 year: 12
2 years: 67
3 years: 376
4 years: 2,107
5 years: 11,801
6 years: 66,088
7 years: 370,092
8 years: 2,072,514
9 years: 11,606,077
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@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Wells thats what we do is catch them an take them to the no kill shelter an sorry to say the road killed alot of them an the county just came down an caught a bunchI think he is up to 6 left but you know that would still be alot more kittens if these 6 are not caught soon to an the thing is now he says they are not his cats an are telling everyone to catch them an get rid of them in other words he wants sommeone to clean his mess
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Congrats on the new baby! Dreamer looks just like my latest baby, Booboo! We've got seven cats (all fixed) and three dogs if that makes you feel a little less like a crazy person. Hubby is just as bad as me if not worse when it come to bringing every livin' creature he finds home for me to take care of! There is an organization here that took Boobookitty for a day and got him fixed for twenty bucks! Wish I'd known about that a few cats back, could've saved a TON of money - but he caught a cold there that quickly spread to all the other cats in the house. Everyone's OK now, but it was pretty slimy here for a while.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Wow AngryKitty!! You're very lucky to have a husband like him!! Awesome!! I've got to tell you, when this lady called, hubby told her no it wasn't our cat but he's not much of an animal lover anyways which does bother me but he doesn't hurt them. When he got off the phone and described the cat to me, I screamed that's Dreamer!! Go get him BUT see if the lady wants to keep him then he can stay but if not bring him home. He came back with this cat that looks soooo much like Dreamer but it wasn't and hubby knew this so I was floored to see him bring this cat home KNOWING full well that it wasn't Dreamer!! I'm shaking my head thinking "What the hell just happened?
Did my hubby have a change of heart?"
In any case, I'm glad to see it because it means he does have a heart after all!!
I'm falling in love again!! lol
Dreamer isn't all my cat. He goes between me and another neighbor that's three houses down from me only the lady doesn't know he does this and I was hoping she'd get him fixed but she hasn't so it looks like father and son will be going in together and SOON!!

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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
1 May 09
Ohhhh boy! You're in for a treat, aren't you? Payback's are hell! lol
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@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
29 Apr 09
Some animals know how to steal a heart, which apparently this one did to hubby! Even if he won't admit it, he probably misses Gracie too, and just fell in love with the little guy.
My hubby and I deserve eachother, he keeps bringing them home and he KNOWS I'm not gonna say no! I did tell him that he needs to stop bringing them home, because we are over-run with pets here, but I know the next fuzzy face that rubs against his pant leg will find it's way into my home and my heart. We really are a couple of suckers! LOL FIVE of the seven cats were brought here by him in the ten years we've been together and he brought home dog number three, Oreo, who is an absolute menace (he ATE my dining room floor!) but he's cute and I love that big dumb dog. We already had MY pets when we met, the only thing I've added to the family are our children (and I had help in that department) and all the fish (three tanks!).But growing up I drove my mom nuts, as did my dad, bringing home every single stray that crossed our paths. She'd yell at us and say no way could we keep them, but in the end always let us keep them anyway. Now that I'm grown she confesses that she did the same thing to HER parents! I can only imagine what MY kids will be bringing home for us when they're older! LOL
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@mummymo (23706)
30 Apr 09
Awww Spot is gorgeous indeed! I am glad that he found you and will be well homed and looked after! I have to agree that it is only responsible to have your pet neutered/spayed - there are far too many neglected/abandoned domestic animals out there who cannot fend for themselves and that is just not on. Specially here in The Uk where there are organisations who will help with the cost of doing this if you are on a low income! xxx
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
1 May 09
He's such a sweetheart! And a talker, whew! can he ever talk! lol But all he wants is some attention and love and I can provide that as well as food and water. I will have to have him and his daddy fixed and soon. I can't have them contributing to the over population.
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@BlueAngelRS (2899)
• Canada
3 May 09
I so agree with that there is too many cats and other animals needing homes at the shelter and it's so sad...I had my cat neutured when he was 9 months old and he is now 3....He's an indoor cat anyways but even so he would still have the prowling spraying instinct of a male cat!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
3 May 09
Male cats need to be neutered before they're 6 months of age because that's when their instinct comes in to go prowling for females. I know this because a couple of veterinarians told me so I do my best to abide by that however, when strays show up at all different ages, I can't get them fixed by then because they're already past that age but still, they get fixed anyways. lol
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
29 Apr 09
I can't agree with you more that you should spay and neuter your pets as long as you are not showing them !!!! Spay and neuter helps dwindle the unwanted pet pregnancies. On another note I'm so glad that you have a new family member and hope that the cute little kitten is a good fit. ..
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
29 Apr 09
That's what aggravates the hell out of me with the AKC Competitions, the show animals aren't spayed or neutered. It makes me wonder, why side are these idiots on?! Are we or are we not trying to get control of the over population? Besides that, most animals aren't pets but a "show" animal. They're not allowed to do a lot of the things dogs do which is wrong. Thanks but in truth, I didn't need another cat BUT I can NOT turn it away. I just couldn't do that to the little guy.
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@bournecaindelta (2477)
• India
1 May 09
Oh Great. I would love to have a cat, but my folks at home dont like pets and I'm stuck here without anything to have a responsibility about.And that cat looks great. I have not had the opportunity to look at Dreamer's photos, but this cat looks really sweet and cute.

@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
1 May 09
If you could have him, I'd give him to you because I have so many right now and really don't need to add more but I can not turn him away. I just can't do that because I have to put myself in his shoes and thinking of that, I wouldn't want someone to turn me away when I'm hungry and starved for love and attention.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
2 May 09
When we got our first two kittens, brother and sister, we were told that we'd be getting more cats. We have. They just show up in the neighborhood. There is another family in the neighborhood who also care of the stray cats that come along. Of course we've had all ours spayed and neutered.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
2 May 09
That's wonderful news!! I'm so glad to hear another is responsible with their furry friends! It's the only way we'll get control over the animal population but not everybody agrees. If everybody pitched in a little here and a little there, there's so much work to be done still, we'll get on the other side of the tracks and finally get a hold of the over population. Thanks my friend!
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@jugsjugs (12967)
30 Apr 09
I love cats and so do my husband.I have six cats,which have all got different personalities.They are all different ages.The thing that angers me are people who let their cat have kittens then those kittens grow up and they have kittens,etc.I have just paid a lot of money to have my two toms get neutered,there are charitys in this country who would gladly help towards the cost of a cat being spayed or neutered just to stop unwanted kittens.There are also hats homes that ould like fosteres of their cats and they pay the vets bill which if they want a cat with no vets bills thats another way of freeing up spaces and helping.I wish some people would wake up and realise its not just feeding an animal is all that it needs.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
1 May 09
You and your husband have wonderful and good hearts! I wish there were more of "us" around! Like you, I wish people would take responsibility for their animals and get them fixed and stop contributing to the over population. Gosh, all it takes it a little bit of money and a lot of love and consideration and we could get control of this. Bless your hearts for being so kind!
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