Have you
By keasling
@keasling (723)
United States
May 10, 2009 3:30pm CST
Have you ever been so disappointed and so angry with your children that you wish you never had them??? I know it sounds mean and cruel and on this day should be the last thing on any moms mind but that is how I feel right now. Over all I have pretty good children but today of all days they have showed me nothing but disrespectful. I try to do everything for them. We are in the process of having to buy a new house and my husband and i were trying to stay in the same school district so they can have all the same friends but now it looks like we have to move out and since then they are rude. Well not rude like talking back just refusing to do their chores. I always thought on mothers day it is the day to show your mom how much you love and care for them well obviously my kids hate me. I asked for them to clean up and they just keep playing and not doing the work. I have still not have had any of them truly tell me happy mothers day yet. It is sad when my students have showed me more love then my own kids. I have had texts and my space messages from students and parents wishing me a happy mothers day but nothing from my own three kids. I did not raise them to be this way they are just acting this way. what am i supposed to do.
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11 responses
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
11 May 09
I'm sorry that you are having such a bad mom's day. Your kids don't hate you. From the sounds of it, they are just angry about having to move and be away from their friends. As for not enjoying being a mom....we all have those moments. I know I did anyway. Happy mom's day! It will get better!

@Kemboi (341)
• Eldoret, Kenya
12 May 09
Did they know there is a special eve day for Mothers? If they knew and they ignored, then they need to be taught the importance of appreciating our mothers. I know the pain you are going through, I would want you to have courage and tell them why did you not wish me a mothers day? If you still have those text from your students led them read. At least the may learn that appreciation is needed.
@keasling (723)
• United States
12 May 09
They still never understand why i was upset. I just told them that not one said "i love you" and they just bowed their heads. I haven't got a sorry yet either. I guess life will go on and i hope they don't do it again next year or to dad on fathers day.
@NuttyMomma (901)
• United States
11 May 09
I have been through that situation of moving and my kids going to a new school. some kids handle change better than others. bottom line to me is you need to do what is best for your family. ideally not having to change schools is great but life is about changes and they might as well learn how to deal with it. as far as the way they are acting, kids do that. mine did too yesterday. i got upset and then i said i needed to let it go and the day turned out ok. being a mom is a thankless job and i am sure that you know this. we try to be the best we can be but we are always blamed and criticized by our kids. they sometimes are more expecting us to never do wrong towards them more than we do towards them. i say just try and understand their disappointment and believe it or not they don't mean to be abusive towards you they are just angry.
@ccarabuena (442)
• Cebu, Philippines
11 May 09
I know how hard to be a mom with three kids, and it's not your fault if they are being disrespectful to you. It also have to do with their surroundings, that's why they act like that. Soon they will realize how hard you tried to be the best mom for them, and they will be thankful that they had a mom like you. Just pray that everything will be fine. Happy mother's day!
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
11 May 09
yes i,ve experienced that in my kids right now. i always nurture, mould, taught good values but their responses are not same. If i havew a chance to whom my kids tyo be i will be the one to choose, children now a days are quite confusing . ther,s so hyper active, respond quicly to what you have said that is not pleasant to you.i wondered why it happen that in my young years i did not do it w/ my parents. sometimes idea cpomes into my mind that it goes w/ the instant foods, hight technologies and whatever inventions that they easily sdeen and observe in our society think thats the cause of their cruelty.
@jalapenos789 (47)
• United States
11 May 09
Wow, I'm scared when I read this.
Are kids really this bad nowadays? Back in my days, I'd get smacked for doing this. In fact, I've got a girl due in a few months.
@keasling (723)
• United States
12 May 09
They do have their moments. I love them with all my heart, but they truly hurt me yesterday. A day I thought off all days I should have been showed love and respect. My kids are no where near the way children are that I teach but then again my students made me feel a lot better. Congrats on your baby girl :)
@littlesleet (71)
• United States
12 May 09
I think every parents have this feeling in some case or monment! for me my son just 2 years old and sometime i have the same feeling. but most time is happy time, right! Go through it!
@Kemboi (341)
• Eldoret, Kenya
12 May 09
Did they know there is a special eve day for Mothers? If they knew and they ignored, then they need to be taught the importance of appreciating our mothers. I know the pain you are going through, I would want you to have courage and tell them why did you not wish me a mothers day? If you still have those text from your students led them read. At least the may learn that appreciation is needed.
@SteveSlaton (552)
• United States
26 May 09
Y'all need to have a family meeting. For the adults to be in charge, well, you need to set limits for your children. (The power of peer pressure is empowered by dysfunctional juvenile law but that's another subject.)
When my daughter was 11 we had a terrible family move in down the street and at one point after talking to the father of one of his bullies, I called the police to explain parenting to the father. My daughter asked me what I would do if she behaved like the bully.
I said, for starters she would be grounded, and depending upon how she accepted the grounding, the sentence could be suspended at my discretion.
If she broke the rules of grounding I would remove all technology from her room and her grounding would be to her room except to use the bathroom, meals, and school.
If she broke those rules, I would set an appointment up with Social Services to be evaluated to become a Ward of the State.
If she still did not obey me, I would turn her over to the State to foster and she would be placed in a foster home.
Of course none of my family is perfect but then none of us was ever allowed to bully nor break laws, got the best parenting that the parents were capable of, and none of us has spent time in prison.
Good luck,
Steve Slaton,
rhymes with Satan
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
10 May 09
I know it is hard to try to put yourself in their shoes right now but imagine that they are hurting right now and are confused about the move. They do love you very much and would be lost without you. They are young and do not know how to express their disappointment in a constructive way. Try sitting them down and talking with them openly and honestly about the move. allow them to vent their frustrations and tell you why they are upset about it and then explain to them why you are having to make the move. Do things for them like promise that one you get moved they can have a party for their old friends to come to the new house to visit, or have a going away party. Something to show them that you are going to do your part in making sure they can still see their old friends.
I know this must be a hard time for all of you, moving is never easy on anyone. Kids do silly things some times
@pickoy (733)
• Philippines
11 May 09
I've never had children yet, but it would really hurt me to know my mom feels sorry for having me just for failing to do my chores. I understand how you feel coz our mom back then when we're still in our elementary days and we love to play we drive her crazy everytime we forget to do our part in the house. I suggest you talk to them and give them conditions and make them understand why it is important for them to be responsible inside the house. Its not a good idea though to give them rewards for doing the household chores coz they are not for hire, and they'll get used to it, in the future you'll never be able to ask any favor from them without paying them. But never ever, show them how sorry you are for having them, they'll rebel for sure...
@keasling (723)
• United States
12 May 09
It truly hurt me for feeling that way and I would never tell them that but when you ask for something simple as for them to wash their dishes or pick up their toys they should do it without having to ask more than once. I am the type that wont leave the house for play or for enjoyment with the house being dirty.