What are your thoughts on President not observing National Day of Prayer at the

@meandmy3 (2227)
United States
May 7, 2009 6:15am CST
White House. He says he starts his day in prayers but does not feel it is important to have a special time of prayer on National Day of Prayer. he will instead sign a document on this day to acknowledge the day. I know many have issues with separation of Church and State, and that with all the different religions it is difficult to say whom is right. President Bush would make sure that there was someone from every religion there to pray, Jewish, Mormon, Christian, Islam etc. so that no one was left out. He did not force it on his staff or the country and the prayer took place outside on the grounds of the white house, which was also his place of residence. I saw nothing wrong with this and think our President should follow his believes and not allow political agenda to get in his way. If he prayers, why not pray openly, is he ashamed or is his politics more important? I know not all are going to agree with me, I did not do this to upset anyone so please accept my apologies if it did.
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16 responses
• United States
7 May 09
This would be so easy to get wound up about this issue. I prayed about who I should vote for and I did my research on the issues. While I may not be pleased with what the President does, I am not pleased with any leaders total decisions. There will always be something that I can disagree with. I do think that when we speak of prayer, it should be that we are praying fervently for the President and all those in public office (especially if we disagree with them) knowing that God is the one who puts someone in an office and He is also the one who removes them. We spend an awful lot of time picking things apart in this country instead of pulling together. Yes, there is much to be concerned about but can one man change the heart of a country. If that were the case, why didn't President Bush accomplish that. While I think our leaders should set an example, what is our part in this. How many of us have been on our knees for this country, especially the economic problems that are occurring. I know I personally have had to take a good hard look at my attitude. Do we cry out for the families that have been adversely affected or do we say "serves 'em right." I remember when our Presidents did not just pray on one national day. The country and the Presidents had no problem asking for prayer (Bay of Pigs) and we had no problem responding. But, do we need someone to ask us to pray. Shouldn't we just do it without being prompted. I do believe a day of prayer is nice but a quiet prayer in a closet works also. The time for prayer should have been last year and prior to that when people were taking advantage of other people. We have employees ripping off employers by not working when they are supposed to be working and employers ripping off employees by not paying a proper wage. The whole system is built on greed and we evaluate a person especially in church by their clothing, what they drive, etc. Let's all get back to respect for leadership, respect for God, and a broken heart of prayer for this country and the world. I am not trying to put you down for your question. These are things that have been convicting myself personally.
• United States
8 May 09
Remember what our Lord said just before He was offered up: Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me. (John 14:1, KJV). I love to read John 14 - John 17, especially when I am unsettled. When I put my focus on Jesus, I find that even my 6'4" husband (I'm short) does not look so big. I think of how much turmoil took place as Jesus went to the cross and then remember that the outcome was greater than anyone could imagine. We look to Jesus' return and many times are afraid of what we and the world will have to go through. It reminds me of Peter standing on that water until he took his eyes off Jesus. It is so easy to see the storm and the waves. I praise God that as this earth struggles to be free of Satan and all that he has wrought and Satan fights with all of his might to retain what he has stolen, God pours out His light and love more and more. Darkness can not exist in light, hate can not exist in love. We are most bless to live during this time. We have a BIG job to do but as we rest in love (God) we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. How great the harvest is as we look up and behold. God has given our president a great responsibility and some day he will have to give account as we all will. I pray that our president will be able to stand before God every day and give account, that God will encourage him, protect him, give him wisdom and every tool that he needs to get the job done. I pray that all of us will give account from the least to the greatest and walk in love. We are the army of God and we take up our armor and praise Him for His mighty victory.
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@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
8 May 09
Very well written, I agree with what you are saying, this is a subject very dear to my heart and one that to me is important. I pray for this country daily, sometimes more than once a day. I am so worried about the direction we are going in. I believe that with such a strong family unit in the White house that we may just see a change in family values in the near future. I support the Obama's for that. I did not vote for Obama, like you I prayed for the election and prayed for guidance. I know that all things happen with a reason and that God placed him in that position for a reason. I hope we learn it soon.
• United States
8 May 09
I will probably be marked down for this post, but I suppose it's my own opinion, so some people will not agree with it... My thoughts on the President not having a "special" time of prayer on the National Day of Prayer? A very large and overwhelming "Well, ok." I think that faith is important, and so is prayer. I believe that through faith and prayer one can be led from darkness to light, and it can certainly enrich the lives of all those who touch it. However, I have trouble understanding the mindset of people who have to wear their religion on their chest as an overt "I AM A BELIEVER OF X" where X is whatever it is you believe in. It's as if people have turned their religions into sporting teams. Got the bumper sticker, the sweatshirt, and the tattoo...you know, that sort of thing. Prayer is a quiet time of reflection between you and your God, whomever that may be. It shouldn't be something that ends up splashed over the Internet or the news that "So and so isn't praying publicly today! Shame on him/her!" Some peoples beliefs and times of prayer are personal, and I see no reason why ANYone should have to be forced to share that with anyone else. Whether or not the President is spiritual or not is immaterial in this case. He does some things I agree with, some things I don't. All presidents are like that though. None of them are perfect - they're human. Vilifying them, making groundless accusations or suppositions, or judging them for the things you don't publicly see them doing is just hate-mongering, whoever it is. I'm not saying you are doing that, Meandmy3, I'm just saying that there's a lot of people who judge without thinking that hey, some things are precious enough to be kept as special and private. Prayer is one of them. It's not a production.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
8 May 09
Thank you so much for your response, you should not get marked for this. I think you worded it very well and added great detail to the post and question. You def made me look at this in a different light and have a different opinion of this issue. I agree that prayer is a time of reflection with God. Very well said
@efc872 (1077)
• Jamaica
8 May 09
Hi meandmy3, do you think that the observation of the National Day of Praying can really correct the problems of the USA or the entire world for that matter? If it can, I support it. But if prayers for a day or even non stop for a year can't make any change for the good of the human race, then don't worry about non observation, forget it.
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@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
7 May 09
I would see nothing wrong for him to participate in this and to have some one their for all religions. This is a national day for prayer, and you would think that he could take a few minutes out of today to acknowledge it. I got the feeling that by what he said that he is trying to hide something, it just does not make any scene to me why he would not participate. He does other things that are not involved with running the country. why hide from something like prayer.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
8 May 09
I could not agree more, it is like he is ashamed of his prayer. Heck they recently made a huge deal about him going and getting a hamburger, it made all the news, showed him taking ten minutes to order it, yet he can not show this nation that he goes to his knees in prayer for us as a nation.
@plddre79 (161)
• United States
8 May 09
there are no restrictive times to say prayers. everyday is essential for saying prayer. regarding the same principles with thanksgiving day. we need to be thankful for each and everyday of our lives. have you ever asked yourself the folowing question? how can i pray and be heard by god? people in practically all religions pray. yet,many feel that their prayers are not answered. jesus taught us to avoid repeating set formulas in our prayers. when praying , he said, do not say the same things over and over again. if we want god to listen to our prayers, we must pray in the way that he approves. to do that, we need to learn what god's will is and then pray accordingly. 1st john 5:14 explains: no matter what it is that we ask according to god's will, he hears us. when praying it is imperative to pray through his beloved son jesus christ and he will convey your prayers to his father.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
8 May 09
Very good point, I pray on a daily basis. I do my best to turn things over to Christ and to follow him in all that he does. It is at times hard to stick to, when we do not get the answers we want.
• United States
8 May 09
What the President does on his own time is fine, same as anyone. What he does in his capacity as President, however, has to reflect his role as symbolic head of our country. That means, the government should not show preferential treatment to one religion over another. For that reason, I believe it is imperative for political decorum to take precedence over personal beliefs. People think it's a sign of integrity when somebody is open about their beliefs, but that's not true when they are representing a company, a non-religious institution or charity, or a government office. It sends the wrong signal about what factors may be influencing the person's decision-making within the office. I would not want any President's Christianity to influence any matter of public policy or decision making, any more than I would want a Muslim or Wiccan or Satan Worshipper or Shinto or any other belief system to influence the President, if someone of those faiths were in office. Again--what they believe on their own time is great, but when in the office of representing everyone, I think they should make decisions objectively (according to empirical evidence and reason). The more a President shows outward signs of adhering to a particular historical religion or a metaphysical belief system, the more confidence in that objectivity is undermined.
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
10 May 09
Maybe he felt he has too many other things on his hands right now to worry about something this important. I honestly believe that the World as a whole does need a day of Prayer, even if our Religious views do vary from each other for sure. I do wish that Prayers being said were more acceptable in places and something could be done to make this happen, as you can never go wrong with starting and ending your day in Prayer, but not sure what this world is coming too for sure. I guess only time can tell.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
8 May 09
I agree with President Obama 100%. He is brave enough to follow his beliefs rather than let the Religious Right dictate to him, as did Bush. Bush is a Crook who spoke from both sides of his mouth, depending on what he was expected to say, and very seldom did his Bush isms make any sense.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
8 May 09
I honestly don't know but maybe he is trying to to be inclusive of ALL americans including those that don't pray at all. I really don't know the answer to this one. If he doesn't want to pray then I guess it is ok.
• United States
8 May 09
I'm sorry if President Obama doesn't think prayer is important for the nation; but, unfortunately, I think that's how a great many in this country feel.
• United States
9 May 09
I don't know why he is doing that. But I would pray openly. I am not ashamed. GOD is the one who helps us through everything. I wouldn't be afraid to pray in the open.
• United States
8 May 09
The one problem I've always had with this day is that it's not truly a National Day of Prayer. I'm Pagan, and I am not allowed to do my prayers or workings on such a day in public. It's a day that seems to truly foster Christian prayer. That to me is very sad, because it seems contrary to what the day is supposed to foster. If it truly took all Gods into consideration, and respected it I'd have no issue against it. I think it has a great deal of evolving to do. Namaste-Anora
@plddre79 (161)
• United States
9 May 09
excuse me!! you don't wait for someone to declare a national prayer holiday to say prayer. that is being hypercritical! you say prayer according to when your heart instructs you to and that would be everyday, morning, noon, and night!
@DanBen (346)
• India
7 May 09
Hi there, I would certainly not try to find fault with the President,even if things don't look good at all. People elected him to govern the land of America, then they must deal with his shortcomings also. See, it's easy to find something wrong in people. You need to learn to appreciate them for who they really are, rather than what they do or what they have done. These people are under intense pressure, trying to please the American society, not to mention the entire WORLD!!. And it's humanly impossible to cater to everyone's need, especially during this period of recession. All the Presidents, till date, tried their best with God's help, to run the nation. Even with so much of opposition against them they tried to hold things into place and in order. So would kindly request that you try to understand the anxiety,and the hardship that he must be going through right now. We need to pray for him, and not just you and me, but everyone, so that with proper guidance from above, he will be able to tackle sensitive issues without affecting the community in any way.
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
8 May 09
I try my best to support him, however I am not just going to accept all of his decisions without questioning them, I think that it is our responsibility as citizens to not only support him but to voice how we feel about his actions and decisions. Everyone jumped to judge President Bush, they gave him no slack on anything. Even the minor things. I do pray for him, but he needs t5o pray for us as a nation as well. I am not just going to sit back and accept all of his decisions without question.
• United States
7 May 09
I have always viewed the National Day of Prayer as an interesting exercise. For a praying individual you will do so without direction from anyone else. At my church we have a day set aside each week for corporate prayer. Most christians I know pray often, but for our congregation this is a time that our Bishop has set aside for us to come together to 'touch and agree'. I guess my problem with the National Day of Prayer is that we are all praying, but is there any real unity? Everyone should be praying for the welfare of the world as well as his/her own country. Only with God's help can we get out of some of this mess.
@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
7 May 09
It's his choice, but he's missing out on a lot of blessings that come with publicly professing his belief. If he won't pray, then I guess millions of other Americans will just have to pray on his behalf. :) It never hurts to intercede for those in public office, does it?