Do you think killing animals for eating is a mistake ?

August 27, 2006 8:03am CST
Or should we turn veggies ??
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250 responses
• Italy
27 Aug 06
It's not doing it that is wrong (it's a natural thing, after all, and I don't think we could survive or live at best without meat in our whole lives). It's HOW we do it that is wrong. The way we keep animals imprisoned, never let them get any sleep, most of times in the dirt and often they get killed a cruel way. THAT is not right. But I respect veggies, I'm almost one since I don't eat much meat! LOL!
• India
13 Oct 06
own idea
• Romania
27 Nov 06
Animals are made for beeng eated. Is not mistake to kill them for food. God made them for us, not oposite. So eat animals, is nothing wrong.
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• Lexington, North Carolina
27 Nov 06
I agree...being a vegetarian and non-smoker will get you nowhere faster in life than if you smmoked or ate meat...I agree that smoking iS bad for you but if you die from cancer from not smoking, and don't die from cancer and you smoked...what's the dilemma here? Same goes for eating long as you cook it well and eat in moderation...I think it is fine..
19 Sep 06
No not necessarily, I’m more worried about killing animals for sport than food.
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@rebelann (113505)
• El Paso, Texas
8 Oct 19
I agree, hunting for sport should be outlawed all over the world.
@swolecat (1277)
• United States
27 Aug 06
killing animals for food is not a mistake. If early primates din;t start eating meat, then their brains would have never developed enough for humans to have evolved.. I eat meat every day
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• United States
6 Oct 06
Eating meat is completely natural. The bible says God put the animals on the earth for man to eat! That is the way it was intended! Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and tastes. If you don't eat meat then fine, but for most of us we enjoy a great cut of meat every night!!
29 Aug 06
No killing animals to eat is not a mistake. Its the inhuman way that many are farmed and treated by money hungry lazy people who sell it. Antibotics, overcrowded barns/styes etc. I dont think eating alot of meat is good for you either. A few small portions a week is better than meat everyday. Come on theres so much good food out there besides pig and cow everyday. No denying they can be very delicious though, so buy free range, organic etc.
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@rebelann (113505)
• El Paso, Texas
8 Oct 19
There's also fish. We all need B12 in our diets and not from a stupid pill. Vitamin pills are rarely a good source for what the human body needs.
@redhonda (30)
• South Africa
27 Aug 06
I do not think killing animals to eat is a mistake. But it would be, in my humble opinion, a mistake to eat them live! I personally prefer mine killed before I eat them and never had the opportunity to eat any live animal. Yeggg!
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• India
15 Oct 06
just trying having veg food for one week.. i bet u like it more than non-veg... it has lots of calcium, minrals, vitamins. just think, if someone try to kill you, and you're not in condition to save yourself, what will be in your mind...... anxiety... this create chemicals in your intestines and will make the meat posionous.. the same happen while someone kills the animals.. so why we shd have non-veg?
• United States
10 Mar 07
I think its wrong to eat animal products, and that human dont think about how the animals feel, all they care about is there own selfish needs and wants. I think that this is very wrong, and when I have children I wouldnt feed them any animal products. After all theres other ways to get good proteins.
• United States
5 Sep 06
The notion that humans were meant to be vegetarians runs contrary to every shred of evolutionary evidence from the fossil and anthropological record. In fact scientific evidence overwhelmingly suggests that if our ancient ancestors had eaten a meatless diet, we wouldn't be where we are today. In fact we would look more like chimps. Chimps have a large protruding belly like all vegetarian species because they need a large active gut to extract nutrients from a fiber filled plant based diet. About 2.5 million years ago our ancestors started trading in their big bellies for big brains. To day our bellies are 40% smaller then a chimp's and our brains are 3 times bigger. The turning point came when our ancestors figured out that meat gave them much more energy. Over the years their bellies began to shrink because they didn't need the extra room to process all that roughage. All the energy needed for the gut was then transferred to the brain. Without nutrient dense animal foods in the diet, the large brains that make us human would never have had the chance to develop. In fact many of today's health problems can be traced to the point in time where we switched to an agricultural life style and our diets became based on grains and starchy vegetables. People suddenly were shorter, fossil evidence of diseases that were not present in their hunter gatherer ancestors suddenly enetered the fossil record. They had more infectious diseases, more childhood mortality, more osteoporosis, rickets and other bone mineral disorders thanks to a cereal based diet. For the first time humans were plagued with vitamin and mineral deficiency diseases. These problems have been compounded by the addition of salt, fatty cheeses and butter. And we took it to another level completely when we started adding trans fats, mixed with sugar salt and vegetable oils and countless additives and emulsifiers. The above is a summarized excerpt from The Paleo Diet by Loren Cordain. If you want to be healthy, eat like our healthy ancestors did. Lean grass fed (not grain fed) sources of animal protein, fruits, nuts, veggies and greens. Stay away from the grains, cereals and dairy products that were not included in their diets. Now some of that so called vegan food you buy in a market at a premium is just as processed and full of garbage as a Twinkie, so don't fool yourself that you're being healthier when you drink soy milk with vanilla flavor that's loaded with sugar cane juice or high fructose corn syrup, or a veggie burger with a list of additives you can't pronounce in it or some kind of processed soy product that's supposed to look like chicken, god only knows what they do to that. Now I do not condone cruelty to animals and I am not in favor of animal testing which is why I eat mostly organic grass fed meats and wild fish. Anytime mass production enters the food supply, the quality of the food diminishes. I try my best to buy all my food from small scale sources like local farms or small organic meat suppliers. Yes I pay a premium for those foods but I decided a long time ago that I would treat my body as if it were my most valuable possession.
• United States
27 Aug 06
No. It is the survival of the fittest. It is the reason that the human species has existed for 2006 years and why dinosaurs are extinct. The ability to hunt and gather food makes the human species best suited for the environment. Meat provides protein which the human body needs for survival. Organ meats such as liver, kidneys, etc provide iron which is essential to the body. Vegetables are equally important to the body. They are a source of iron, fiber, and vitamin C. Killing certain animals such as deer for food prevents them from overpopulating. When they over populate they tend to feed off of humans vegetable crops for survival. The only mistake I see in killing animals is when someone kills an animal just to be cruel and lets it die in pain without using the meat or the pelts.
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• United States
14 Sep 06
thats what God created them for. Killing for food and survival is ok, killing just to get your rocks off and not like for a purpose or for use is wasteful. Vegans and vegatarians actually suffer some (albeit) minor nutritional deficiencies that they can't make up for without meat. Most can survive but have slight problems with anemia. Meat is tasty.
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@mahapingo (212)
• Madagascar
29 Aug 06
My answer to this question would be the same as that of Swolecat. We would'nt get that 'don't eat meat and be vaggies"ideas if we didn't eat meat during those millions of years of existence. We just couldn't develop ourselves and our brain. Go and inform yourself about this. And who got spreading this idea of "being veggy make your life last longer" LOL. Now , when it comes to the point that animals are like us, vegegtables and trees too are the same( i'm not kidding) so why you eat'em ? I have a cat and a lovely dog and three hens.I love them!!! I cried when my family decided to eat my first hen called Pama when i was 8 or 9 y.o.But my dad told me that to our ancestral beliefs, when you eat the flesh of the animals we love his strength and spirit lives inside of us forever and they'll part of ourselves. Now, as far as i'm concerned i think the most valuable reason why you shouldn't eat meat is that you don't like its taste or its smell.
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@pearce (35)
• United States
12 Oct 06
Man needs a balance of protein, fat and carbs. Meat is a very good source of both fat and protein. I think we could kill animals in a more humane way and they could be treated better while they are grown for slaughter. When individual ranchers ran this country it was true, but now it is just more big business. As far as hunters go most hunters are humane and care about the animals they kill. They feel for the animal. I use to hunt and I never killed for sport. O.k here are some more facts: a new ski slope wipes out more habitat for wildlife than one hunter could kill in a lifetime. Hunters provide tax dollars for the future of the animals they hunt, but recreationalist do not. So when you see people sking, snowmobiling, jet sking you don't see the harm they have committed because the act is not violent to your eyes. I use to hunt and have chosen to stop, but I understand why people hunt and why it is still necessary. In Massachusetts lyme disease is a big problem and a reason it has become a problem is people have stopped hunters in settled areas and the deer have over populated. When animals are not controled either buy natural pedators, poisoning or hunters then the end result is over population which results in either disease or starvation. Keep in mind that when animals over populate and starve it is the young that starve and this throws the balance of nature off.
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@rebelann (113505)
• El Paso, Texas
8 Oct 19
Hunting for food is ideal but there are too many so called hunters who are only interested in killing predators, that has to stop. Humans have totally upset the natural order of things.
• India
9 Jan 07
i dont think killing animals for eating is mistake
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@Asylum (47893)
• Manchester, England
17 Dec 06
I cannot accept that it is a mistake to eat meat because humans are naturally omnivoruous. The manner in which some animals are bred and slaughtered may be distasteful, but it is certainly not wrong. Furthermore, if the whole population of the planet turn vegetarian then it would be extremely difficult to grow sufficient food.
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@rebelann (113505)
• El Paso, Texas
8 Oct 19
Very well said.
• India
9 Jan 07
no i don't think so because i believe in Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest. if we need to survive by killing others we have to do it.
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@198112 (335)
• United States
9 Jan 07
I dont think killing animals for food is a mistake, Thats what they were created for. Now if you ask me about killing whales and dolphins that is different I dont think that is right and totally wrong, but different cultures eat different things. Now in my culture eating chicken, beef, lamb, goat, duck (never tried it),ox, I guess some people eat buffalo. But these animals were created to be provided as food. I dont think it is wrong. Being cruel to animals are wrong and should'nt be done.
@shuz697 (1043)
• United States
27 Aug 06
No I don't think so I believe we need meat to survive... i do however understand why vegetarians feel like they do I have alot of trouble eating things when I actually think about what I am eating and touching when I'm cooking but I know its the right thing for me and my kids.
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@vinumdas (261)
• India
27 Aug 06
Ya sometimes i feel like it... But the fact is that it is the rule of the nature that one life has to be given for the others survival.... even vegetarians kill plants..........
• India
13 Oct 06
but plants do not feel the pain , even though they live yhey dont have brains so they are equivalent to static objects, but killing a living organism is not like that, can u even hold with the pain of a smalll cut, in your fingure then how do u suppose an animal can bare it
• United States
5 Jan 07
There is no way of knowing if plants "feel the pain" or not. I don't eat meat, but I raised anmials for market and that is what they are here for I LOVE ANIMALS, but you cannot put them at the same level as humans!!
@kalyani1 (183)
• India
14 Sep 06
I hate killing animals to feed our stomach. If it is really required in preparation of medicine to save 1000 people, then it might be seen Ok at times. Deifintely, killing animals for eating should be banned
• United States
12 Apr 09
It' wonderful the girls finally got their puppy. The last few years have been different for the girls as their father campaigned for the position of President of the United States. They deserved the puppy.
• India
19 Sep 06
It depends upon individual thinking. I am vegeterian.
• India
15 Oct 06
Good friend, thanks for beeing a veg person, like me.
@bigedshult1 (1613)
• United States
13 Oct 06
no Ilike stake and sea food all the meat that is out there to eat thay are just as good as veggies you hafto kill the veggies as well as meat so if don't eat meat then you are kill the veggies
• United States
13 Oct 06
so how do you feal about that
@latsmom (824)
13 Jun 07
Wel my ex would say definately taht we should not eat animals as he is a vegetarian, but someone once told me that if animals were not killed for food animals such as cows and chickens that are vegetarian would keep breeding and eat so much of the plants that there would not ab enough left for humans to sustain a healthy diet plus there would not be much land that had not been trampled and overtaken by such animals, not sure how true this is but it made me think lol