which is better. to tell a lie or tell the truth?

@sambilay (171)
April 30, 2009 12:04am CST
if you are in doubt to tell the truth and save a friend will you still lie knowing that lairs will go to hell?
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5 responses
@megalia (60)
• Indonesia
1 May 09
Telling a truth make us feel better. i think no matter how hard is it, we have to tell a truth. even we will hurt the one we love but i believe one day, they will understand our reason in doing such thing. if we still telling lies, we will hurt our friend 10 time than telling a truth.
@pickoy (733)
• Philippines
30 Apr 09
People shouldn't do anything that needs to be hidden so they won't need to lie. If we tell lies we're weaving a dangerous web for ourselves. Its a chain reaction, once you start a lie you have to make another to support the lie and another to corroborate the first lie that you've made. Telling the truth always saves you from all those troubles, no matter how hard it can be, regardless of what situation you're in, if you tell the truth your heart will be relieved and peace of mind will always be yours.
@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
30 Apr 09
Hello! It is always better to tell the truth however be the consequence.But if a lie can save some ones life than we may tell a lie,God will never be unhappy by that.thanx.
@srganesh (6340)
• India
30 Apr 09
If liars have to go to hell,then the heaven will be empty and the hell will be over crowded.We all lie at certain circumstances.And if it is to save a friend,there is nothing wrong to tell one.I won't mind to lie,if I can save a friend.Cheers!
@chookie1971 (2271)
• Australia
30 Apr 09
If people lie, it will hurt others. I have lost a friend. A really good friend because his partner lied to him. She didn't tell him the truth about what her and I was speaking about. I do put it down to jealousy on her part. What even is more sadder is that he believes her. He doesn't believe me at all and I have tried telling him the truth.