There was a raccoon on my porch :(

United States
May 12, 2009 2:10am CST
And it scared me because I looked out the window and it was dark out and i saw this big furry thing walking around on my porch, at first i thought maybe it was a cat but quickly said "no its too big", then i thought maybe it was a dog but i realized "no its not the right shape",,,,I just got freaked out because it was like "What the heck is it?",,,then it turned and i saw its face and I knew :( it bothers me because there are other peoples outside cats and the people leave food outside, so the chances are one of the cats might get attacked by the raccoon for the food :(....have you ever had a scary "what the heck is it" moment like I had?????
2 responses
• United States
12 May 09
I once had a raccoon dig through my garbage, then it made its way into my pond where my turtle was! Sometimes I worry about wild animals coming to contact with neighborhood cats.
@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
12 May 09
I was once standing late at night on a 1st floor balcony in a quiet town street in LA when I heard a rustle and looked to see a raccoon staring at me. I had never seen a raccoon before, even in a zoo, so I stared back in amazement and not without trepidation, because I had heard that raccoons can get nasty. After a few moments of us both deciding whether the other was safe or not, he decided that I was and went about his business as before. That was a magical experience for me.