If Islam is so vulnerable to misinterpretation, why not just avoid it?
By cannibal
@cannibal (650)
May 5, 2009 12:31pm CST
First things first, I'd like to tell that I'm an atheist and would really appreciate logical, real, rational and practical responses. And to all Muslims, you've got to take criticism in the right stride. Defend your religion. Marking this response negative is not going to help!
Time and again we've seen organized crimes by the 'followers' of Islam all over the world. And even more than those, I find intellectuals, secularists and thinkers justifying that the religion is not to be held responsible for this; and that the Quran has been 'misinterpreted. Heck what!
All right. For a moment, let's assume that Islam is the best religion in the world; that it is really a peaceful proposition. But then the question arises that even then, if it's possible to use Islam conveniently against Humanity, why don't we just avoid it; or at least try refining the contents of the Quran?
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13 responses
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
6 May 09
All religions are vulnerable to misinterpretation. Musilms who believe Islam to be absolute truth should not avoid Islam because it is vulnerable to misinterpretation. Part of Islam (submission) is studying and meditating on the Koran and learning the true meaning of God's word.
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@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
6 May 09
Studying and Meditating - What?
if some one sits down to study, its possible that he can study good and bad. but one studies to be in the right path. when it comes to meditating, is there anything called meditation being practiced in islam? islam has no meditation.
What do you mean by "learning the true meaning of God's word?
when one says "true meaning of god's word", you are indicating the presence of the opposite i.e., the false meaning of god's word. if it is indeed god's word, then there is no room for confusion. it wont require any interpretation either.
allah has said that quran is very simple, easy and written in arabic so that muslims (arabs ofcourse!) understand it easily. Refer 44:58, 54:22, 54:32, 54:40 and satisfy your doubts. Nowhere in quran allah says his words must be interpreted with commentaries. that means it has to be understood literally as it is written in quran. no wonder terrorists like bin laden quote quran to justify their acts. that means those who interpret quran are liars and charlatans. so whatever is written there is what it actually means. if it says "Kill", then it really means to go out and Kill.
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
6 May 09
[i]Studying and Meditating - What?
if some one sits down to study, its possible that he can study good and bad. but one studies to be in the right path. when it comes to meditating, is there anything called meditation being practiced in islam? islam has no meditation. [/i]
I'm not quite sure what you are trying to say here. Meditating is "continuous and profound contemplation or musing on a subject or series of subjects of a deep or abstruse nature." You are saying that this is wrong in Islam? Interesting.
[i]What do you mean by "learning the true meaning of God's word?
when one says "true meaning of god's word", you are indicating the presence of the opposite i.e., the false meaning of god's word. if it is indeed god's word, then there is no room for confusion. it wont require any interpretation either. [/i]
You are contradicting yourself. If there is no room for confusion, and only one real meaning, then there is a "true" meaning and if not understood correctly, a false one as well. If the Koran is static than there can only be one meaning, and seeing as humans are not perfect beings, they are bound to miss the meaning now and again.
allah has said that quran is very simple, easy and written in arabic so that muslims (arabs ofcourse!) understand it easily. Refer 44:58, 54:22, 54:32, 54:40 and satisfy your doubts. Nowhere in quran allah says his words must be interpreted with commentaries. that means it has to be understood literally as it is written in quran. no wonder terrorists like bin laden quote quran to justify their acts. that means those who interpret quran are liars and charlatans. so whatever is written there is what it actually means. if it says "Kill", then it really means to go out and Kill.
Uh, just because something is easy to learn doesn't mean that everything is to be taken literally. That's a far stretch of an argument.
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@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
5 May 09
You made a good point cannial, and I dont think I can really answer your question. For one I am not Muslim and I do not practice their religon. I am Christian so I can only say what I have to say from a Christian point of view.
We are all individuals, we all think differently and act different. Peoples interpretation of the quran is different also. Some think it is peaceful and others think if they kill for their religon then they are blessed in the hereafter. That is when religous extremists come in. They misuse and distort the "words" of Allah, God or whoever. It happens in all religons. When you get extremists in the mess then they brainwash others to believe that way. Next thing you know there is a holy war. It is also hard to avoid something that has been around you your whole life. It becomes part of you so to speak.
Some examples(from a Christian standpoint):
The bombing of abortion clinics. Some people are so against the killing of the unborn that they murder women and think it is ok. That is an extremist. I am against abortion but I would not kill a woman to make a point!
The KKK!!! Wonderful people huh? NOPE! They arent. They use bible scriptures to back up their racism. They distort the meaning of the scriptures to fit their lifestyles of hate.
I believe that is what happens with ALL religons. You dont like what the holy one says so you "change" the meaning.
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@cannibal (650)
• India
6 May 09
Thanks for responding. This is wrt your last sentence. D you wish to say it is also true for Islam? I hope not; since it were, it would partially imply that Muslims are not in favor of what the Quran says and that they are actually athiests! And a toddler would suggest that this can never ever be true! Muslims are so close to their religion!
My logic is quite simple. If we were to go by your suggestions, it would indicate that Islam has only been made a scapegoat by the negative elements of the society, for their own vested interests. Fair enough! Let us assume this to be true. And now one should ponder as to "Why only Islam and not others?" That's what all our discussion has been about. Why is it so convenient to use only Islam to do a wrong act? This has been happening since times immemorial and can no more be dismissed as a coincidence. There's definitely something in the Quran which has sanctioned the activities; at least may be indirectly.
So if Islam is such a risky proposal, why opt for it?
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
6 May 09
I have two takes on this.
First, forget about organized crime, even an event as insignificant to us as naming a teddy bear, can make the Muslims see red. Yes, I am referring to the incidence of the British teacher in some predominantly Muslim school in some African country naming a teddy of her small pupils as Muhammad! Practically the entire Islamic population of the world went up in arms baying for her blood! How much more insecure can you get…Muslims defend it by saying that Muhammad is so dear to them that they cannot bear to see his name being misused! Oh yeah? Then what about the thousands of Muhammads who are crooks and criminals and thugs? Go and hang them first!
Secondly, as you said, the latest defense for all those organized crimes is that Islam is being misinterpreted! Again, oh yeah? Then why don’t the ordinary Muslims go out on the streets against these Jihadi Mullahs and Madarsas and militants and tell them unequivocally, what is the truth in Islam!
To me, monotheism is the only good point of Islam…other than that, whatever else humanitarian aspect that religion has, is there in all other religions minus the violence. I don’t know how Islam was years back but now, day by day, it’s the most insecure religion in the world from within. Remember the saying…empty vessels make more sound? Muslims are turning their religion into an empty vessel by reacting negatively to every small criticism of their religion and by confining themselves to the medieval times of the creation of their religion. They avoid every change like plague coz they are forever scared of their religion, their identity being blown away by the winds of change.
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@cannibal (650)
• India
6 May 09
Yea I agree with you. Muslims are getting more n more fanatic by the day and indirectly they are making others also to follow suit (The Col. Purohit Episode in India)
But I feel more than Muslims, it should be Islam you should be targeting (Hope you know the difference!) The best option would be, discouraging existing Muslims and more so the future generations from following Islam. I know, this is going to be a near impossible job. But this is were the rationalists, intellectuals and the like can play a pivotal role. The next best step would be encouraging them to follow relatively peaceful religions like Jainism and Hinduism, which have a proven track record against violence (At least better than other religions)
Thanks for sharing, Sudipta
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
6 May 09
Wow! An Indian atheist…good for our country! We need more like you.
The Col. Purohit episode as in the Malegaon blast case? I feel that has more to do with politics than Islam. To my understanding, we Hindus have not been able to accept (even now) the partition of India on religious grounds and how our leaders (then, since then and now) have let down Hindus in their own homeland. I do not want India to become a Hindu nation NO…BUT I want the pandering of every Muslim whim and fancy to stop too! This has actually pulled the community down so much that they are forever aggrieved by the progress the other communities have made while they think, they are forever languishing behind (which they are, BUT for their own fault). The surrounding Islamic world takes advantage of this misplaced sense of betrayal and denial and eggs on the misguided youth of this community to commit such crimes.
Make Uniform Civil Code applicable to all, make secular education compulsory in all madarsas (they can study religion in their mosques), rehabilitate the Kashimiri Pandits in their own land, rebuild the Babri Masjid…(there are many other issues where every Govt has played a partisan role) and you will see a lot of positive change.
BTW I do not understand the difference between Islam and Muslims.
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
6 May 09
I know about temples being razed to build mosques…it has been an Islamic tradition all through in this subcontinent. I really wonder sometimes as to how we Hindus managed to survive those ruthless and repeated invasions!
Regarding Babri Masjid however, it was there and a piece of our history and demolishing it has set a bad precedence. Tomorrow, you never know some jerk might actually want to blow up the Taj and see if there is indeed the temple of Tejo Mahadev beneath it, as has been claimed by many historians. So, we cant really tamper with our history and heritage…we need to look forward in the truest sense of Hindu tolerance and secularism, not the pandering of one particular community in the name of secularism.

@siddharthlife (462)
• India
6 May 09
I like your question a lot, but even though I would tend to agree with you on a personal level, I don't think this is something practical from the other viewpoint. About why this is so, just think about it - Countless people have been brutally killed in the name of Christianity (witch burnings anyone?) and scores of communities wiped out forever, especially in Europe. Would you hold Christianity responsible for this? Would you say if it is possible to misinterpret the Bible so grossly, then we should leave it?
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@siddharthlife (462)
• India
6 May 09
As I already said, I am convinced with your line of argument, at a personal level at least. About Christian history and end of civilizations, you must be aware of witch burnings in Europe. Entire indigenous cultures were destroyed because "the word of God needed to be spread". That was the whole point of the Crusades. I am sure you will find a lot of good information on this, especially in Wikipedia. You may check it out if you desire.
The point is, Islamic history is not as bloody, at least a hundred years after its inception. Most religions have their roots embedded in violence. What we are currently witnessing is a phase that is almost cyclic with all religions. The bottom line is, the moderates are never listened to. How can 0.01% people hijack the entire faith is the question that Muslims need to answer. The fact is, Islam is more in threat from within than from any external agency.
If of course you propose that all religions should be left, then that is a different story altogether!
Anyway, a good discussion - keep it coming.
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@cannibal (650)
• India
6 May 09
Yeah, you've managed to set my mind on the 'pondering' mode. May be the same questions need to be asked to Christians too! But I can't quite relate Christian terrorism to contemporary times. If it can be, Christianity shares an equal blame.
As to what you've said about all religions having bloody pasts, as far as my knowledge goes, Jainism and Hinduism are way behind. That's why I'd preferred them. C'mon, there isn't any perfect religion yet. So why not persist with the best available options? And rightfully, atheism is out of question.
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@cannibal (650)
• India
6 May 09
Thanks for the response
As to the question you've raised, I don't really think I'd be able to answer that. This is because, I don't have any knowledge whatsoever of Christian History. But if found true, I won't hesitate to start yet another discussion on that. I'd say Christianity is definitely responsible. (Assuming your allegations to be true)But please also read the following part carefully.
The opinions I've put forward in all my responses have a solid relevance to contemporary times too. What I mean to say is, had it been that the Islamic history would've been full of bloodshed; yet today it'd have been peaceful, I would not have, for a change raised a single question against Islam! I'd have concluded that Muslims have rightfully learned from history. But you must be aware of the havoc that has been created today!
Yeah you can blame me for the lack of knowledge, but what all is happening today needs no knowledge of history.
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@urbandekay (18278)
5 May 09
Hi, I am not a Muslim but I do not think that difficulty in interpretation is a reason to reject Islam. The works of Hussel, for instance, are far harder to interpret!
all the best urban
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@cannibal (650)
• India
5 May 09
I never said Islam is difficult to interpret. On the contrary, it's very easy to use it as a convenient tool for violence (according to the thinkers) isn't it? So why only Islam? No other religion can be used as easily! And it can never be dismissed as a coincidence that only Islam is being utilized this way. There's definitely at least something that inspires the wrong doers. So why not stay away, instead of risking a wholesome of humanity?
@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
7 May 09
In the Quran, there are those verses which recommend peace and friendly attitude and there are also those verses which recommend killing people. Violent people will get inspired by the latter.
Moreover, we are largely influenced by people around us. Was it the muslim countries who started and developed weapons of war? Everybody knows that the christian countries did it.
The muslim terrorist attacks are a crime against humanity and indeed surprsing that the 'good' muslims are not protesting. But then, do we need weapons of war in the first place? How many of us will protest against these weapons? How many of us really want to live in love and peace?
The problem of Quran is that most muslims follow it blindly; without thinking any logical thoughts. But sufism, a small group of Islam does not read the quran blindly. Sufis are the most peaceful and spiritual people and if other muslims cannot take them as role models, then who is to blame?
The point I am trying to make is; people will be violent, Quran or no Quran. Cruelty existed even fore Islam existed. The Quran is not the founder of cruelty and violence. If we wish for non-violence, then spirituality is the only solution. Through meditation and awareness, man reaches God who is called by various names 'Allah', 'Christ', 'Brahman or 'Tao.
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@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
7 May 09
many of the peaceful and sensible verses are abrogated from quran. this concept of abrogation is unique to quran only. most of the peaceful and sensible verses are revealed at Mecca when muhammad was very weak. Once he gained strength, which happened when he was at Medina, the tone of verses revealed also changed. Medinan verses are the most violent verses directing believers to indulge in senseless violence.
muslims are to be blamed for not understanding their religious texts. most of them just read it in arabic and do not even bother to chek what it really means. another problem is they are brainwashed and mind controlled from childhood by mullahs and vested interests who do not want to share the truth.
does god need the help of believers to fight unbelievers?
is god became so powerless that he is dependent on followers?
if there are unbelievers on this earth, who is responsible for it?
if the answer is Yes, then that god is Impotent. not worth wasting one's time on him.
its time we realise the god within oneself. all those who bow, pray and worship a god who is external to us is travelling the wrong path.
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@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
8 May 09
problem with muslims is that they are too afraid to look at the truth that their own lot is responsible their miserable state of affairs and stand up against it. so the term "peace-loving muslim" is bit confusing. even sufis are silent on these aspects eventhough they are the softest of muslims you find on earth.
as for brainwashed - all religions have this program of brainwashing in varying degrees. its more prominent and forceful in semetic faiths. otherwise its all the same everywhere. everybody is peddling something or the other minus spirituality.
for muslims quran is ultimate and whatever said in it is final and cannot change. as for the 26/11 attack of Mumbai, its majority inspired by religious fanaticism and part by pakistani aversion to India. ever since the partition in 1947, pakistanis have always used religion in all their messages to get the maximum support from muslims all over the world. if you have noticed what happened during the 20-20 cricket final match in south africa where India won over pakistan the message is very clear. the pakistani captain thanked only the muslims world over for supporting pakistan. didn't others support pakistan? how can one arrive at such an assumption? the inspiration for this come only from one source - quran. and there is no doubt about it.
bombing of the twin towers is a game of partnership. islamic jihadists provided the foot soldiers, rest is done by the americans who will do anything for a few extra dollars and these are people who sit in power. if some one mistakenly believes jihad is an internal struggle, there is no greater fool that him. as mentioned in quran, jihad is a fight here on this earth against the unbelievers.
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@Frederick42 (2043)
• Canada
7 May 09
You are right, Tulip. However, I wonder how a muslim is supposed to follow. When the Quran is contradicting itself with its peaceful and violent verses, the muslims who are peace-loving will follow the peaceful verses and the violent ones will follow the violent ones.
As far as brainwashing is concerned, christians are equally brainwashed.
The early muslims were definitely inspired by Quran to fight and kill. But today's muslims? As far as I know, the last terror attack took place in Mumbai. Was it for a religious reason? I doubt it.
The muslims who bombed American towers in 2001 - is there a religious reason involved? Although the muslim terrorist speaks 'Jihad' , I guess he uses the word 'jihad' for justification of his evil deed. He can say he is following the Quran and not doing anything wrong, while the reality is that he is using the Quran as a shield for his evil deeds. Are there religious reasons involved in today's muslim terrorism?
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
6 May 09
Can I turn the question back to you? I talk to a lot of atheists and have learned that the term is very open to interpretation. Some believe that the end of life is the end of self awareness and nothing happens beyond the last breath we take. Others believe that our self awareness goes beyond the life of our bodies, but there is no god or supreme being.
So, if atheism is so vulnerable to misinterpretation, why not just avoid it? Come to think of it, that might explain agnostics. ;~D
@cannibal (650)
• India
6 May 09
Oww that's a brilliant question, but I guess it has been answered already! Look at my response to Sudipta
It's not now that I'm asserting this. Since ages, I've been advocating theism (You can read some of my other posts) I strongly believe that a human needs a model code of conduct to pursue his otherwise lackluster and undirected life. But then, the code of conduct should be as perfect as possible. True, none can be; but at least the error chances are lower in the religions I mentioned in my response to Sudipta. So basically, it's only Islam I'm questioning. Not theism. Never!!
I'm sure excessive atheism is even more dangerous than radical Islam for that matter!
@nielcdg (709)
• Philippines
6 May 09
I have read a very hopeful side of Islam, its real challenge is releasing the hold of thousands of years of Dogma and human made orders that are not a part of the Quran. Now a lot of young Muslims are embracing new Ideas, breaking away from the corruptible ways of Clerics who can infect this Passionate religion with cruelty and Apathy. I hope that these young generation of New Muslims can make a breakthrough sometime soon, they need it because we in the outside world need to see the light that Islam emanates that makes it so dear to the hearts of these people.
I can't remember if it was Time Magazine or some other reliable source, but the new Islam movement has even reach Arabia and its challenge now is Palestine and Afganistan. But surely I think in our generation there will be big changes in the Islamic religion that will allow it to rise up from all of this bad publicity.
I had an ex who was Muslim, and she wasn't a fanatic...she was normal like anyone else. She was fortunate to be a part of a very liberal Muslim sect "Which I forgot what it was" but the bottom line is, free thinking muslims who can live with us side by side is not a dream it can be achieved we just need to wait and if a chance comes that they are asking help from the outside world we should not hesitate in giving them a helping hand :)
@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
6 May 09
quran cannot be misinterpreted. allah has said categorically that quran is written in very simple, easy to understand arabic so that muslims understand it well and apply it in their life. Refer to 44:58, 54:22, 54:32, 54:40. so it is clear that whatever is written there is what it means. Literally. so there is no interpretation possible.
if anyone interprets, then he is misleading humanity. so the interpretations of apologetics, intellectuals, secularists and thinkers (usually brainless or pea-brained) are wrong.
quran has many messages that are directly anti-human and with a sole purpose of advocating violence against people of other faiths. they do not need any provoation to attack others, all that is required is that the other has to be of a different faith. What a wonderful philosophy of the god of the religion of peace!
refining quran is not possible. for that to happen the world should be devoid of muslims. if refinement enters quran, it ceases to be quran. many verses have NO relevance to the chapter in which it belongs.
rather than being a book of guidance, quran is more of a book of threats. and logicall fallacis.

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
6 May 09
‘quran is written in very simple, easy to understand arabic’ so you can very well understand how the rigidity and brainwashing starts at the crib itself. Every Muslim has to read the Koran in Arabic as according to them, translation in any other language dilutes the meaning. Which language was the Bible written in? Which language were the Hindu scripts written in? Are we using those languages any more? Does that mean Christianity and Hinduism is gradually changing and becoming endangered?
Islam as a religion teaches its followers that the religion and everything attached to it (language, dress, attributes etc.) are sacrosanct and above everything else like nationality, indigenous culture, food, humanity etc. That is why Muslims everywhere fail to co-exist peacefully with other people.
Also it is my understand that the violence of Quran and Islam is a reflection of the times it was born. To me Muhammad was not a prophet BUT one of the greatest generals human history has seen. He did a great favour to the Arabia of his times by uniting the warring tribes and Bedouins and bringing a semblance of law and order to the people. But for that, he very wisely used a lot of inducements to draw people to him and to fight on his behalf. Four marriages, keeping women veiled, looting caravans and distributing the loot, killing non-believers of Mecca (and later other countries) and encroaching upon their property, abolishing tax for Muslims, charity for the poor, taxing the non-believers…all these and many more were legalized in the name of the Quran to lure more and more people into this fold.
@rosemarierealino (184)
• Philippines
7 May 09
Have you read the Qur'an cover to cover? Have you internalized each message you have read? Just be careful with your statements my friend. You are hurting the whole Moslem community. Let's respect one's beliefs. Thank you!
@cannibal (650)
• India
6 May 09
Very well said :-)
Specially the part that if refinement enters Quran it ceases to be the Quran
Indeed, there's no room for change in Islam. Whatever has been mentioned in the Quran, according to them it's the ultimate divine order. No flexibilities whatsoever.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many instances to prove that Quran has maintained a formidable grip over its followers by suggesting that Islam is the only way of life and so on. The more dangerous suggestion is destroying others who don't follow. Omg, is it such a grave crime?
So it can be easily proved that whatever Islamic terrorists are doing today, that has been very much acknowledged by the Quran. At least indirectly!
Thanks tulipstrader and let's hope all this serves as an eye-opener.

@Princecaspian (225)
• Norway
6 May 09
Maybe because you need to misinterpret Islam to make it violent but (some) other religions need to be misinterpreted to make them peaceful.

@rosemarierealino (184)
• Philippines
6 May 09
Hi! I am a Moslem but i don't think becoming a Moslem is a big problem, to me. Yes, a lot of people accusing Moslem for doing so many crimes in the world. They're judging people whom they do not know and I think JUDGING and ACCUSING people without any basis is a crime especially in the eyes of our Lord!

@rosemarierealino (184)
• Philippines
7 May 09
hey! Are you 100% sure that all members of any terrorist or crime makers in the world are Moslems? I think many of them pretending or just using Islam since many of them using Islam group name. But the truth is, they're not Moslems. How sad, right? I know it's not only Moslem people are bad. It hurts to hear that from you. Anyways, that's your opinion but just stay cool. Okay? Because the real Islam who believes Allah and Mohammed can't dare to do a crime. It's a sin! Bismillah!
@cannibal (650)
• India
6 May 09
Well Rosemarie, the question is not you per se. It's not even whether the Muslim community is happy with Islam or not. The question is that since other communities are being harmed (You certainly can't deny this!) who is to be blamed? And that's precisely what we've been discussing in all the previous responses.
As for your next allegation, I can't really believe you actually said 'without any basis'. What else do you want as a proof? Or is it that unless an activity like that happens in front of you you won't realize? C'mon, I suggest you get real!

@astakiller (32)
• Malaysia
6 May 09
Ok im a islam,but you cannot just simply target all Islam because of the terrorism, it's the person themselves.Did they even a Muslim Or Islam? maybe they just use the "islam" because Islam is famous in terrorism to get rid of their own problem.Well, i dont.And please do not target this to all Islam.Can you tell who the hell that try to take over Iraq? are they Islam or Muslim?
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@tulipstrader (1467)
• India
13 May 09
the topic in hand is about 'misinterpretation' of quranic verses and not about terrorism or painting muslims as terrorists. you simply misunderstood everything. ofcourse few of us also strayed into that area. but lets stick to the subject of misinterpretation. you seem to be very agitated. nobody here is targeting islam. this is a discussion forum, so lets discuss a topic which another mylotter want to address. why dont you come out a topic that you think you can put to the participants here and lets all join the debate.
you ask wh is trying to take over Iraq? well, its clear to all. United States of America. Its a Christian dominated country. Right? Does that mean christians are taking over Iraq? the answer is certainly No. and they have put muslims of iraq to rule when they could have put a christian to lord over it.
you said people are using islam Who? Are they Budhists, hindus, christians, jews? why would others use when they can be straight. is bin-laden, ayman al zawahiri, abu sayyaf, mullah omar etc Muslims or are they from other faiths i mentioned above. we all know this problem is unique to islam, but who should take the first step to correct this anomaly? certainly the muslims. that doesnt seem to be the case.
is it possible for you to take the message to your community members and make them understand that they have a monstrous problem at hand which if they do not address now, will turn on them sooner and destroy the life of every muslim. i feel that will be a proactive decision and benefit all.
@rosemarierealino (184)
• Philippines
7 May 09
Hi Brother! I have read your response and I feel the same way. It hurts sometimes that many of them blaming Islam in all the crimes done by the terrorists. But they do not know that these people are only using Islam. What I do not like is he seems to generalized us. Very sad! I am really affected with this discussion.

@John4Christ (1597)
• India
6 May 09
Bang !!!!
This is the most logical discussion I have come across on mylot......
Well talking about Islam I wont say whether it is right or wrong......I think the Muslims themselves can tell whether their religion is doing good to them or bad......
If you see the statistics most of the terrorists are Muslims......and I guess it is written in the Quran somewhere(correct me if i am wrong)......."behead your enemies".....I wonder which religion will tell you to behead your enemies......I don't know about the other religions......but the religion I follow it certainly says that forgive your enemies.......and hence you wont find much retaliations and blood bath in Christianity......In my country there are some goon outfits like RSS,VHP which go on a killing spree as and when they want to and innocent Christians die every now and then.....
Coming back to the topic I feel........let alone the terrorists.......even if we talk about Muslims, one word is enough to get their blood boiling.......they just cant take anything against them......they would always talk about killing,hitting and all such destructive words.......not all Muslims are like that, some are extremely good......but the problem is majority of Muslims are like that.......they just love getting into fights and hitting innocent people as and when they want to.....I have come across many such people......
If you talk about altering the Quran......I think personally no religion would like to edit their respective scriptures as they are supposed to be the word given by god himself........
@nielcdg (709)
• Philippines
6 May 09
There are some clerics "The Jihadists" who use the Quran for their means, I mean you gather a group of youths confused, hungry and afraid and say to them...when you die for Jihad you will go to heaven as a hero...this is their hook and poor kids out there get to it. Its not Islam but the people who hide behind it that causes this...
@John4Christ (1597)
• India
6 May 09
Well I certainly agree with you my friend......and I know that my fellow Muslim brotherens are cheated by some of the Muslim clerics and extremists who try to use them for personal use.......but sometimes it can be quite convincing because in the Quran it is clearly mentioned you should "behead your enemies".......so it is quite natural for any Muslim to get the wrong message to get into heaven and die a hero.......If you remember Daniel pearl(journalist,US)......he was beheaded........I just wish if Muslim clerics can come ahead and explain it to the other Muslims of the world, what that particular verse means and in what context it is used......so many souls can be saved then.......