should we eat whole meal at a time or with breaks in between?

@pratik87 (1927)
May 8, 2009 9:39pm CST
Recently my friend visited the doctor , he told him that for any body taking the whole dinner at a time is not a good habit . Instead he advised him to take little bit with morning tea and light breakfast at 10 am , and 4pm and 8 pm. This way the body gets enough time to digest and you will get sustainable weight also. do you like this idea?
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5 responses
• United States
9 May 09
I had heard that it is much better to eat 6 small meals a day rather than 3 larger one. I have been eating like this for some time. When I got off of it.. I started gaining weight like crazy. Now I am trying to get back on the schedule and lose weight. So... I am trying to eat 6 small meals and keep them between 200 and 300 calories each. It works most days.. except today when I ate everything in sight!
1 person likes this
• United States
12 May 09
YES. Eating 6-8 small meals a day (key word-small a.k.a 200-300 calories) will absolutely help you lose weight. It kicks up your metabolism and it helps stop you from over eating (if you eat every few hours, you won't be super hungry and you wont want to devour a ton of food).
@sanuanu (11235)
• India
11 May 09
and what about lunch? You are only asking us to eat in the early morning and then right at evening/night. If you include lunch in between 12 to 2 then it would be nice as I take my braekfast at 10 in the morningn, lunch at 2PM and dinner at 8 in the night!
• India
9 May 09
You know what - this is the view of modern medicine experts. But Ayurveda says: [B]eka vAraM bhu~Nkte yogI, dwi vAraM bhu~nkte bhogI, tri vAraM bhu~Nkte rogI, ........................ [/B] Meaning: A yogi (= one who takes life as an opportunity to try and reach God) eats once (a day): So he eats to live. A bhogI(= one who ejoys life and its pleasures, a normal family man) eats twice(a day). He who eats thrice a day is a rogI(=diseased person). He who eats four times a day(that was actually the fourth line of the poem-which incidentally I heard from a Kannada person so is in Kannada and I could not think of a suitable poetic translation back into Sanskrit.It says a four-time snacker/eater is to be carried to the "burial ground". Right through my childhood I have heard and we hve been discouraged to eat "through" the waking hours. The current medical advice is contrary to this. I have had bouts of hyper-acidity and I went in for Ayurvedic treatment that was very, I have developed a regard for the "advice" of Ayurvedic texts. But the medical opinion contradicts this view. Perhaps, they have observed animals esp. herbivorous ones which are always on an eating spree. Since one learns from Nature, may be there is some sense in eating through the day in small quantities. But somehow I am not comfortable with this dispensation of the Modern Medical fraternity.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
9 May 09
I've never heard of this idea, myself, and I don't think I like it. I was taught to eat three meals a day. I was taught to eat breakfast when I first got up, lunch around 12:00, and then dinner about 6:00. I have always called dinner supper, myself, being raised in the southern part of the united states. Some people probably think that's funny. I didn't mean to get off the subject. Anyway, I haven't always followed this regimen, but I feel this is the healthiest way to eat. Kathy.