My neighbours house burned down

May 5, 2009 4:21am CST
Few hours ago I was siting at home waiting for the nurse to come and check the baby when I saw a lot of cars driving up and down, this is strange as our street is very quet. Then I heard the siren and they stoped close by so I decided to have a look. I went to look out the window and saw the fire brigade and heard a window been broken so I went to get my baby and by the time I got out the whole house was on fire. It was the scariest thing I have ever seen. 1 min there is nothing the next there is 10m fire flames above the house. I wasn scared that the fire will come to my house it was just the whole situation, the speed and reality that it could be anyone. The nurses that were coming to see me saw the fire and called 000 so lucky they came to see me or it would have been much worse. I always belived that in case of fire I will go grab the documents (that I keep in 1 place) and go take the photos (all 20 or so albums) and run, but seen this today I know there is no way I would be able to do thatand that is scary.
8 responses
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
6 May 09
I actually lived thru this and I cant even tell you how scary it is. I was alone as my husband had gone to work and the kids had gone to school. I was doing dishes and then came into the computer room to take a break. I went to go back out to the kitchen and saw smoke rolling into the living room as I walked out of the computer room. It really didnt dawn on me at the time what was going on. I went upstairs and my daughters room was in flames. Me being me, I ran down and grabbed water and tried to put it out, running back and forth. It was to much. I grabbed the phone called 911 and then ran back in grabbed my purse and then shut off the electricity. I tried to get my dog to come out and she wouldnt budge. It was horrible. I cant even describe the horror. One of town police officers came and he asked if there was anyone in the house. I said my dog and she wont come out. He tired to get her and she bit him. He did manage to get her thou. Then he asked if there was anything downstairs that I wanted. I just said the computer has everything, all pictures and things in it. He came back in and brought out the tower. Forever grateful. Fire department finally came and that is another story. I dont have much faith in most of them now. Anyways they declared it a total loss. They didnt know us. We got it up and cleaned out and the upstairs done in about a week. I can still smell the aftermath of the smoke on certain days and in certain rooms. I wouldnt wish anyone to ever go thru it.
• Australia
6 May 09
I am so sorry you had experienced this first hand if it was scary for me been some 80m away I can imagine how it was for you. So did they find out the cause of the fire? I am glad you managed to save your home.
@Ithink (9980)
• United States
6 May 09
Yes they did, I wish I could say it was something else other then this, it was one of our teen daughters smoking. STUPID
• Philippines
5 May 09
It's a good thing you and your baby are safe. I understand the panic you experienced, if I were in your place, I probably wouldn't know what to do. At least you had the presence of mind during that time. Stay safe.
• Australia
5 May 09
the fire was 3 house from me across the road so I knew we were safe but it was the scaries thing ever watching it.
• United States
6 May 09
I am so glad you and your baby is okay. I am sure that is scaring to see your neighbors house burn down. I have always said if my house was on fire I would grab all of my pictures but I agree there is no way I could have grab all of my pictures either.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
5 May 09
I am so glad you and your baby are safe because I know fire can spread quickly. I feel incredibly sorry for your neighbors and wonder what set off the fire. I hope they have buildings insurance. Seeing such high and uncontrollable fire must have been really frightening. My sister's mother in law is over eighty years old. She lit a candle and then fell asleep. Her curtains went up in flames. The fire was stopped but it did much damage. The smoke made all the clothes in her wardrobe black. He moved to a hotel and then got new accommodation. I read about a family that were abroad when their house had a fire and it burned down. The had timers for lights for security purposes and one of those had set light. They were there to get any of there valuables out of the way. I would grab my travel photos after taking my children and pets to safety if I could.
• Australia
5 May 09
Thats what my husband said "hope they have insurance" to me its more then that its about memory as well I would hate to loose photos and first this and that of my kids, and all the things we have created over the years. And seen how fast it all turned to flames made me think how fast you can loose the whole lot. The building from what I can see (and much of it is behind fence) its still there but I seriusly dont belive much could be saved. I dont know them well jus ocasional hi but I want to help them, i am thinking a gift voucher for grocery in the mail box.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
5 May 09
I am glad that you and your baby are safe. Truly fire is very dangerous. The worst thing about it is that it will totally destroy belongings leaving you out with nothing. This is the reason why basic fire safety training is important. Presence of mind and controlling the panic within you will always do best in times like this.
• Australia
6 May 09
if the fire does not destroy everything there is also water damage and smoke damage as well. so all in all there is hardly anything you can save. I feel so sorry for the people.
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
5 May 09
That is scary, glad to hear that you all are alright, sorry about your neighbors house tho. Yeah, I think we all think we'd have enough time to grab this and that if it ever happens but in reality, we probably don't, we need to just get ourselves out of the house. Recently there was a house that burned down not far from us, and it was a huge two story house, the fire dept. got the call about 9:30 that night, and they got there at 9:38 and the house was already burned to the ground. So that pretty much tells you how fast a house can burn, I might just have to start leaving my important stuff in the trunk of my
• Australia
6 May 09
hmmmm well if a house can burn down in 8 min a car will be gone in 8sec so the car is not safe. I think I will start digging my yard and placing my important thing in deep holles.
• India
6 May 09
Good that you and the baby are safe. Also nice to hear the organized way you keep the documents and the albums too. Personal memories are important. I am unorganized and I will also follow something similar as you said. Actually I have never thought that There can be a fire in my house so there is no backup plan to fall back upon. I think the minimum that can be done is to keep my important documents handy in one place and possibly a copy of them some where else. Good point that you have brought out I will keep me thinking and will work towards a backup plan.
• Australia
6 May 09
We I had a back up plan but seen what I saw I know it wont work in real life. If something was to happen I will make sure my family is out and hope all the rest of my things are safe, but I wont risk it for material things
@mapuang (612)
• Philippines
6 May 09
well its good to know that you and your baby is safe. yes you can pick anything if you are in panic. all you think is your baby. but anyway at least no one get hurts and your house is safe now.
• Philippines
6 May 09
Tragedies such as these should encourage us to evaluate our priorities. It is true that these documents and these photos are irreplacable but when it boils down to the wire, it is still important that you get the kids and bail as soon as you can. Just like what you did. My dad always tells us, whatever it is, it isn't more important than our lives and health. He always says, when these things happen, we should take care of each other and make sure we get out safe. It is so tragic what happened to your neighbor. I pray that they get through this very difficult time.