I Am Still Shaking my Head!

United States
May 3, 2009 7:11pm CST
Back in early March I received a message on my Facebook e-mail. It was from a woman with whom I went to grade school. I have not seen her or spoken to her since her family moved out of town back in 1969. All the message said was "Are you the same person who went to ** Elementary School? Does your mother have red hair and wears glasses? Do you remember me?" I did recognize her name immediately since it's an unusual name. I remembered that we were playground buddies but not close friends. I answered back and said, "Yes that's me and I do remember you. Nice to hear from you. How are you?" I got back a very long letter detailing most of the major events in her life since she dropped out of school in 1975! This included her marriages, kids names, ages and arrest records, grandkids names and ages, and on and on. At the end of the letter she asked me at least a dozen questions about my life for the last 40 yrs. To be polite I answered back with as much detail as I felt comfortable giving out to someone who was basically a stranger. I just heard back from her today after 2 months. Here is the first line of what she sent me back. "Hey you... I never asked you for your "life story" and I'm just letting you know that I will never be speaking to you again." Then she proceeded to tell me that the reason she didn't say this sooner was that her computer wasn't working and detailed everything that had to be done to fix it. She ended with, "Hope you're feeling well :)" I just shook my head and re-read it at least 5 times before I decided.. yep I read it right the first time! I answered back and said, "Well, actually you did ask for my life story." Then copy and pasted every question she asked me. I pointed out to her that the only question I asked her was "How are you?" I was simply trying to be polite by answering her questions in return, a concept with which she is obviously not familiar. I then suggested that perhaps she should seek help from a mental health professional. In closing I informed her that her idea of never speaking to me again would be considered a blessing and that I sincerely hope she adheres to that sentiment since any further communication from her would be deleted from my inbox... unread. I wished her a nice day with the appropriate smiley attached. I'm still shaking my head wondering what this was all about. I even went back and re-read the previous e-mail I sent to her to see if there was ANY way anything could be misunderstood as impolite. There just isn't anything. I'm frankly a bit confused but can't help laughing. Hubby got a laugh out of it too after he said, "What? Read that to me again." Then he said, "She's just nuts." I have to agree with his assessment. Have you ever gotten a rude letter from someone you haven't seen in a long time and have no idea why?
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27 responses
@ycanteye (778)
• United States
4 May 09
Wow, sounds like you're better off not communicating with this person. She sure seems to be all about her for sure. I did get a rather strange letter from a good friend back before computers and we haven't spoken to this day because she never did tell me what it was all about and since I had no clue what she was talking about I just quit asking her to explain after a while. People can sure be strange sometimes.
3 people like this
• United States
4 May 09
I have to agree with you. It's the not knowing why that's the kick in the pants. No closure I guess. Frankly with this one I don't care, I've lived the last 40 yrs not even hearing her name, I can go on for another 40. LOL
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@ycanteye (778)
• United States
4 May 09
Kind of makes ya wonder how many others she did the same thing to....
3 people like this
• United States
4 May 09
Ya it makes you wonder, some people just enjoy being strange or can't help themselves. Either way there's always that lovely button on the computer... DELETE.
3 people like this
• United States
4 May 09
i've run into people like that..it's like walk away..really fast.
• United States
4 May 09
I'm very glad she lives 3 states away! LOL
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• United States
4 May 09
i think i would be too
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@raydene (9871)
• United States
4 May 09
Hi Hon Once in a while I get a weird one. The last was on myspace when a man asked to be friends. I accepted as I usually do the immediately got a msg asking...now get this.. "Do you like well endowed men?" I deleted msg and deleted his friendship.. I mean come on does that ever get him anywhere? lol Have a good day xoxoxoxo
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• United States
5 May 09
HAHAHAHA! I think I would have had to have sent him a msg back telling him that yes, I do like well endowed men, but I require that a brain be part of that endowment. Then I would have deleted him. What a moron.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
4 May 09
Well, someone once called on the phone to berate me for not having attended her wedding which had taken place quite a while earlier. Does that count? Since I don't usually answer the phone, she left the message on voice mail and then called back and left 6 or 7 more voice mails along the same lines. Needless to say I did not return any of her calls. I had been polite enough to tell her well in advance that I would not be attending the wedding, so it is unclear why she got a bee in her bonnet over it. I did not consider her a friend and loathed her intended husband, so it is beyond me why she would have wanted me to attend her festivities. Oh, well... Yes, my first thought when reading your discussion, was "Well that person was nuts!" so it did surprise me a bit that you gave her the satisfaction of a reply, albeit such a detailed reply (lol), but if it made you feel good, yayyy!
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• United States
4 May 09
Hi Ann! Nothing to yay about really. She had her say, I had mine, it's done. Your situation with the unattended wedding definitely qualifies as bizarre. I would have ignored the messages as well.
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
4 May 09
I'm glad you thought to keep her emails since you had proof of this NUTCASE..glad to hear you polietly told her off..just hope thats the last you hear from her..another reason why i'm scared to get Facebook since i heard that people you haven't heard from in along time come out of the woodwork and find you. This proves it for me..
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• United States
4 May 09
I go to Facebook mostly for the games but people can certainly find you if you let them. All depends on how much information you give out. If you want to be anonymous or have a select group of friends it's totally up to you. You have to approve everyone on your friend list before they can see anything except your basic info. This woman found me because I had my high school and graduating class listed. That may change... soon! LOL
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• Canada
6 May 09
I'm with you Rosekitty. I haven't done the Facebook thing yet and I don't plan on doing it anytime soon either. I've already had an 'old friend' look me up once. Since my phone number hasn't changed for 12 years, they tried the old number and it worked. This was a woman who took me for $1,000 that I had to come up with immediately for some emergency (which turned out to be false) and promised me for my trouble that she would pay me back in 2 mos more than she borrowed. She said $3,000. I was naive enough to believe her, since, at the time she was my best friend and my Maid of Honour at my wedding (some 25 yrs ago), so I trusted her. I even borrowed the money to lend her. Well, I had to struggle to pay back every penny and I did. But never received a cent from her. She did get the court settlement that she promised to pay me back out of, but never looked me up to pay me back at that time. So when she contacted me again, I said that unless she was willing to pay me back what she owed me, I had no interest in talking to her. So, she sent me $150 and I had 1 conversation with her on the phone. When she didn't pay any more, as was agreed, I ignored further phone calls. Then a couple of years ago, she called again. OMG! I told her I really didn't want to have anything to do with her and her continual drama of a life. I told her all of her problems were caused by her own making and I had no pity for her any longer. We, originally met in a support group, so I know that's why she wanted contact with me. She wanted someone to pity her again, and had likely burned all her bridges.
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
4 May 09
Thats more reasurring..lol..
1 person likes this
4 May 09
Hi Jo, I agree with your hubby, she is really nuts!! weirdo isen't the word, I have not had anyone I know that come to me like that, but an old school friend of mine had went to visit my sister, she got well with her better then me and she got in touck with me on skpye today, it was lovely. love and hugs, Tamara xxxxxx
2 people like this
• United States
4 May 09
I think the worst of the shock has worn off, now it's just one of those bizarre mysteries of life things... LOL. I'm glad you got to talk to your friend! That's terrific. I've finally got Skype downloaded just need to find my good mic and camera. :D Love and hugs
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@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
4 May 09
Yes I have received a rude email from someone I hadn't spoken to in a long time, only it was my aunt. I had just received her email address because she requested that my other aunt give it to me since we lived fairly far from each other. I forwarded an email to her as I do many people in my Address Book. She then emailed me back a hateful email about how the others I forwarded it could see her email address and she hoped she didn't start getting a butt load of spam because of me. I just answered her politely saying don't worry about it because I will never send another email at all. And that was the last time she got an email from me.
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• Canada
6 May 09
I would also prefer that people would use the Bcc option more as it would prevent spam. But I have asked people to do that politely, not hatefully. Nothing good ever gets accomplished when angry. I'm sure if she had only asked you, if, in future, you would do that, surely you would have responded in kind. Am I right?
@GardenGerty (162475)
• United States
4 May 09
Yep, from my cousin, and she blasted me good. It is not an experience I care to share or to relive. She is nuts and was raised by a nut, and I do not hear from her other than an occasional forward she sends me. It is enough.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
5 May 09
no cant say that I have. but I have few email frineds and have never looked up any one on my space or face book!
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• United States
5 May 09
YES!! i was told to write this one lady that a "friend" of mine knew that was familiar with the whole disability fight.. so i did.. i have horrible social anxiety but was told it was totally cool so i did.. well i got THREE letters that are a couple of PAGES long and the person asked me questiosn at the end and so i replied to all of them and got a letter saying that she didnt wanna hear my life story or hear about my problems or be my friend and that she was just trying to help and not to contact her again.. i was like wtf?! she asked me DOZENS of questions so i replied with maybe a paragraph at most compared to her 3 emails at a couple of pages length EACH.. and im telling my life story?! and when i contacted her i had told her i was told to ask her via ****** and that i hoped i wasnt bothering her and if i was to NOT reply! it really pissed me off to no end since i didnt feel comfy in contacting her to begin with and was reassured it was fine.. then the lady even was saying how it was totally fine to have contacted her.. and then flooded my email box with her helpful emails and then get mad when i replied to her million questions!! turns out the apple didnt fall far from the tree since my "friend" i met her through turned out to be a total nutjob too.. still hurt though.. but im a sensitive person unfortunately.. and i am always one to never ask for ANYTHING so i felt like i was this huge pain
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@hellcord (673)
• Romania
5 May 09
Well isn't that normal regular standard female communication ? :D I get that type of emails from girls / women every day, in the sense that they don't make much sense than the one you got :P I got this project, I will decode the female logic, my progress bar is now at about 1.2%
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• China
4 May 09
Ha~~you said really good touching oh~~I really very much likes``
2 people like this
• United States
5 May 09
This is a strange email you got from someone you haven't seen or spoken to in 40 years. No, I can't say I have ever gotten a email from someone like that. I can't blame you for never corresponding with her again.
1 person likes this
• United States
4 May 09
Wow! I'm glad you're able to laugh such loonyness away :) I've never received that kind of letter...just one more thing to be thankful for I suppose. I agree that there must be some mental health issues going on with her because her response to you is just bizarre.
• United States
4 May 09
I like the word loony and very appropriate for this discussion! What's really funny is one of the first things that popped into my head was a scene from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" where King Arthur tells the Black Knight, "You're a loony". That's what started me laughing in the first place.
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@dfinster (3528)
• United States
4 May 09
That is just really freaky. I definately wouldn't be communicating with that person for any reason in the future. I was shaking my head too when i read what you said. If you remember her at all from school was she weird then too?
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@littleowl (7157)
5 May 09
Hi CraftCatcher, that is really weird..why on earth did she get intouch with you if she really wasn't interested. What a rude, ignorant B she is, sorry but that would annoy me no end...fortunatly I have never had that happen to me as yet but there is always a first time eh? I hope she doesn't get intouh with you again..hugs LoLo xxx
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
4 May 09
It sounds a little selfish on her part. She wants to talk about herself, asking you about yourself, and then gets mad when you do? Even explaining why she hadn't said anything sooner, maybe even going into more detail. I guess she has changed a lot from when you knew her in grade school, I'd let it be. She may have been having a bad day, or it may not have even been her the first time, etc.
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@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
4 May 09
About 3 weeks ago, my cousin got ahold of me through Facebook. From there, we talked on the phone a few times...Now, She won't respond on her facebook page. I think for some people Facebook is a novelty. That woman sounds like she's rude as hell. Just consider the source. I always do!
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• United States
4 May 09
To me that women might not have been as crazy as everyone thinks she is. She might have been trying to get all the information that she could from you in order to pull a scam or something. When she couldn't get the information that she wanted, then she got mad. There's no telling what people will do any more. I had someone call me on the phone and wanted all my personal information and when I wouldn't give them my S.S. number they got mad and hung up.
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• United States
4 May 09
Makes you wonder why she dropped out, bad social skills i guess. :) But you did right by hitting that delete button, in my opinion.
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