long distance love affair

May 7, 2009 5:53am CST
Are you favor in long distance love affair? Do you agree that absence makes the heart go fonder? Or this will be the cause of failure relationship.
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7 responses
@udnisak (609)
• Australia
13 Sep 09
well.. it sucks big time,,i tried and it suked.. believe me.. with the help of the skype we managed to continue 6 months.. but in the end we understood the reality.. so we broke up... we may try again one day if we get together.. but who knws.. time will decide everything huh..
@icesmile (7160)
• Romania
30 May 09
Hi, nice nickname! About your question....i am not in favor of a long distance relation...i am in favor of love. Don t matter if he or she is to 5000km away, important if they love each other. Maybe are people who will say that only dreamers can be involved in a long distance relation....but, if this is my destiny, this is what i feel, this is what i want...what i can do? In this kind of relations both must keep communication, they must talk maybe more as 2 person in a love relation in same city . Both must to say every day "i love you", both must to be faithfull, both must to have same love, i mean, not just words...feelings. All say that they must to trust each other...but is impossible, how i can trust in somebody who i can t see, who i can t touch and i know very well that he can touch, can kiss or can smell a woman every step? Is hard, but is not impossible. Is important if both love each other, this is important. maybe this kind of love make both more stronger, or more weak...depend how much they want to be toghether.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
9 May 09
A long distance love affair can work for a while but eventually there might come a strain unless one partner moves to be with the other. Absence does make the heart go fonder and there dates will be more special because they don't happen so very often. Two people might meet and fall in love but they live on different continents. I met my ex-husband in Australia and I was sad leaving on my homeward trip. He joined me in my home country and we got married. We had a baby son. He hated the cold climate and missed his home country. We got divorced six years later. Years later I met a man and we began dating. I lived in the south east and he lived in the north west. We had a delighted summer seeing each other every two weeks. The train fare was ever so expensive up north Friday evening and home Sunday afternoon. The winter was miserable and we split up. I didn't want to move my son and he didn't want to move his business. So distance can cause a relationship to fail eventually.
@annierose (21570)
• Philippines
9 May 09
hi maryann, Being in a long distance relationship is not that easy.You have to be so patient because if you are not, then the relationship will just be wasted.I do believe in long distance relationship no matter how complicated it is. For me, as long as lovers have a strong love for each other, distance won't be so much a burden. In fact, I know some love stories that succeed even though they were or are so far from each other.I think being in a long distance relationship is just like the opposite kind, the only difference is the distance. But with regard to the other kind of relationship, a long distance love must also have the ingredients that is a need for every kind of relationship. There must always be the presence of trust and respect.A love cannot grow if there is no trust. If someone doesn't trust his or her partner, then better stop from the relationship because it will just be a waste of time loving without trusting.Aside from that, communication must always be there. No matter how busy both of you are or one of you, there must be always a time in which you can talk. It is very important to spend time with each other and communicate. I believe that, it is one ingredient to make the love grows strong.And the last thing is that, both of you must have a goal for the future. That goal is the one that will keep both of you holding on, trusting and loving each other. For me, being in a long distance cannot be the reason for the relationship to fails. It will not be the distance that will break the relationship but the attitude of lovers toward each other.
@veromar (1453)
• Argentina
8 May 09
Hi all. Long distance love affairs are difficult, to say the least! Speaking from experience, I have to say I'm definitely in favor of long distance love affairs! lol. My partner and I are finishing our 9th year together and we started as a long distance affair. Yeah....we met on the internet. I was living in NYC in the U.S., she in a little town outside of Buenos Aires, Argentina. I flew to Argentina after a few months of chatting on line, on the phone, etc. For me it was love at first sight. For her, well, she says the same. :) Yep. Our 9th year together. We were apart the first year of our relationship after being meeting in person and that was TOUGH! Not being rich, it wasn't like we could hop on a plane and go visit or anything like that. It was all phone and computer. And all hell. In our situation, I think the distance helped us form a stronger bond. We were forced to communicate more. We fell in love with each others personalities first. That's probably why we're still together now. I think the only way long distance relationships even have a chance is when both people want the same thing from each other, trust each other and believe in the relationship.
• Ireland
8 May 09
Absence does make the heart grow fonder ...if you had time to build a good basis. If not, then absence will soon turn into ' what did I ever see in him'. Either way it's difficult to maintain a relationship in the ' real' world. There is a danger of not really getting to know the other person or just highlighting the good parts. There is also the danger of having high expectations of the times you do spend together as you want to cramp so much into a short space of time and make it as perfect as possible. very few long distance relationships work out in the long run..I mean, what is the point of a relationship if the long term goal is not to be together in the same place? Its the mundane , small stuff that you share which makes it ' real', not just romantic weekends together!
• Malaysia
7 May 09
i guess you need to have a solid trust, as you're not able to see what your other half is doing. And you need to have lots of faith, enough to not make you give up on your relationship. but i believe, in the end, love is what that holds you together. if two people really love each other, no matter how far they apart they are, they'll be able to go thru the relationship. love knows no boundaries