do you use soaps or shower cream?

soaps - soaps lux
May 4, 2009 7:26pm CST
I like soaps,which is easy to clean. Shower cream needs bath ball,and not so easy to clean away,i feel. But shower cream is more healthful than soaps, if there are many guys use the same soap. How about you?
3 responses
@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
5 May 09
I prefer soap than shower cream because it's generally cheaper. When you said that shower creams are more healthful ("HEALTHFUL", I'm so glad people are using the right word!) I think that's because you're comparing it to the more popular kind of soap: the harsh type. I prefer Dove soap or Olay soap which are very mild soap. It's enough to get rid of the harmful chemicals that stick to my skin. Also, there's no need to scrub :) Thanks for the response on my discussion!
@yonkie (440)
• Philippines
5 May 09
I am using soap. I used shower cream once. It was a gift. I have to use it before it expires. I use soap because it is cheaper than shower cream.
@fwangaa (3057)
• China
5 May 09
i usually use soaps. that's cheap,and healthy for my face. i never use shower cream . i don't know wheter it can clean myself. and it is too expensive.