Obama Ask Moms To Go Back To School
By gewcew23
@gewcew23 (8007)
United States
May 10, 2009 4:38pm CST
Just a minute I saw an ad here on MyLot that Obama ask moms to go back to school. Now I know that ad was just to get you to click an ad for some Internet school or something, but the question actually means some thing about our current society. The ad marketing group actually believe that if an ad was to say Obama ask you to do some thing you will do it. Why else would they choose such wording? I find this so said that their is a size able percentage that if the President was to ask them to do something they would just because Obama asked them.
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12 responses
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
11 May 09
I am going back to school but not because Obama said so. I am going to parlimentarian school. To help me be a more effective political activist AGAINST him.
I don't think that is what Obama had in mind when he said for poeple to go back to school...but oh well. I want to do this so I am.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
11 May 09
No I am not moving to Canada. The name is very misleading. It more about the process that is used to conduct political meetings and orgainizations and bill writing. Most poeple know about a part of it...."Robert's rules of order". Which is how most organizations run their meetings. I want to learn about all of it but really about the bill writing. I want to learn how it is done. Become state certified so I can write bills and submit them to members of my local state assembly for consideration.
Also you may not know this but most politicans do not actually write the bills themselves. Most have laws degress and do not full understand the proper form and wording for a bill to be lawfully submitted. So they subcontract the actuallly writting to a parlimentarian. They tell them what they want to bill to be about and all the specifics in laymens terms and the parlimentarian puts it in the correct form and wording (basically making it read like stereo instructions).
I am hoping to get some subcontract work from the state. Hey I can use money like everyone else. Might as well be doing something I love while I made a few extra bucks.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
10 May 09
That is what is wrong with this. Americans have been programmed through the media that the black guy is the savior. When you consider all the TV shows where the one who had the right moral answer was African American, when the one who became head of the company and who was the police chief, etc. was black, when in real life, that is not so. And in some cases they are still put down. When you see that Tv Talk show where the motivator that gets these bad teen age girls to behave, and who tells a kid who did not listen to his father to obey, you can see what it leads up to.
I think many of the Obamamites grew up believing Tv was real.
Oh in Canada we have an expression if someone told you to jump in the lake - you'd do it. So I am still waiting for the Obama Presidential address were he says,
"We must move forward America. So all of you get on the plane and take a flying leap into Lake Michigan!" and then I will wait for the splash as thousands of people do so. 

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@connierebel (1557)
• United States
19 May 09
That is so true. Many of the people who voted for him, didn't even know or agree with his agenda, they just followed the media and all the fake stuff they see on TV. Color should not be a factor in voting; it should be the qualifications and the agend of the person you're voting for.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
9 Jun 09
It makes me sad that you all have to wait for four years during which time the economy will grow worse. I mean I am all for education, but it should be up to the person to go to school not to listen to some guy who says that "I am the president, I am important and I know it all, do as I say or else."
I do wonder, however, if McCain had gotten elected and he said that all moms should get an education, whether anyone would have listened?
I think not.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
6 Jul 09
He has gotten more chances then any other, he is given more chances because he is half black. If he were white and decided to go for the cap and trade tax, changing to alternative energy without seeing if it was as cheap as fossil fuel, decided to make America a socialist state, let the government do everything, go against private enterprise, raise taxes on the middle class, help the illegals, etc. he would have been out. If McCain had won or Hillary had won, and we found out that he or she was not an American born citizen, they would have been disqualified, but because no one dare say anything against a black candidate who was probably a puppet of the media, he can get away with it and he has spent more on his inauguration then any other president.
As for your other insult, I do work at home. I have an invalid husband and I could easily have put him in a extended care home, but did not. I also write, but you Obama lovers do not care. You will let Obama ruin the country and then blame the former administration for it. You did not research him, go on the internet to see who he voted for - or maybe you did, and you think children are a punshment, are against moral values, for same gender, against people being able to defend themselves, think Christians are evil, etc.
@momma3 (1)
• United States
19 May 09
Good Comment. I read a lot about flocking sheep. But nothing about what this is going to do to our children, our future. Kids are being pushed aside. I stay home with my 3 children and would not leave them with someone else to make up for the finacial mess the goverment has got us in. They need to fix the problems not create new ones by telling people it's okay to put your responsiblities as a parent on a stranger so you can work for us.
@rowantree (1186)
• United States
11 May 09
The internet school is the one who believes people will sign up with them if they lie and say Obama wants them to. It's not Obama's fault that someone is using him to make money. Shouldn't this be illegal?
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
11 May 09
I agree. Obama's name sells and until it doesn't they'll be using it. I don't know about the legal part.
To change the subject, I looked at your profile. My daughter has endometriosis too. I'll have to tell her about your blog.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
10 May 09
Have you seen the Utube video of the "volunteer" kids thing that just got passed. I forget what it is called. But it is the the bill where kids do 3 years of "volunteer" service to the Gov. It is the "Brown Shirts" all over again. They shout slogans of worship to Obama and repeat all the "wonderful?" things he has done since he has been in office. It is like a taliban recruitment video. It was frightening to watch. The kids are being brainwashed. They repeat the same slogans over and over.
This is the "training time" before they do the "volunteer" work. Who knows what the "volunteer work" will consist of. But now I know why they cannot be involved in any church activities while they are in the three year program. You cannot serve two G'd's.
@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
11 May 09
never seen this video but would like to see it, tried to search for it on youtube but never found it,,,,can you post a link so i and everyone else, see it?
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@connierebel (1557)
• United States
19 May 09
I haven't seen it, but I heard about it and it is very scary. I've done a lot of studying about the Communist takeover of China in the 50's, and this sounds exactly like it could be a scene from that time, or from Hitler's Germany. Hopefully most parents will prevent their kids from joining this communist "Youth Corps."
@irishidid (8687)
• United States
11 May 09
It's the same thing as those stupid spam emails about "Get your Obama stimulus package". Nothing but garbage for the trash.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
11 May 09
Some probably would. Most likely the ones who think Obama is going to give them stuff.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
11 May 09
lol... a friend of mine who voted for Obama I was talking to her about how even know I'm finally debt free and I don't need to be careful with money as much as I use to and we've already built up a nice saving, I was still going to live just the same as I have been as if I'm broke, so I can really save up. She told me that that was wrong because Obama needs everyone to spend money to stimulate the economy and I contributing to the recession.
Now drones out there... Obama says spend spend spend our way out of this recession. It's up to you!
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@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
11 May 09
this refers to all moms that does not yet finish schooling.
he wanted moms to graduate in college rather than in high school.
it really affects the society cause some problems started in the family having no work by their parents
maybe the president examine it as a special need to all mothers does not
finish their course to make it betterin applying good jobs for their siblings.
this is the great problem in every society , the poverty
so the best way to recover is going to school whatever skills u wanted to have.
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• Brazil
11 Aug 09
Please Obama, ask my President (Brazil) to go back to school, will you?
• Brazil
11 Aug 09
Can't Obama say to the President of my country, Lula (Brazil) to go back to school? I would appreciate.