~How do you mend a broken heart?~

@gwoman2 (710)
United States
May 1, 2009 10:37am CST
I need your help myLotters, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Can someone give me any and all ideas on how to mend a broken heart...no not mine, my daughters! She is 19 and was in a relationship up until this morning when the Mother texted her to say: "this relationship is toxic and it's over!" Why the mother did this I do not know, I do know that I was against the relationship since the start because the girl is younger than my daughter...but we had a meeting of the minds and the mother was adamant that "it would be all right...and since my baby is 19 and the other is 16, I had no choice but to agree...although we all know that if I did or didn't, my daughter was gonna do what she wanted anyway:-( Now she is crying her little eyes out and wondering what happened because everything seemed fine yesterday...anywho...I told her that after work I'll take her crap shopping...she can buy whatever she wants...including but not limited to all the lip glosses her little heart desires...thank God she is starting a part time job today...she should be there now...I also went home on break and held her and cried with her...I explained that she may not think so but I really do know what it feels like to have a broken heart because her father did it to and because of him I have been celibet ever since, that's almost 20 years people...but I'm 56 so I'm ok with it, my doc says it's all in my mind...the world being what it is today...I think that's my best bet! Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. Thank you myLotters! ~G~
1 response
@kbourgerie (8780)
• United States
1 May 09
I don't think anything can mend a broken heart except time. You can try to take her mind off of the situation, but all in all, its just going to take patience and a lot of support on your part. A broken heart cannot mend overnight no matter how much we wish it to.
@gwoman2 (710)
• United States
1 May 09
Hi Kbourgerie, thank you for your response. I know, I know...it's so frustrating because "been there, done that" but this is a little new to her and she has been soooooooooo spoiled all her little life, by me of course:-( Big booboo, HUGE!)I made a little card with a broken heart with a band-aid that says: Broken Heart Repair Kit...If someone breaks your heart, Here's a band-aid for repairs, and give it to Jesus thru prayers Thne use the reaser to erase the incident from your mind, then move on ahead and leave troubles all behind...this by Lisajo Wolff I added a real band-aid...I know this is nothing but I really don't know what else to do...Even though today is Friday and I work two jobs...I always look forward to Fridays because I know I can relax after and tomorrow I can sleep in...Not gonna happen this weekend...but I don't mind the sacrafice as long as I can help her to feel better. thanks again. ~G~