I'm a terrorist, your a terrorists, we're all terrorists now.
By xfahctor
@xfahctor (14118)
Lancaster, New Hampshire
May 3, 2009 11:41am CST
"When the people fear the government, there is liberty, when the government fears the people, there is liberty".
A thread was started already on the latest peals of wisdom from the department of homeland security, but I wanted to expand it a bit and take a different aproach to it.
So, why all these memo's and warnings from DHS lately? It gets pretty complex but I'm going to try and at least put it in to it's propper perspective and context for you. I think it is something of great imprtance to understand.
but before I do, I wanted to quickly bring up something that made me do a "WTF???"..... Nordic terrorists??? .
But I digress.
In order to contextualize this, you must first realize that it is absolutely all of them....ok, so I see some of you nodding, no....I mean ALL of them. There is virtualy no difference in the way we are generaly governed in either side, Republican, Democrat, the difference is in the M.O. period It goes no further than that, one side doing it in the "right lane" the other doing it in the "left lane" one with right wing tactics and methods, the other with left wing tactics and methods. The result is the same, consolidation of power, the dangerous transformation of the nature of government and in a most theatrical war for power.
In order to keep such power, they need not be in the majority, for even those in the minority, still won and are still in a powerfull government position. And they both got there because you believed that it was all about you.
I assure you it was all about them.
It was all about retaining and expanding that power, not all about serving you the people oh so faithfully. It was about getting there and staying there.
So what ties the DHS memo's in with of this? Fear. It is governments most diversive, effective and most diabolical weapon. It is the best tool in their work shop. " We have to pass tarp, the economy is going to collaps!"..."We mst pass this patriot act, terrorists are going to kill us all any day!"... "We must intern these japanese! They will all turn against us!"... "We must restrict your guns! they are killing children!"... "We must ban marijuana and jail the foul users! they are poisoning our country!"
all taken from genuine actions of our government, all using fear. And it works.
By naming names, so to speak, by listing those we should fear and generalizing them in either a right or left light, they perpetuate the right/left pardigm and keep us sqabbling over trivial ideologies and in genuine fear of each other. And this makes it so much easier for them to create more laws, circumvent certain freedoms, play fast and loose with constitutional language, and further transform their posistion from one of servitude to one of de facto authoritarinism and thus, transforming the very nature of our country to something the founders would have long ago repelled. Yet we stupidly invited it in because we were made fearfull . And still we continue arguing over irrelevent things to this larger picture.
The weapon is working very well.
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6 responses
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
3 May 09
The only thing I've seen from DHS recently was a profiling of white supremacist (which it for some reason referred to as rightwing extremist) recruitment techniques.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
3 May 09
Reagan once said that we are not a country with a government but a government with a country. A scary think to acknowledge is that government can do what ever them wanted to if they wanted to. If the federal government tomorrow wanted to suspend the Constitution what would could we do about it? If Congress and the President wanted to elect them selves for life what exactly could we do about it?
Fear is a great weapon, it paralyzes the citizens forcing them to give government full control over to government so we never have to fear. Of course we come to a point what we fear more is government than anything but by then it is too late to do anything. A shotgun is no match for a M16.
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@visitorinvasion (7709)
• United States
6 May 09
All true...unfortunately.
I guess it's time for everyone to retake third grade and reread Thomas Paine's (sp? is it Payne maybe?) Common Sense. Seems this country's had a severe shortage of that lately.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
3 May 09
It's sad, but true. All these people want is to stay in power. So few realized that even when Arlen Specter ADMITTED the reason he changed parties was because it made it more likely he would get reelected.
Fear is a powerful tool and it can be used to pass just about anything. When that stimulus crap was getting rammed through Mike Huckabee said it very well that whenever politicians say we have to pass something NOW, it means there's something in that bill that they don't want you to know about. We've already experienced a few things in there that those who voted for it were too stupid to read in their rush to vote. I guarantee you if this recession isn't over by 2010, they'll use it to pass more garbage that only benefits them.
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@miamilady (4910)
• United States
3 May 09
I agree that fear is a very effective of controlling people.
Unfortunately, I think all sides are guilty of using that strategy.
@Adoniah (7513)
• United States
3 May 09
Yes, just like the catholic church when it was in control. It controlled with fear.
Now the government controls with fear. When Bush was in office, it was the Al Qaeda and 9/11. With Obama, it is the Economy and to us (he doesn't seem to care)it is Iran and the rest of the terrorists.
Fear is held over our heads every day. Is this going to happen or is that going to happen. The oil prices are staying up even though the price per barrel is the lowest it has been in years. They are threatening us with astronomical electric bills in the near future for the "green footprint program".
Ethanol is going to be made more and more. It takes a gallon and a half of oil to make one gallon of ethanol. Now that makes a lot of sense doesn't it!! In the process, we are starving the third world countries hurting our own poor and destroying our own farmland because corn sucks the land dry. Good old Obama, he sure knows what is best for us.