One Dog Show!

@jerzgirl (9273)
United States
May 8, 2009 10:17am CST
Most who know me know I'm a big time lover of the feline species. I have no desire to own a dog whatsoever. But, there are times when I can definitely appreciate and enjoy ANY animal, even dogs, because of how cute they're being. I think you'll get a kick out of this like I did when you see it. A friend of mine, who IS a dog fiend, subscribes to I Has A Hotdog (whereas, I subscribe to I Can Has Cheezburger) and sent this to me this morning. Most of the time, what she sends me is ok, but is nothing to write home about (for me, that is). But, this just jumped out at me when I watched it and I just had to share it. Isn't he something else?? I know they'll howl to musical sounds, but I never thought they'd deliberately MAKE the musical sounds just so they could howl! Have you ever had an animal who seemed to enjoy making music? Or known of one?
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3 responses
• United States
8 May 09
Hey Jerz!! That was hysterical, but the "howling" was hurting my head LOL! I've had such awful headaches with this stupid Pink Eye for some reason but I will visit that link another day if/when I get better; Aren't animals just amazing??? LOL!! Love it!!
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@jerzgirl (9273)
• United States
9 May 09
You still haven't called the doctor to tell them your reaction to the meds??? Oh, girl.....what am I going to do with you if I ever get out to Missouri!!! (Tom wants to go see his brother with me in tow - St. Louis.) He was something, though, wasn't he? He really wanted that organ/keyboard to sing.
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@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
9 May 09
Hey jerz! That is a riot! I loved it! I didn't know that they had a doggy version of I Can Has Cheezsburger! How adorable! Now I have a new site to check out! I am also a feline favorite and check out this site all the time when I need a good lol, but now I will check out I Has a Hotdog too! I do like doggies so it will just be another fun thing for me to do! Thanks!
@jerzgirl (9273)
• United States
9 May 09
Yeah - something for everyone (even one for politics!! I subscribe to that as well. LOL) I forward my Cheezburger newsletter to my friend in Knoxville and she forwards her Hotdogs to me in NJ. Of course, she's got 6 of each herself in real life, which would get me evicted (or drive me crazy - not sure which one first). She's always pointing out the Malamutes that look like hers.
@AmbiePam (88835)
• United States
8 May 09
This is so funny. My dog Sherlock started barking when I played the video. So I picked him up so he could see it himself. He just saw on my lap, cocking his head one way, then turning it to the other was so funny. As for dogs making music, I had a Chihuahua named Leno a long time ago. My mom and sister play the piano. When they would start playing, he would jump up on the bench beside them and start howling (singing) along.
@jerzgirl (9273)
• United States
9 May 09
In sympathy or as a duet??? LOL It's funny - my dad was a dog person - we always had a dog when I grew up. But, not once did we have a howler. Now, my cat likes it when I sing - if I start singing to myself, pretty soon I have a Chloe cat in with me, purring like crazy.
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