Do you Always keep complaining to God Or are you happy and Contented?

May 7, 2009 3:11am CST
We can always find people complaining to God everywhere. Some asking for more money. Some for good job. Some for good wife :-) really, some asking for promotion, some complaining about their boss, some women complaining that their husband don't love them anymore. student complaining that he worked so hard and got so less marks, businessman complaining for his loss. Everyone in one or the other way putting the blame on god. But some of us are there who know how to live a happy life free from complaining. I never blame God for the loss i face, because it might be due to my own mistake. what do you think ?
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17 responses
@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
7 May 09
Hi there my friend! I got struck with your discussion and have to say you are right. I used to complain to God why He does not answer my prayers, why I have to encounter many problems and trials. It came to a point that I had a stone heart and very proud. Until, a friend who became God's instrument laid her hands to me and lead me back to God's never ending love to His creations. Now, I already know how to directly talk to Him without complaining.
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• India
7 May 09
I pray to god only to think of Him as because he has given everything to enjoy like eyes to see good thing like pictures etc..ears i can feel and hear the beautiful sound and tongue for taste and other valuable limbs for enjoying and what about sensual is great and you have rights to complain and ask anything from GOD as he has given everything and duty is to think of him as because he gave.. You keep asking to God.That is not pure love, THAT IS CALLED BUSINESS....SO YOUR DEVOTION CAN'T BE COUNTED AS LOVE OR DEVOTION OR MAY BE ANYTHING.....WHAT YOU NEED IN LIFE SINCE HE HAS GIVEN EVERYTHING FOR YOU.
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• India
7 May 09
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7 May 09
You have every right to ask from God. Jesus taught us that "ask and it shall be given unto you. Seek and you shall find. Knock and the door shall be opened to you." We are children of God and therefore we are heirs to his Kingdom so we have evry right to ask from God. But remember not to ask him in vain. Make sure your motive of asking is in line with his word.
• United States
8 May 09
It is not the Divine's mistake if I choose to do something because of free will. It is my choice, and I live with whatever choice I make. I also do not blame others for my situation. Today I'm very content with my life as it is. I'm content with where I am at, and I am the space for this moment (to quote Tolle). It's taken me a long time to get to this point in life though. It's taken years of meditation, practice, and a connection to the deep spirit of this journey-life. When I was young, I did blame God for a great many things. I was caught in that dogmatic trap that if something bad occured it was either God or the Devil. Now I know it was karma, and free will that led me to certain paths in my life. Now, I just take things as they come. Nothing is neither good nor bad today it just is. And it's a very stress fee way to live. Namaste-Anora
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@Celanith (2327)
• United States
8 May 09
Matt 7 Tells us to ask, seek and knock A=S=K; Colossions 1:9 and I Thess. 5:17 tells us to not cease to pray. Rom 12:12 tells us to be steadfast in prayer not to give up there are many bible scriptures about praying and how and why to pray. We are to pray for our enemies and for our national leaders and those who have authority over us yes even the policemen. The effective fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much. We are to also pray and give thanks for what God has given us and done for us. Many people don't give thanks, they cry out to God to Give give, give but when he does they rarely say thanks or give him praise. Selfish prayers do not go beyond the ceiling. Nor do prayers of destruction, hatred or vengeance. It is not wrong to ask for a good Job, good health or even a wife. But we are to avoid repeatious prayers to because that is done in vain and are not heard. It is okay to be angry with God as long as you don't become dishonorable. Yes many people pray with moaning and groaning and complaint but don't do things to help themselves. Often they have had the answer and shun or ignore it. Or wait to long to act on things. Plus people don't say thank you God for your blessings on me. The Lords prayer is an outline of how we should pray. Kneeling is okay but not necessary you can pray hanging upside down by your toes in a well and God hears you. Often people pray when things are bad but once all is right again they tend to ignore God. You should pray for both good and bad times. Yes often we make our own problems and want God to bail us out. Sometimes he simply says NO. Pray but be content until God blesses you moreStau faithful in daily prayer even 3-4 times a day is fine.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 May 09
When times are good, we sit back and enjoy the ride. When adversity hits, we have to think,plan,study,analyze,and grow in so many ways along the journey. Adversity is needed for learning. Everyone complains wanting the got it made life. You see God's children are a bit spoiled. We have all had heavem. Having tasted heaven we want nothing else. Do we really have to go to school??? Afraid so. Sound familiar?? God, just like most parents, wants their children to know it all.
@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
7 May 09
I want to say that i have a very good relation with God, i trust in him and in his decisions. But i must to be honest, and i will say that i have moments when i blame Him, because i got what i don t deserve. Not all time peoples can understnd that in this world all is good and bad in same measure. And all hapened with a reason, if we receive something, we deserve. I am sure. But don t forget that we are humans, and when something very bad hapened, we acuse God...when i hear that my mother is very sick, i was disapointed with Him. are moments in life when we can say that God turn his face from us.
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@queennee (186)
• Philippines
8 May 09
hello,its really true.a lot of people complain to god about all the misery that they've been thru.all the negative things that happened in thier lives.thats really a big mistake.God is love thats what the bible says in one of god's he will never allow such sufferings and miseries that most people have been thru.i never complain to god ever always thnakful for all the blessings that i have.for me we dont have the right to complain becoz first and foremost are we really sure that god is the reason for our problems in life? if were into our lowest moment in our lives and big problems come to us its not god that we complain to but Satan the devil,hes the one who makes our lives we shud never complain to god,we shud pray and praise HIM instead...nice topic bro...:)
• India
8 May 09
Hi I donot think that we can complain the almighty for what we do not have.All of us are no tgifted with each and every aspect of the happiness that this slife provides us with.So better be happy and contended with all that you have .
@di1159 (1580)
• United States
7 May 09
I do a bit of both. I wouldn't call it complaining though, it's more of a desire and I ask God to show me the way and to help me reach my goals if its in my best interest. I also thank him constantly for the blessings I have received and for each day that I wake up. Have a blessed day!
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
8 May 09
I don't complain but I keep on asking Him for blessings. For healing, for financial assistance, keeping the family, relatives and friends safe for long life, peace and little happiness. I thank him in return, praise and glorify Him.
• United States
8 May 09
People complain simply because they forget all of the good that God has already done for them. It is so easy to take Him for granted; all because of the things that he does for us all of the time that we take for granted. I have been telling everyone I come in contact with to make sure they keep an 'attitude of gratitude'. Every difficult thing you face is an opportunity to get closer to Him and come out of it with a testimony that can deaw others to Him. I won't sit here and say that I have never complained, but I am learning to keep in mind all that He has already done before I begin whining about what I think He hasn't done.
@cainam (493)
• Philippines
8 May 09
lately i have realized how fortunate i am to have the thing i neede in life. god is always good to me. i still have things to wish for but i only keep it to my self as of now. it would be too much for me to ask for more. maybe later..
@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
8 May 09
I don't blame god when something bad happens for the simple reason that I don't know if god really has anything to do with my misfortunes.
@sangsi (50)
• China
8 May 09
The boon is such, I see many people at disappointed of time always complain God to their unfair, In fact God is 1 to suffer indignities a pack, everyones chase thus of the hatred let out to a virtual absolute being up, I feel since you have complaint and explain you to life disaffection, since you to life disaffection, and then why the need for complain, the best way should be complain of time go fetch summary gain and loss, make up, re- climb.
@j00nior (182)
• Canada
7 May 09
I think what we often fail to realize, is that God gave us the power and the gift of free will, and often, our decisions can lead to bad situations which give us that urge to complain about things. Your reaction to the things around you is a choice, and when we realize that we can respond differently to the things that are happening. For example, I am a student and one evening was swamped with homework and I was unable to go out dancing with friends. I initially was complaining to them saying how difficult I had it, but really I should have channeled that frustration into motivation and got my work done quicker. I also had the choice/option to do that work in advance. Blame God for our very minor, human, and frivolous problems doesn't make sense! God has much more important things to focus on than our financial issues, or homework problems. What you should be asking God for is his guidance, and for him to be with you in spirit and to help you make the best moral decisions, and that way you can prevent problems rather than blaming God for them afterward.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
7 May 09
haha =D I guess alot of ple complained to god, because god wont be able to retort them back in their face, to say that it's their own fault.. They only turn to god for complaints because they want an outlet to vent their frustration on.. And if happen that, something occurs which correspond to their complains, the first thing that come to their mind is that god is helping them.. But in actual fact, it's not really god.. But rather, all problems have a solution to it, and it depends on how we wanna solve them ^_^ haha
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
7 May 09
I do not know if i am complaining, but i find myself talking to God all the time. and you are so right people complain about things that they have brought on by themselves.
@jellymonty (2352)
7 May 09
I used to complain and murmer but I cant recall ever blaming God for anything. I understand that when things go wrong we are all inclined to blaming God for it but it is not right and helpful for you to have complaining prayers. In Fact God will not respond to anyone who complains as he is no respector of persons. I think when we realise that everything we have today is by the Grace and Love of God, then it becomes simplier to just praise him and thank him for his goodness and mercy. So to answer your question.. I am very happy and contented with what I have and every day I thank God for his goodness to me.