Lego figures are involved in tourture.

United States
May 5, 2009 6:41pm CST
Hi all myloters, I have seen the most amazing thing or funny thing depending o your point of view. There is a photo gallery of Lego figues involved in acts of turture on other Lego figures, no kidding! They depicte everthing from hummiation, electro shock, and water booading. You are asking yourself can this be real, yes it is. What it is acclulcy is a serirs of still photos taken by a photographer who calles himself Legofesto. He is a U.K. citizen who got feld up with censorhip of photos of the treatment of detainees at Gantomao Bay and at Aub Grahaib. He decied to use pices of a lego set with figerines that are use to repesent persons to reconsturct some infamous photos and seceans of abuse. His intetions were to protest censorship of photos that were suposely too graphic for pubication. This seris of ten photos with comets from the photgrapher are found in webiste. I looked at all the photos and read the comentry. I will have to say some of the photos do look a bit comical despite the fact that this is serious subject. What do some of you Think? here is the link.
2 responses
@cicisnana (772)
• United States
6 May 09
Your link isn't working. I'd like to see the pictures. I like art so would like to see what you are talking about.
• United States
6 May 09
Hi cicisnana and thanks fro the response. here is the link again. that should do it, I missed spelle the origail link. sorry aobut that.
@redhotpogo (4401)
• United States
6 May 09
everything is funny when its done with legos. (the link doesn't work)