Ever had to deal with a true woman hater?

United States
April 30, 2009 11:03pm CST
Recently I had to deal with someone who had a Freudian slip and let it be known that they were a true woman hater. Women, in their mind, were reduced to nothing but the lowest of lows in terms of the human species, and even set beneath animals in their mind. I will admit I was very hurt by it at first. It shocked me that because of my beliefs, my very person of being a woman, that I'd be reduced to such a thing. I suppose in some way I have been under the impression that our times had changed, that women were now equals. We can now vote, we have the same rights as men, and we can hold the same jobs as men. Are we still perceived the wild woman for having such things? Are we still intimidating men in such a way that their only response to us is to demean us? Have you dealt with such a man or group of men? How did you deal with it? How did you feel when it occured? What was your response? What advise do you give your daughters if you have them? How can we as women over come this? I welcome the male perspective as well, for those men that may read this. Namaste-Anora
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15 responses
@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 May 09
There will always be people out there who hate in one form or another. I've been around some men who might qualify as women haters... But I do think there is a difference between men who "hate" women and men who simply think that women are beneath them. I do think women and society in regard to women has come a long way. We will never reach 100% acceptance. How do we combat the problem? We just keep moving forward...keep educating ourselves...keep working in the jobs that we find most satisfying regardless of old "gender" rolls and we don't let the idiots who don't respect us get in our way. I don't "deal" with these types of people, mostly because I tend to avoid them. But, if I am forced to deal with them,I generally ignore them. I have learned, after many years, that some people are just determined to believe what they believe and no amount of logic or proof will change their minds.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 May 09
The person that you mentioned...was he someone you were dealing with face to face or someone you were dealing with in myLot? Just curious about the circumstances either way.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
1 May 09
lol...So you're not a woman hater, just a pervert, huh? (just kidding)
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• United States
1 May 09
I don't think there is much of a stretch to go from "women beneath them" to "women haters". It's not right. I agree, we should continue to keep moving forward, and perhaps start teaching our sons differently so that they don't develop this attitude. Thanks for sharing. Namaste-Anora
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
1 May 09
I did when I was growing up. My neighbor across the street hated women, even little girls. If my friends, sister, her friends, or I were outside and he was out in his yard he would tell us to go into our house(s), or else, even though we were minding our own business. One of my friends, who wasn't a neighbor, came over for a visit with her sister one day. We had a run in with my neighbor (all of us were outside in front) and he made his threat. Needless to say that friend and her sister never came over to my house again. My other friends, sister, and I would get fed up with this man always bullying us, and sometimes we wanted to do something about it, but we never did. We didn't want to cause trouble for our parents. We did however complain to them about it, but it never did any good. They just told us to come inside the house or play in the backyard. A few years later, my parents divorced and my mom wanted to move (not due to this neighbor, but for other personal reasons). Anyway, as we were getting ready to move this man told my mom why he hated women so much. It was because he had caught his wife cheating on him in their house. Apparently what his wife (or ex-wife) had done to him changed how he felt about woman. My mom wasn't the only one he told this to. He told this to any and all women neighbors that were in the process of moving away. Strange.
• United States
1 May 09
Wow. That's really a shame. I have known some men who had been involved with cheaters, and they didn't stop their life and start hating all women. Thanks for sharing your story. Namaste-Anora
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
12 May 09
I found the whole thing odd myself. But I guess some people handle this type of situation differently than others. And this neighbor obviously didn't take it very well.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
1 May 09
Hi Anora So much has happened in the society, we have grown so much, we talk about equality of men and women but i feel, we are still 'the old women; to some! It feels sad. even though its just a matter of perspective we cannot ignore it. I personally haven't come in direct contact with a woman hater as such. My world is pretty much close and small but I cannot deny the fact that we are still being reduce to mere thing by some.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
2 May 09
I cannot go as far as "hater" but I grew up under the guidance of a man who truly believed that women were far weaker than men, spiritually, physically and mentally. Yes, lesser beings. This is no theory in his eyes but irrefutable fact. In the same way he believes that the indigenous people of this country...indeed all people of colour are not human but animal. This is an intelligent man who should be able to reason better than he does. Who knows what life experiences taught him to believe these facts?
• United States
2 May 09
Thanks for the response. I always love it when I see your Cheshire cat show up in my discussions. I suppose with some people we'll never know what caused them to develop the belief systems they have or opinions they hold. It's just sad. Namaste-Anora
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
2 May 09
Hi Anora, From the past man used to dominate woman and that could be a reason why some men still can't see girls getting the same value as men use to get. I have seen in my life where people use to bit their woman like every day. One of my aunt got married to a drunk. Uncle use to drink all day and he is not doing any job as well. She is working and doing job for her and her children. It has been 18 years and now he can't afford to bit him because his children are supporting their mom but it wasn't the case 16-17 years ago. The parents of uncle use to bit my aunt for no reason at all. I didn't why they use to do that but my aunt is a graduate and she knew woman right. She used that and his husband along with his parent(only mom) had to spend a night in Jail. Since then it is a little bit better.
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@sanuanu (11235)
• India
2 May 09
That is a very long story. The only problem of my aunt is that her husband didn't do any thing and was mama's boy even after marriage. He is not doing anything till date but she is brave enough to live her life on only her job. I don't know the exact story but the mama's boy is a target for his mother and she wants to take his part of the house his father had in his life. So, I am hearing that she wants to kill her own son for money and my aunt is a big barrier to it! It is even more dangerous than I am suggesting here. Better if I make an end to it and participate in your discussion!
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• United States
2 May 09
That's such a sad tale! I cannot believe that they would do that to her, and that she would put up with it for so long. Hopefully things will turn around for her. Thank you for sharing. Namaste-Anora
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@kprofgames (3089)
• United States
2 May 09
I met one and thought he was a total pig. I was at a company dinner party and the boss of my then husband said that I looked great for just having pushed out a puppy. Then turned to my ex and said get her a few more and you'll be able to keep her at home and look for a 'finer' one while you're out playing around. I was shocked but didn't keep my mouth shut. I told him kids come from a goat. Sorry for the correction from a megar female. He got all flushed, but told me 'you look good now but wait till you have a few - kids - and then he'll start looking around. I was pissed at this point and the ex was thumping my leg under the table to shut up. Didn't work and the rest of the meal was interesting. I knew about the boss but didn't think it was that bad. I know they're still out there but in all reality it's either by the examples their own fathers had or an experience they had that just think their shiiit doesn't stink. Some fathers treated their mothers like this and the boys raise above it, others just carry that pig gene and continue on. There was a discussion on here about a mother having trouble with her son calling her a biiitch, but she stated that her husband has no respect for her and calls her that all the time. Woman need to get a clue too that this isn't acceptable. If your husband treats you that what, how else do you think your children are going to view you??
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@Amberina (1541)
• United States
2 May 09
My eyes popped open when I read what your ex's boss said to you, how rude! If it was me I would have just gotten up an left after giving him a piece of my mind lol.
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• United States
2 May 09
It gets better. Years later I worked at a photography company and he sent in his daughter to be one of our marketing photos for senior pictures. We were in a meeting going over canidates and her was drawn by my boss. I looked at the girl and then read the parents names and said no. Everyone else wanted her - the camera loved her, but I told them of the night of the dinner party as he bragged about 'keeping my woman where she belongs' as he relayed the story of 'pork'en' a young 'cuuunt' he just picked up in a bar on the pool table in his office while he was on the phone to his wife. She didn't get the photo spot. Go figure.
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• United States
2 May 09
Wow, I can't believe this story! What a total egomaniac! Good for your husband clocking this man, he deserved it. I can't believe that some men think that after we've had children our husband's will play around. Not all men are like that. I agree, I think some men did learn it from their father's, but as you said not all. I'm glad to hear though that you stood up. I bet that dinner was interesting! Thanks for sharing. Namaste-Anora
@Amberina (1541)
• United States
2 May 09
I don't know if the person I know hates women but he certainly is a man who degrades women and thinks they only have an opinion if he gives them one. Yeah one of those, I don't hang around with him anymore because he just makes me want to puke but I kinda feel sorry for him because he hardly has any friends and his life has little value to it. He spends most of his time alone and angry he says he is happy with his life so to each his own on that. I just think it's sad that he is missing out on so much having such a closed mind.
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• United States
2 May 09
I agree, people like that are missing out on life. They tend to live shallow lives, and don't form any real lasting relationships. A bit like Scrooge, I imagine. It's really sad too, because we are supposed to compliment one another, not be at odds. Thanks for sharing. Namaste-Anora
@jonesy123 (3948)
• United States
1 May 09
I did. It was a mandatory internship for my degree (we had to go through several) and there was no choice in the assignment. From the five interns assigned to that particular department I had the best grades. This woman hater was the boss there and I was originally assigned to somebody underneath him. Well, it just could not be that the only woman in the bunch of five interns was also the one with the best grade. So he made the switch that I would work for him. After each internship we would be graded. Well, with this guy, no matter how hard I worked, it was never right (even if it was). I was criticized to no end in front of my peers and others. If we were alone in the office, he would say demeaning things about women in general and myself as a woman in particular (it's illegal to do that but without a witness it's hard to proof, he knew it). It was just three months but the worst three months of my life. And of course he ended up giving me a bad grade. The equivalent of a C -. He didn't dare to go lower because the work I did for him was public record and I could have appealed the grade, which would have prompted an investigation. Lets just say there were a lot of nasty remarks in the margins on the paperwork I had done for him. I took the grade because in the grand scheme of things it didn't matter but anything lower than that would have mattered for the overall grade. Well, anyhow, while I cried a lot during that time and felt horrible and lost some self-esteem, after I was away from that situation and healed, well, I'm better for it and my self-esteem is better than ever. I feel sorry for that guy, because he is letting his hate rule his actions. As far as I know, he was never officially caught but complaints reached the proper ears to the point that he was put in a position where he doesn't get to deal with women below him and also never would have a promotion or anything. I think he eventually quit. In essence, he shot himself in the foot with his hate.
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• United States
2 May 09
That's great that something was eventually done. I know what you mean. Dealing with such people can make you stronger. This one is still a fairly fresh wound for me, but each day I am further from the initial incident the stronger I become. I realize that it's not my fault, that this man has an issue. I don't feel sorry for him. I hope that this thread helps us all though realize how special we all are as spiritual beings, and how we need to know what we say and do affects other people. Thanks for the great story. Namaste-Anora
@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
1 May 09
A few years ago I dated a man who had quite a contempt for women. I discovered this over time by incidents and comments he used to make such as not ever wanting to take a woman out to dinner and pay for the meal because according to him, "...all women are users..." He was very possessive and controlling in such a way that I was made to feel as though I could not think for myself and needed his help for everything. He would get very angry if I disagreed with him especially in front of other friends. His mother was a very controlling woman and I tend to believe that she may have been part of the reason for his lack of respect for women. They are the worst kind the women haters who charm unsuspecting ladies in order to reel them in only to demean them; I wasn't even permitted to contribute to a group discussion! These days I would like to think that I would not give a man like this the time of day.
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• United States
2 May 09
It is this kind of story that makes me stop and look at how we're parenting today. It's a gentle balance that is needed in parenting to avoid these types of scenarios. Oh, I agree that there are women haters out there as well. I've known a few of those who suckered me in with "Oh, but we like you", only to be met with one insult after the next, and some things behind my back. So yes, women are not left out, I just happened to focus on my own recent personal experience. But yes, men like this I just tend to leave and not think of again. Namaste-Anora
@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
2 May 09
Hi Anora! Unfortunatly this type of thing does still exist and may always to a certain degree. It can depend on their upbringing and sometimes experiences with women. I always tell my girls that no matter what or where they are..that the have as much right to be there as anyone else. I am trying to build their self esteem to the point to where if they run in to one of these people..it won't effect who they are or weaken them. There was a man in Japan that was our guide for the day and he expected the group I was in to be all men. He was very obviously suprised by my presence and went out of his way to ignore me. I just acted as though I didn't notice and continued asking questions as I saw fit. It was his problem and not mine. That's what we have to remember. If we let it get to us then it becomes our problem too. I just keep my head high and do what I need to do..regardless of their opinions about me.
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• United States
2 May 09
Jen- That's a good plan to follow. I know for me, sometimes ignoring it can be difficult. I sometimes take a great deal to heart, and forget that it's the other person's problem, not mine. Thanks for sharing your story. Namaste-Anora
@LiveLove (443)
• United States
1 May 09
I can't say I have ever came across a woman-hater. There was a guy online that said that a woman's place is in the kitchen and that she shouldn't speak...But I do know that my grandmother's husband might be a woman-hater. She told me how he says pretty much the same things like women should be in the kitchen and be quiet and never disobey a man because god gave men dominion over women. He is a pastor by the way and treats my grandmother like crap. He doesn't help with bills or even contribute money to help put food into the house. Mind you my grandmother has arthritis and is usually in a wheelchair but he still wants her to cook and clean while he fiddles in his room with items that he seems to keep buying while never seeming to have any money for the household.
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• United States
2 May 09
Wow. I'm so glad my current husband isn't like that. And the bible doesn't state that man has dominion over women. Woman came from Adam's rib, but he is to protect her, cherish her, etc. Even in the New Testament a woman is told to be treated like Christ would treat the church. Namaste-Anora
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
1 May 09
Yup.. my former supervisor at work. He had no problem telling people of his opinion: A woman's place is in my bed or kitchen and silent as a mouse. He started to contest me one day and I didn't hesitate to tell him where he could stick his opinion. If his wife wants to live like that fine with me, but he hadnt believe even for a second that I would bow to his whim as well.
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@xannebull (1793)
• Philippines
1 May 09
i never though about this, does this really exist? i never encountered such person like that. maybe if somebody would be like this, i can't do nothing but give him advices, and if he just leave on to his thoughts and opinions about women, it's up to him.
• United States
1 May 09
Thanks for responding. I agree, we can't change anyone but ourselves, but we can educate the youth of today. I'm not sure though that women should just "accept" it, but rather should speak up against it. Namaste-Anora
• India
1 May 09
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@thezone (9394)
• Ireland
1 May 09
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• United States
2 May 09
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
6 May 09
Honestly the closest I have come to that was when I was a child. A boy was bullying one of my brothers and I got in his face about it. His mom told me I wasn't acting like a girl. Didn't take it too much to heart. I do recall somebody in my past gave me some kind of a "poor little dear" type attitude once, but I don't recall what the incident was. Don't run into it very often, thankfully.
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• United States
26 Jul 09
Thanks for responding Dawn. It's sad you had to go through that, but it's good that you didn't take it to heart and didn't let it stop you from being who you were. Namaste-Anora
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