Last episode of Bleach- gay parade?

@Bionicman (3958)
Czech Republic
May 3, 2009 3:19pm CST
Just saw the last episode of Bleach. What the hell was that? When the tranny showed up I needed to move to another room to keep watching. I would be embarrassed if anyone saw it. The whole episode wasted on some boring gay fight? This is too much. OK, I admit I laughed a few times but I want to see some real fights already. And what's next? Will every lieutenant fight through the whole episode too? So 3 more lieutenant= 3 more episodes of bullsh1t. It's really slow, I think I might skip next 10 episodes. Was this even in manga?
2 responses
• Philippines
4 May 09
Welcome to the world of Charlotte Coolhorn. The... character with the most, uh, interesting release in the series thus far. Fighting someone as vain about looks as he is (although Yumichika is admittedly better looking, not that that was a hard feat to accomplish considering Charlotte's... physique) And yes, this was in the manga. All four Lieutenants fought against someone from the Arrancar side. I don't know what you mean by "real fights" but from what I can recall, the enemies were useful in providing insights for the four Lieutenants being showcased. This fight with Yumichika was funny because both characters were vain and thought they were the ultimate form of beauty. Also, it gave us Yumichika's specialty, which had been hidden during his fight against Shuuhei way back in Soul Society. The next one would be Kira, focusing on philosophies on war and such. Maybe that'll be more to your liking.
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@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
4 May 09
By real fights I mean Ichigo vs. ulquiorra and captains vs. espada. Finally seeing Yumichika's specialty was kinda interesting but he's really not my favorite character. I'm actually interested to see Kira fighting but not through the whole episode. If only enemies were better...
• Philippines
4 May 09
KT has the problem of giving every single one of his characters (no matter how seemingly minor) focus, so it wasn't really a surprise to me. I'm not fond of it, especially because his main characters (that is, the humans) have become more and more into the background (I might be biased, but I want more Chad, Tatsuki and Karin darn it!) but that's how he does things. I do understand how you'd dislike it since the spotlight's not on your fave characters. I guess this is a bad time to say there are more Lieutenant fights in the future then? (Admittedly, though, I enjoyed everyone's fights, Kira's and Matusmoto's the most, despite some problems on Matsumoto's side.) I won't comment on the Ulquiorra fight because it'll be a spoiler. He's not a favorite, so that might have affected it, but the fight was too unsatisfactory for me.
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@smn1022 (45)
• United States
11 Jun 09
i liked the lieutenants fights. the only thing i don't like is the stupid fans that likes to whine about it. that's the only negative thing i found about bleach.
@Bionicman (3958)
• Czech Republic
11 Jun 09
I love how the opening-recap-ending is longer than the actual episode. And stupid fans are still buying it...