When will racism end??
By jellymonty
@jellymonty (2352)
May 1, 2009 5:10pm CST
The other day I went into jewerely store as I thought since I made a profit from my business I should reward myself with some bling. I entered the store, and the sales girl who was a fake blonde, didnt even greet me. (I'm black by race) She gave me nasty looks and wasnt even bothered that a customer had entered the shop. Another person who I assumed was the manager also came out and didn't even pay attention to me. Instead she went over to the blonde and they started chatting and laughing. Another customer came in, who was a brunnette and before she even finished stepping into the store, the two of them greeted her with such a big smile and attended to all of her questions.
I was so appalled that I completely lost interest in the necklace that I actually wanted to buy (the price was $750). Now the brunnette did not buy anything.. She just asked a bunch of questions and then left the store. I was so shocked and I thought to myself, here I am with money on me to spend and just because of my appearance somebody decided that I probably didnt have the money to buy so why bother attending to me?
I grew up in the apartheid times in South Africa and I never understood why people hate each other just because of the colour of their skin. For years I was subjected into believing that white men are devils but I did not take it to heart because I knew that there's no way I would discriminate against anybody just because of their race. I have never and I will never discriminate against anybody. For me as long as you are a living breathing human being then I have no problem with you unless you do something bad to me.
Sadly I still experience racism towards me and I don't understand that at all.. So will this ever end?? It is my dream that one day Racism should be totally wiped out as I believe its just plain stupid to discriminate..
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31 responses
@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
1 May 09
yes I don't understand either, I take people for what they are, I don't care what colour or race they are, although I will say I don't belive in peoples politics especially when it comes to the way some cultures treat women but I treat each person the way I would want to be treated until such time they give me a reason to treat them otherwise but that goes for everyone even people from my own country. Well I hope that one day that girl will learn as I would like to see eveyone in this world treated the same, I hope you get a nice piece of bling...I love bling....and just remember we are not all like that we are all beautiful...
@jellymonty (2352)
1 May 09
Thanx lilac.. I know you are not all like that.. It a shame that in every race there is always going to be a few who mis represent that race. But thanks for your response. Much appreciated..
Happy my lotting..
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
1 May 09
The people who think like that have very sad dark souls, I believe that are very unhappy people....we are all beautiful if we think beautiful.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
2 May 09
I've gone to stores and been ignored by white and black salespeople.
Once I went to the grocery store and got followed down every aisle by the black security guard. Why, I don't know other than I was kind of sloppy dressed that day. I just let her follow me but when she stopped me at the checkout that was going too far. The way I looked that day was not a reason to single me out anymore than what happened to you. It shouldn't matter what you look like, you are a customer and they should treat you as such, with respect.
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@costas1234 (195)
2 May 09
I agree if companies do not greet people as they enter the store, then that is lost sales to them. I certainly would not buy products from places that did not greet me, though I think race and colour should not matter.
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
2 May 09
Sounds like melodramatics to me. There could have been a thousand other explanations, depending on what you were looking for...
@darelle4 (4)
• Castries, Saint Lucia
2 May 09
well it was really wrong of the ladies to ignore you so if it was me i would probably just walk out of the store or pull out a large sum of cash so they could realize that i can afford.We should all live in unity and treat each other with open hearts because you never know what will happen.Just put that behind you because some people behave so because of ignorance and i am sorry about that.
@UK_Shree (3603)
1 May 09
It sounds like you had an unfortunate experience. I don't get it either. In my opinion I cannot understand how anyone can justify discrimination against another person based on just their skin colour.
Racism is such a disgusting thing and I wish too that it would end. It is logical that there will be nice and horrible people in EVERY race that exists - why single out a race and dislike them? Deep down we are all made of the same biological materials!
Hope you do not have to experience similar situations too often. x
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@jellymonty (2352)
2 May 09
Thanks shree.. racism is disguisting! but I agree with you that there's always a horrible person in every race.. Thanks for your response...
@agrim94 (3805)
• India
2 May 09
Hi jelly monty,
I m not white either nor i am black but i am brown race. Yes there are lots and lots of people who would discriminate on basis of your colour. Whites are well known to do it in history but when i see others do it i am really surprised. I am not saying what happened with you was good , it was bad and should never have happened but the races which have been victims of racism in history also do same it is then i feel more angry. I have seen here people who would always try to harm a white girl, or even discriminate their own to help whites out of way , both are wrong. If you are a human being you are a human being. You are either bad human or good human but a human and we are not dogs that some people say ok i want pug or German Shepherd or bull dog. All people guilty of racism they may be of any race should be publically ashamed and given 5 lashes in the crowded market so everyone knows what he did and wont ever dare do it again. discriminate on basis of behaviour of a person and not colour. There are good and bad persons in every race.. reward good and punish bad that should be how it is.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
2 May 09
First off, was it really fair to call the young lady a "fake blonde"? Do you have concrete proof that she is?
On to other things. No, what the lady did wasn't cool, and neither were the actions of the other ladies. Unfortunately, racism cannot be eliminated through any external laws...you can have all the laws on the books you want, it's still not going to change a person's heart. That's where all of this has to start. People have to have true conversions of heart to be able to see that racism of all kinds, toward all races, is wrong. Until that happens, racism will keep rearing its ugly head in the world.
@brandon22 (163)
• United States
2 May 09
unfortunately, I don't think there will ever be an end to racism. Over the years, I think racism has subsided, but I don't think it will ever be gone completely. As long as some people are different on the outside, some people will never care that they are the same on the inside. I, as a disabled person, have also felt the judgemental stares of discrimination. it's a shame that in this day and age racism and discrimination aren't a thing of the past.
@chimrani (1426)
• India
2 May 09
[b]I really felt bad by hearing your story.
Iam from India and i too heard from my friends that some peoples are ignoring them because we are black.I think we should book a case against the bloody peoples who don't respect to peoples and think of racism.
Did you purchased some thinking from that shop.You should not buy from them you should buy from near by shops who respect you and if they see you buying there then they feel that there thinking is wrong then only racism stops.[/b]Frankly,we have to change and we have to make changes in the feelings of other peoples. 

@berrys (864)
• Singapore
2 May 09
hey i totally know how you feel. im of mixed heritage and i look more European than Asian and even then so, i do understand Chinese and people always assume i don't. there was this one time i was at the mall, and i over heard the sales lady said in Chinese "i bet you this white girl is poor, otherwise why would she be in our country and not her own" and it offended me so much that i replied them in Chinese and said "it doesn't matter what i look like or whether i have money or not, im a good person with a good heart and i will always be nicer and prettier than you on the inside and out." i left the store immediately after that.
@sweetashoney (3597)
• United States
2 May 09
Some times it has nothing to do with the color of your skin, I'm white and I've been treated the same way at times. Some of these types of people just think their better then anyone else in the world, period. I also have went into a store and been treated the same way, after while I just walk out, because I fill like they must not want my business then. It makes me made at times also, no I don't dress to the tea every time I go shopping but I look at it like this, I work just as hard or hard then some of them fancy looking people and money has the same value and spends just the same, no matter who has it. What I'm seeing a lot of anymore also is that your starting to see a lot of blacks that are starting to treat people like this also. What I'm talking about is, I have notest that a person of the same race as the cashier is greeted with a smile and everything, but when some other race comes to the check out, their whole attitude changes.
@jellymonty (2352)
2 May 09
I agree with you there. They are always some people who think they are better than others and yes black people too do the same. I have had black people who were racial towards me and I'm black! I think every race experiences some kind of racism from another race so its not only limited to black/white people.. Thanks for your response
@NuttyMomma (901)
• United States
2 May 09
discrimination is stupid and racism unfortunately will never be gone until humans are. humans are insecure and fearful of difference. skin color is a difference. it is stupid but that is just how it is. to me, we are all the same under it all. close your eyes and listen to the world - we all basically need the same things. mylot is great because unless you really look at someone's profile you are discussing things with people who lead totally different lives and we all can get along with each other and support each other. i wish we could all remember that we are not so different. it would be the end of wars and so much could change. hold onto the dream but i don't always see hope.
@rzrback (107)
• United States
2 May 09
Racism will sadly never end. I can't even imagine stepping in to your shoes(I'm white by race) and seeing how you get treated. There are simply so many people that judge just on appearance, its crazy. Do people not understand that we are all humans. No one gets to pick their race either. It angers me just thinking of the fact that people get treated like you did all the time.
@derlilaStern (1756)
• United States
2 May 09
It really angers me that people still react that way. They take one look at you and decide whether or not you have money. Sometimes the decision is based on the way you look. Sometimes it is based on the way you dress. Sometimes they are just jerks.
I really doubt that racism will end in my lifetime - there is still too much emphasis on it. I sincerely hope that I am wrong, though.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
2 May 09
I don't understand it either. One would have thought we'd be done with all that by now. Maybe it had nothing at all to do with your skin color....maybe they were just really bad salespeople. Maybe they knew the brunette personally. who knows? Where I live, you don't see much of that, thankfully. 

@Little_Stormy (6883)
• United States
2 May 09
How do ya know it was because of your race? did they say something that lead you to believe that? I have also walked into businesses and felt they tended to everyone but me... it never dawned on me that they were being racist toward me!
how do you know the blonde was a fake blonde? did you ask her?
@IchigoLover (177)
• Singapore
2 May 09
It won't end for sure.That the truth and reality of the world.If there were to have no religions in the worlds,the possibility of racism ending is there but there is no way it could be stopped.
@costas1234 (195)
2 May 09
I realise that racism is a widespread society issue dating back many centuries. Though I do get the impression that more in recent years has been done at reducing this problem. At football matches in england one racist chant and that person is sent out of the crowds. I am British though I do not expect every sales person to greet me and I am white.
@littleme16ga (360)
• United States
2 May 09
I run into this problem all the time. My best friend is a black man and when we go out in public we get the craziest looks. My brother in law is also black one day we were driving to the DMV and got pulled over just because of him being black and me being mixed light skinned it's crazy it's still like that I hate it but that's life. I don't think it'll ever change really there will always be someone that has to ruin it all for everyone.