What do you think of the name African American?
By Citychic
@Citychic (4067)
United States
May 1, 2009 2:42pm CST
Hello mylotters?
I'm just curious about the name of African Americans and I want to know if you all think of this name as having a positive or negative connotation? Also I think that everyone should have a choice in whether they choose to be called an African American or not? I"m curious because I don't understand why white people aren't being called White Americans, most are simply called Americans. Why shouldn't the people of African descent be allowed to simply be called Americans as well? What are ur thoughts?
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9 responses
@dhisaw (304)
• United States
1 May 09
In my opinion anyone who lives in America or basically an American born and raised or whatever it does not matter to me I just think that who ever lives in America unless they choose otherwise are just plain Americans. I don't underst why there is a label just because of skin color. Just because some people have more melanin in their body and that it is working more than others. I know for me it does not mattere what color someone's skin is. what should matter most is that we are all human beings/people.
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@dhisaw (304)
• United States
2 May 09
What I think of the name African American is that I think it is ridiculus. The reason I think that is because i believe that no matter where your ancestors or that kind of thing were from shouldnt matter as long as you are a United States of America citizen then you are an American. That is the way i think that it should be especially considering most people who live in America their ancestors were from another country. I know that mine were.
@maezee (41988)
• United States
1 May 09
I think the term "African American" is the politically-correct version of "Black" and many people like to be called AA because of that positive connotation and because they're aware of their roots in Africa. It's a RESPECTFUL way of saying "black". A lot of "black" people I knew in school did NOT want to be associated with Africa at all, though, because of "cultural differences" (that's what I assumed anyway). I went to an urban, inner-city public high school, where 40% of my school was AA, 40% Asian, & 15% white & 5% other (I found the statistics to be interesting considering most people think that a lot of high schools in Minnesota are all white). A lot of the black kids I went to school with would get PISSED if anyone called them African American, because they identified more with the "Black" community than the "African American" community. Now, I'm not going to get into whether there's an actual difference between the two, but that's just what they said. I say "black" and "white" more often than African American / Caucasion or Euro-American because it's just what I was raised to say. It's just me being casual and not worrying about being politically "correct" or "incorrect". If I step on your toes..Well, I guess I'm sorry for that. But it's almost ANNOYING when people try to be "too" politically correct rather than down-to-earth and to-the-point.
I also think there's a double-standard. People RARELY say "caucasion" or "Euro-American" (or whatever the politically correct term would be for white people), but it seems like a lot of people are EXTRA cautious when deciding whether or not to say "African American" vs. "Black". It seems like on every survey I take (and believe me, I take a lot of them online! It's how I make my money) - they ask whether you're African American, Native American, Asian, Pacific Islander, or..White. I'm not offended by it, and I refer to myself as white (although I'm half-Czech), but I find it funny that very few people make a fuss about calling white people "Caucasion" whereas there are A LOT of people who are EXTREMELY picky about the political-correctness of what THEY are considered to be.
I do agree with you, though. If we just called anyone originating in the US an "American", the world would probably be a much better place. I've never been called or categorized as an "American", as I'm just usually called white. But of course it shouldn't be a term used only for white people - it should refer to anyone born in the United States, whether white, black, hispanic, asian, whatever.
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@aidenofthetower (1814)
• United States
2 May 09
Several years ago my grandma started to research her history. She was shocked to find out that her white blood had a mysterious and forbidden Native American ancestor and a slave. My great grandfather simply laughed at her and informed her that most Americans came across that scenario. Many "white" people have "black" blood in them and vise versa. The truth of the matter is it seems that we would go a lot farther by calling everyone who is from America an American. For so long we have tried to remain separete and the truth is that we are a nation that should be united after a long history together. Sure terrible things have happened and many people did horrible things in our nations past, but all of us are here now and we all need to work together for a better future. So, if your parents were born here, and you were born here...drop your history enough to call yourself an American. I am not saying forget where your ancestors came from, forget their culture, or forget the past...but lets move on together for a better future. We should be Americans united!
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
2 May 09
What do you think of the name African American?
Thank you for ur response. As a woman of color I do sense the double standard that you mentioned and that is probably the reason why I feel things would be so much simpler if we were all simply called Americans. Particularly the people that were born and raised here in the U.S. and whose ancestors helped to build this country. Not that I'm trying to deny my African Heritage but the point of the matter that I'm attempting to bring out here is that most black Americans do not have just an African decent only. If the truth be told, alot of us have Caucasian blood as well as Indian. So why is there Emphasis only on the word African and not (African-European-Indian American)? Ask almost any black person and you will find out that somewhere down the line of their family there is some kind of mixed blood other than just African. So I guess my beef with all of this is that a person should be respected for whatever it is that they choose to be called. The school that I went to was about fifty percent white, forty eight percent black and two percent asian. For the most part everybody got along just fine. What race we were barely came up in conversations but in the real world it's totally different and one cannot deny the fact that race matters. Luckily for President Obama it worked in his favor only b/c most Americans had enough insight to realize it was time for a change.
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@Celanith (2327)
• United States
2 May 09
I think it is stupid and really more racist than just saying Black or White but more America is supposed to be a melting pot and all who come here are suppoosed to be just plain American. Not African, Asian Euro and well Native American is offensive too. It is the Government and media labeling people and stirring things up more than anything. When I do surveys and they ask what "Race" are you I mark other and write in one or more things. First I am a mixed race of nationalities. Some of my ancesetry were here before Columbus and some came on the Mayflower and some on other ships from France and Scotland. So I am an American, I am of the HUMAN race. That is what we all should be from nd if I want to really get smart I say Earthling LOL sometimes I put down all three.
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
2 May 09
Sorry about my last comment, I meant to say anything else is being discriminatory. Remember it is the people that put the government in their positions and it should be up to us to help change laws if we see something that's wrong with them, it can only be changed by all of us continuing to speak out against the wrongs and injustices society.
@sweetashoney (3597)
• United States
2 May 09
Isn't this something that blacks wanted to start being called themselves to start with? To me if you are born and raised in America then you are an American period! You are not an African American because you did not come from Africa, you are from the United States of America. The only people that are truly African Americans are the ones that came straight from Africa as an immigrate to start with. Everyone says that everyone should be called just Americans, I can see that in a way, but I think we'd all be in bad shape if all we could call everyone is American. Just think think about it, if someone did something real bad and you had to tell who done it, the first thing that your going to do is tell what race the person was. Now picture the same thing, but you can't use a person's race to describe them all you can say is they are an American.
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
4 May 09
What about just using their height and weight? That is how police do it...It's not always necessary that you use a person's race b/c the way things are coming along now, with several people it's hard to tell what race they are are anyway. So while I see where your trying to go with that, I"m not buying it....... We are all Americans and no, it was not African American's that first started calling ourselves A.A. Not to my knowledge. Perhaps a few people started doing it and they forgot to let everyone else know. Have a good day and thanks for participating.
@sweetashoney (3597)
• United States
4 May 09
I had to get back to you on this, everyone should be just called an American, but, {yea there's always a butt in there}.
I don't know what police your talking about, if all they used was the height and weight of their suspects, at lot of crimes would go unsolved. take me for example I'm 5.3 and weigh around 125, now how many other people could fit that description. I'm going to look it up to see how the name started, I'm interested to find out. If I find anything I'll get back to you.

@sweetashoney (3597)
• United States
4 May 09
Ok I'm back, after searching for the answer I found out the according to discussion on tribe.net that back in the 80's the NAACP decided that blacks should start calling themselves something other that black, etc.
@okkidokitokki (1736)
• United States
1 May 09
I would love to be able to call African Americans just Americans, the same with all other types of Americans.
I am white and I have been taking education classes that insist that we make a distinction between the different people, but personaly I would like to just teach children, not fill in the blank Americans.
As far as being called a White or Caucasian American, I can understand the need in this politicaly correct era to say it that way but in my head I will think of myself the way I think of every one of my future students and neigbors: just American.
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@gypsywoman344 (214)
• United States
2 May 09
I think Whoopie said it best," I get angry when people call me African American. It pisses me off and I tell them I'm not African American I'm just American". All my life what the politically correct term for people of color change with the times, where you lived, and who was around you. When I look at a person I see a person. Being "white" is still "white". How are we ever going to have peace and coexhistance if we keep distinquishing with colors?
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@costas1234 (195)
2 May 09
I do not think African American has negative connotation as this simply means where someone originated from. I am from Cyprus and I myself consider myself a British Cypriot. I think that white people originated from Anglo Saxon and Nordic regions, and some other white people from around Europe and the middle east. Other came from India and other more central locations of the world, though being African American is certainly not bad.
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
4 May 09
Well you seem to know quite a bit about Caucasoid people Costa 1234, I give you that. But you seem to still be in the dark when you say that being African American isn't bad. You can't possibly know how it is if you've never been a black person. Forgive me but perhaps I"m in the dark as well b/c I'm not sure what region of the world Cyprus is? Furthermore I have no earthly idea what complexion a person from Cyprus would be. I guess if we were to try to look beyond our colors we could see and learn alot from each other. Have a nice day and thanks for contributing!
@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
2 May 09
Maybe African - Americans refer to black people's ancestor in Africa. But they are born and raise in the United States of America. So they are called African - American. Sometimes, I think that people are overreacted. They can find everything related to racism issue. Why can't we just sit down peacefully thought about it. We can always live harmonily without causing some many hatred in the moment.
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
4 May 09
Hello Clorissa123, I wish it were that simple. That we could all just sit down casually and talk things out and try to get along. But the reality of it all is that it's not that simple. Simply b/c of those that have gone b4 us and left us this legacy. Since ur neither black nor African American I cannot explain all of the reasons why it's not that simple, nor would I expect for you to be able to understand the situation from a black person's perspective but I will leave you with just a few thoughts to ponder. Look at Job discrimination based on skin color, as well as housing discrimination. Which it's not something that happened just one time. If that were the case, perhaps we could all just forget about it and pat each other on the back and move on smartly but this is something that has been years of evil practices and it's not something that we'll be able to just hash out over a cup of tea. Need I say more? Have a good day.