Do You Live Near Railroad Tracks?
By CatsandDogs
@CatsandDogs (13963)
United States
May 2, 2009 11:44pm CST
I do and I LOVE it!! Ever since I was a little girl, my granddaddy used to take me and my two brothers to the train tracks and watch as a train goes by. I don't know how he knew but he knew the schedules and would take us. Back then the trains had cabooses and my brothers and I would guess at what color the cabooses would be. It was one of the better times of my life. Sometimes it would be just granddaddy and me and I had a blast! When the train would come, I'd reach out the window as far as I could so I could touch it but I never could because my granddaddy had me by the seat of my pants hollering at me to get back in the car! lol I did give him a hard time but he loved me all the more! Ever since, I've been in love with trains and love to watch as they go by. But now I live near a set of tracks and get to hear them all day long!! One just went by and blowing it's horn as they always do. They come at all hours of the day and night and I never tire of them. I get to thinking about those old days with my granddaddy and I always tell him HI Granddaddy!! Here comes the train!! and I'd smile. Thank God I can remember that and the times when he used to read to me. He was such a wonderful man and I miss him so much! He made some wonderful good memories for me and I'm so glad to be able to remember them. Now I say that over and over and it's because of all the trauma that I've been through, my therapist told me that I have a memory block which means, I can only remember certain things but my memories can be triggered by using something else which is true because I had forgotten that my granddaddy used to read to me until one of my brothers had mentioned it and it was like a whole load of wonderful memories came flooding back. Thank goodness they were the good ones. I so want to remember the good but of course not the bad. I try all the time to think of something else that happened that was good but I can't remember. I am, however, very grateful to remember some good things.
Now my question is, do you like trains? Do you live near some train tracks like I do?My parents live near the very same tracks and hear the train go by too IF their windows are opened which is the same with us too. Mom loves to hear the train too because of my granddaddy, her daddy. Hubby doesn't like it but he's gotten used to it now. We've been here for 3 years so he'd better be used to it by now. All night long the trains go by and we're woken up from it but it doesn't bother me because I love it!
Now I'm attaching a picture that I found, please look at it, it's funny!! I got a kick out of it and just HAD to post it on here!! LMBO!! Enjoy and please rate it!!
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15 responses
@hoghoney (3747)
• United States
3 May 09
I dont live near them but I am close enough to downtown that when a train comes through I can hear it. when I was growing up we had train tracks that ran right outside our backyard..and when the South Shore train would come through it would shake the whole do love trains my dad worked for the RailRoad for as long as I can remembr growing up.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 May 09
Your dad had a GOOD job that paid well and has great benefits! I can imagine you grew up with lots of clothes on your back and food in your belly! lol At least that's how it is now a days. I bet you have some of the model trains too. My dad worked for a trucking company and gave us three kids a small version of an 18 wheeler truck for Christmas one year. It was right cool! lol
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@bournecaindelta (2477)
• India
4 May 09
Oh Railroads. I live neare a staiont and the noise doesnt really cause any trouble. It's like a silent music in the background when I'm doing any work at home or just sitting. It can get irritating sometimes.

@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 May 09
Yeah, kind of like silent music in the back ground is a perfect way of describing it! I love the sound of the train beating down on the tracks but yes, it can be irritating sometimes because there's so many of them coming through and there are times when we just want peace and quiet but can't because of the trains. Oh life is grand, isn't it? lol
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@DuoMaxwell (953)
• United States
3 May 09
I also live by the train tracks, but only within walking distance though. A VERY short walk from my parent's house. It's relaxing though to listen to the train horn blow either at daytime or nighttime.
One time though, when I was about to get to a conference at a hotel about making money, I was running out of time so bad that a train was coming just a few meters away, and I had to make a choice that went like this:
"Our hero must hurry to get to the free money-making conference at a hotel by taking the bus, but he's in a dangerous predicament! Will he wait until the train comes until it crosses his path and miss the bus AND the conference? Will her risk crossing the railroad tracks to get to the bus? Tune in next time for the Adventures of DuoMaxwell! Same shinigami time, same shinigami channel!"
I chose the second option, and with only seconds to spare, I hurried as fast as I could to cross the train, and I made it to the bus, and the conference!
So yeah, it really is relaxing to listen to its horn blow from where I am.

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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 May 09
If you'll look at my response above, you'll see that I'm crazy at heart but I'm NOT that crazy!! ARE YOU INSANE? You could've been killed!!!! There's nothing and I mean NOTHING in this world worth chancing your life!! NOTHING!! Did you hear me yet?? I sure as hell hope so!! I'm so happy to know that YOU made it THIS time but you've got to promise me that you'll never ever do it again. Will you promise me? I don't know you but I do care, ok?
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@BlueAngelRS (2899)
• Canada
4 May 09
Where I live now on a clear night I can hear the trains passing through and it reminds me of the town I grew up in...I lived in an upstairs apartment right across the street in a small town from a train track not only could I hear the horn or hear the train on the tracks I could feel the train...It was like my bed was moving and bumping a little with the movement from the train...So the trains remind me of my hometown where I grew up!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 May 09
It seems that we're not the only one who has fond memories but there are a few that haven't. Can't expect everyone to share the same feelings but I do find it very sad though because trains are incredibly beautiful and awesome. Knowing they've been around long before vehicles were and still going strong is amazing. Don't you agree?
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@dropofrain (1167)
• India
4 May 09
I do not live near railway track, so have have no idea regarding the experience. I think it is going to be really disturbing to be near the railway track. I think I might not be very comfortable near the railway track.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 May 09
No you wouldn't be if you've never been near one before. It appears that only the one's who've been around them for a better part of their lives are the ones who can live near them. It's ok though, everybody is different. Happy mylotting friend!
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@assunta (25)
• Philippines
4 May 09
i've been through the same experience...but - No, can't ! Years ago, my friend and i decided to enroll in a university. Our current apartment at that time is far from school so we rented a house close (and i mean, really really close! and we had no idea about it cause the track was behind the house, it was out of view) to a railroad track. I was not able to get even a single second of sleep because of fear that the train will lose track and hit the house we were staying in. I kept praying all night that the morning will come and swore to myself that i have to convince my friend to move out. and we did the following day. It was a totally different experience though...
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 May 09
I completely understand how you feel because when hubby and I go out somewhere, we drive along side the tracks and see numerous houses that are along the way and it always amazes me how close these houses are and I get to wondering how in the world do they feel safe living there?! Aren't they worried that the train will jump the track and kill them? Or have a massive chemical spill and die from that? I'm close enough but will have to evacuate my house if the ladder happens and I so pray that it doesn't of course so I do completely understand how you felt and am glad you moved out of that place.
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@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
3 May 09
We live near enough we can walk down to some. I can hear the trains at night, in fact my whole house sways, it just is undetected unless everyone is very still and quiet, like at night. I do not have any strong memories either way about trains. I also do not have any memories of people reading to me. I do feel that I have given other people those kinds of memories, though, and I am glad I did. Both my kids are readers, and I love to read to grandkids, and adult kids who are not mine. I will look at your funny as soon as this posts.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 May 09
You are giving the most precious gift a child could ever ask for and that is your undivided time and attention!! I treasure every minute my grandfather spent with me. Because of him I learned the importance of reading. Because of him I learned how it feels to be loved and treasured. He used to call me Ladybug and because of that and trains as well as books, I have some awesome memories of him that I'll keep near my heart for the rest of my days.
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@danishcanadian (28955)
• Canada
14 Sep 09
There is a railroad bridge just down the street from us, and a lot of freight trains go over there. We also live around the corner from the main Via Rail passenger train station. Trains are OK, just not 24 hours a day, every 15 minutes. LOL We don't have that problem here, but we stayed at a campsight in Goodlettesville TN where the dang trains went by every 15 minutes, 24/7. We didn't sleep for about two weeks.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
14 Sep 09
It would take some getting used to and thankfully, our bedroom is on the other side of the house so we don't hear it as much as the other end does. What gets me so much is the houses that are right beside the tracks, I mean, the tracks are in their back yard!! How in the world do they stand the noise at all hours of the day and night? How do they sleep? It has to be so noisy that it rattles their windows! That's something I'll never begin to understand.
@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
3 May 09
What a wonderful memory - I too have a memory of my grandfather and trains but not actually the trains as much as the tracks. For years my grandparents lived across the road from a train track years and years ago the tracks were used to transport crops to detroit. Among those crops were asparagus and back when my grandmother was young (she grew up on the same property) there was a train wreck that dumped a load of asparagus. When I was young there was still masses and masses of asperagus growing wild along the tracks and Grandpa and I would spend hours together picking it even though I hated to eat it back then I loved spending time with him and love it now.
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@byfaithonly (10698)
• United States
5 May 09
2-3 years for a nice crop - I planted some last year now my ex-husband will be enjoying it this year, oh well, a friend of my sister's is going to put in several acres of asparagus this year - I'm going to offer to help in exchange for some returns next year :)
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 May 09
That's one thing that I've never understood, how can people feel safe living right beside the railroad tracks? I know I wouldn't! lol I'm not safe where I'm at now but at least I won't be hit by one and I'll have a chance of getting out of here without getting harmed. I'm glad it wasn't too bad when one happened with your grandparents but instead, you all got something yummy from it! lol I love asparagus! But to grow it, it takes something like 7 years to grow before it's eatable. That's too long for me to grow myself but to have it grow wild like that, what a crop to have and sell!! lol
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@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
3 May 09
I do not now live near train tracks, but the house we lived in from 1963 to 1973 I could see some tracks from my house. (these are the same tracks in 1976 I saw the train hit the truck on) In 1993 I worked for about 10 months in an office that over looked these same tracks. Now, I can see the trains on these same tracks from mom's place.
I once counted the cars on the train passing the office, now I just count the engines...
I like trains, but the former roommate hated hearing train horns when she couldn't see them. oh well.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 May 09
Wow! You've been around trains for most of your life! That's neat! (and lucky! LOL) I remember going out to Idaho with my family to see my grandmother who was dying of cancer when I was only 5 or 6 years old and one of my relatives lived on this huge farm and a set of train tracks weren't that far away but through the woods so my brothers and I would go in search of them till we found them. It was a lot of fun back in those days....
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@gemini_rose (16264)
3 May 09
My grandparents actually had a train track that passed at the bottom of their garden. I used to stand in the garden and wave to all the people on the train as it passed. Its funny how it was not actually noisy even though it was so close!!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 May 09
You're brave aren't you? lol I'd be scared out of my britches that it would jump the track and get me!! LOL I was brave too as a child but once I grew up and saw what they can do if they did jump the track or hit a car, I knew that thing was strong and powerful! I have great respect for them now a days but a great love for them as well.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
3 May 09
Hey cats! It's so nice to have fond memories like that! I
also love to hear the sounds of trains going by! I don't
have any real memories of trains, although my Grandma used
to take me on the subways when I was young! I was very scared
to stand too close to the train tracks because I was always
afraid that I would fall down on them! And the when the train
would pull up I remember that there was always a gap between
the platform and the train and I was afraid that I would slip
between the space and my Grandma would have to pull me onto
the train! It's funny how memories are! You couldn't get me
to go on the subway now! Too many crazy people doing crazy
things! But, I am happy with my memories of my Grandma taking
me on those subway rides! Thanks for reminding me! I love that
sound of the train whistle!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 May 09
I've gotten responses all over the board on this subject but mostly good. I'll always have fond memories of trains. Someone even gave me a train clock that sounds off different sounds of different trains every hour so we have the grandfather clock and the train clock going off every hour. LOL
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@forcashksd (228)
• India
3 May 09
Actually i don't live near rail road tracks. But a friend of mine lives by that side. Whenever i go to his home i can hear, atleast once the train passing by. I get more excited by hearing it and peep towards window to have a look. But my friend looks uninterested... Think he might have been over excited ;)
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 May 09
Your friend is used to seeing them and is why he's not interested anymore but I bet you he was when he first moved into his place! So don't feel bad about wanting to see it as it passes. It is interesting to see and to this day I'm still amazed at how it all works. Cheers to you too friend!
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@cicisnana (772)
• United States
3 May 09
OMG I lived near railroad tracks when my children were babies and the trains were so noisy. They never really woke the babies but the noise did aggravate me. Funny story though because there was a 6 AM train that came by daily and it was what woke us up for work. One morning it didn't come for some odd reason and we didn't make it to work that day. And actually our town is so small that a lot of people used that train as an alarm clock. In our weekly newspaper it mentioned the 6 AM train not coming through and the havic it caused for that day@!
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
3 May 09
Oh my gosh! That's so funny!! Train as an alarm clock.... never heard of such a thing but hey, what ever works, right? My next door neighbor told me that when their son went off to college, they were living near some train tracks and it bothered all the other boys but her son because he was so used to it because he grew up so close to one. lol Your babies, it must've been soothing to them and is why it didn't bother them.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
3 May 09
I always rate you with a +, As for trains, i don't live far from some tracks. Close enough to hear the horn but far enough for it not to bother me. I miss the cabooses. I do like trains unless I am waiting in a car to cross the tracks and the train is long. I wish you many happy memories.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
4 May 09
I know you do!! (shhhh) I'm talking about the others Polly, definitely NOT you!! It's just that the more money I make the more I have to give my mom and then some. I get paid more because of the rating system. What ever it takes to get that extra penny, ya know? lol I'm like you, I love trains, miss the cabooses but hate waiting for one to pass when waiting to cross. lol
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