Looking for a job? or jobless?

May 5, 2009 9:21am CST
It's a pity that someone does not look for a job for himself, just relies on his parents most of his life? a certfied lazy, bum and worthless person. He eats a lot, drinks a lot, doesnt do household chores, watches TV all day and all night. What will happend to him when his parents are gone? which in fact he has a degree in Management Information Systems in one of the prestigious schools. I really could not believe why these people exist? what's the point? I admire those jobseekers walking in the heat of the sun looking for a job and especially those who were able to finish college. "seek and you will find" But this lazy ones. this is what im going to say "Give a man a fish, you have fed him for today, Teach a man to fish, you have fed hime for a lifetime"
4 responses
@asliah (11137)
• Philippines
1 May 13
yes that is true and those people who don't like to have work are those people who only rely to their parents or other family member,and i hate those kind of people,i would rather find a job and work hard than to stay at home and wait for money to come.
@aliks071 (12)
• Indonesia
20 Oct 09
You know, being jobless does not mean to be a worthless person :) But being a lazy person tha's another story. Maybe we could encourage them to do something useful for others. I see people like this, usually they have been spoilled by their parents too.
@PRIYANK1992 (1677)
• India
5 May 09
No I already have an job.I am teching in an engineering college earns 20,000/month.So I am fully satisfied with my job.I don't need any one.
@mkchaves (530)
• Canada
17 Jun 09
i am jobless, but i volunteer for work experience in a local hospital. :D right now, i depend on my parents because I don't have an income. I am waiting to be accepted and still I'm not losing hope to get hired @ other hospitals.. hehe :)