Share some superstitions in your culture or that you have heard

@060157 (1059)
May 6, 2009 11:43pm CST
The superstitions in my culture are hilarious When a Black cat crosses, it's a bad thing, and don't walk under a ladder. When u hiccup, some one close to u remembers and misses u. Breaking the mirror causes bad luck. You shouldn't, absolutely not cut ur nails during dark(night). When u sleep with ur hair open, the night goat comes and eats it up. To scare children- There's a black man carrying sack, to whisk away misbehaving children. When ur second toe is longer than the first, it means ur bossy. When u hear a crow, crowing all morning then it means that u should expect a visitor soon. If ur forehead is wide, then u will not be a good bride A scratchy palm suggests that you will gain a fortune.
3 responses
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
7 May 09
When you say something that you hope doesn't happen you are supposed to knock on wood. Whenever I go through a yellow light while it turns red my friends and I all kiss our hand and touch the roof of our cars. Not sure if that is just us or the culture, through.
@060157 (1059)
• Pakistan
7 May 09
lol. that's a weird ritual that you do while passing a yellow light. i wonder what would happen if you somehow forget to do it? hey here's another one for you... it's said that if you like to eat the rice that get stuck to the cooking utensil, it will rain at the day of your marriage
@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
7 May 09
Good day, 060157. When a fork falls down when eating, a male visitor will come, if it is a spoon, female visitor will come. If you had kicked on the spoon or fork after it fell down, the visitor will get out of his/her way. If someone passed on you when you are lying, you will not grow taller unless he/she passed you back. This sounds weird and not proven to be true happy mylotting!
@060157 (1059)
• Pakistan
7 May 09
good day to you too. it's so funny how there are so many superstitions involving guests.
@russso (1693)
• Philippines
12 May 09
This is a nice discussion. It's always amazes me each time I learn about superstitions from other countries. They amuse me. Here are some superstitions that I'd like to share from my country. Some may sound funny and outrageous, but hey, they've been around for centuries and have been passed on from one generation to another. :) \ Don't sing while you're cooking or you'll be widowed. \ If you accidentally drop a fork on the ground, it means that you'll have male visitor. \ Don't rest your head on your chin because it will bring bad luck. \ Don't sweep the floor at night or you'll drive good luck away. \ When it rains on a wedding day, this means prosperity. \ On New Year's Eve, open all doors, cabinets, and windows to welcome good fortune. \ Don't have chicken on New Year's Eve. Chicken signifies scarcity. I could go on and on and on... There's just sooooooo many of these folklore beliefs and in this day and age of technology and science, they still exist.