Go blind or lose Your hearing?

@anetteh (3590)
May 12, 2009 9:07am CST
When I changed my glasses to progressive once, my optiker told me that I will lose my eyesight when I get older. That would be very tragic for me, since I then no longer can enjoy the time here online. Ok, I can use the keyboard and type, but I can not surf and earn money as I do know. That would be losing my hobbie I do enjoy. Some people lose their hearing for some reason. That is also normal with age. But some people lose for no reason at all. I wonder what would be most horrible for a person to lose...your eyesight or your hearing? I can think of losing my hearing, but not my eyesight. Losing my eyesight would mean losing my hobbie as surfing and writing here in mylot is the hobbie and I spend my time with every day. I do not like thinking of that. It would also mean I will not longer be able to do all the things that I do as read books, cook food, go by my self outside...I will not be able to do these things without learning to. That scares me some, since it is hard to learn something new when you get old. What do you think, would you rather lose your eyesight before your hearing or the other way around?
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14 responses
• Philippines
13 May 09
Its a scary thing. I would rather choose losing my hearing than my eyesight. It's very difficult to lose a sight. You could no longer do your usual work and see the beauty of life each morning you wake up. At least, in losing our hearing we can communicate by actions. But for you anetteh, think positive. Eat a lot of food that can help out restore your sense of sight. There's no impossible in trying as early as now.
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@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
13 May 09
Unfortunately my eyesight is something that will be bad during my age. It is not just something that happen over night. I have slowley noticed that I am in need of my glasses to be able to read, make notes and write in general. Food or med will not help in this case...Thank you for the tip though.
@mammamuh (582)
• Sweden
13 May 09
If I have to choose I would say that I would like to keep the hearing! It's way easier to communicate with people if you can hear! Why wouldn't you still be independant if you were blind? It's way easier to surf the web and get to "read" books now - than 10 years ago. There is no problem for a blind person to surf the Internet and there are even som blind people writing here at myLot *lol* so it would be possible to keep on doing that. You allready know how to cook - don't you?! Since your eyesight gets worse over a longer time - you will probably not even get a problem with the cooking. Touchpads on a stove/oven or wacher wouldn't work that good - but other than that. I bet you'll manage that and still be an indeb´pendant woman!
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
13 May 09
Well mammamuh, My quality life would shore change. I am a very independent woman, really do not like to ask anyone els for help. I want to do things my self. I do not want someone comming to me and do my work for me. And that is what happen when I no longer can see for my self. I would not be able to cook my self.....what If I burne the food, and put the house on fire...and add to that I do not know where to go out....this is just a few things I say here now....but to have to learn in high age new way of living with no eyesight...it would be very scary and very hard for me. I know there are things that can help, but say I am 80 years old, it is not easy to learn new things....you know you can not learn old dogs to sit can you
@mammamuh (582)
• Sweden
15 May 09
I know blind people nd they all cook and take care of them selves *lol* even my mothers grandmother coped well with gettingblind after 70. It's useless to worry about things in advance!
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
14 May 09
I would much rather lose my hearing than my eyesight. I think it would be much harder to get through daily life without the ability to see.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
14 May 09
I feel the same
• Philippines
13 May 09
I'd rather lose my hearing. I can't survive if I'm blind. I can't surf the internet anymore. If I go blind, I wouldn't be able to go out of the house without being chaperoned. And I'm into photography, if I lose my eyesight, I wouldn't be able to take pictures. That's just disheartening that I'd rather die. haha.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
13 May 09
You have the god point there, no more internet would make the life more boring. You will not only lose the sight, you lose some quality life to...
@ColinYang (193)
• Australia
13 May 09
I don't want to lose any! But I will answer the question truthfully. Okay, I would rather lose my hearing but that does not mean that it will be advantageous as I will not be able to hear anything for the rest of my life. That would be worse than torture! But still, it is far less painful than losing my sight! Cheers, Colin
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
13 May 09
I would not like to choose...but if....most of the responses have been pretty the same...most people rather lose hearing instead of eyesight, and I do understand why...you are more dependet on others when losing your sight, than hearing.
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
13 May 09
its better to lose hearing than eyesight . its nice to see rather than hearing things over. its easy to show some actions and expressions to speak others than u cant hear.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
13 May 09
so true...
@xbrendax (2662)
• United States
13 May 09
If I had to choose between losing my sight or my hearing, I would for sure choose losing my hearing because I already know some sign language, (I have a deaf friend) and even if you are deaf, you can still hear (FEEL) the music through the floor and sway to the beat by the vibrations. Also my mind is filled with beautiful music memories I've heard in the past. To lose my sight would be horrible to me! My whole life would change drasticly and I don't think I would want to live being blind.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
13 May 09
As an independent woman, it is scary to know that you will have to be dependent on others. But I will not have any other choose, I hope though it will take some time before that happen. It would no longer be a life...not a quality life so to speak.
@marguicha (225477)
• Chile
12 May 09
With age, as you say, you begin to lose your senses. I don´t hear as well as I used to and can´t understand a conversation if there´s music around. One of the two, I say. As for eyesight, cactaract surgery didn´t make my eyes see a lot better. I have many problems and there are lots of things I did with them that I can´t do now. All the small things are out of bounds or very difficult. I have been a reader all my life but now I read little and pick books with big letters. I can´t use a cell phone or a notebook: I need big letters and big numbers (it seems that everything now is made for young people) I prefer my eyersight if I was asked to chose. Unfortunatly, it seems nobody is asking. So we just have to accept what we have and use our imagination to enjoy what we can. Still, maybe you should go to an eye doctor and have him explain exactly what you have and your prognosis. Take care
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
12 May 09
Hi marguicha, I know precisely what you mean. The older you get, the lack of your senses work. I to need books with big letters so I can read. I also need big numbers..lol. My eyesight is that bad, however, my glasses is my dearest personal thing and I can not be without them. I would be almost blind without them...my investment and cost me about 6 000 sek. The world would be very blurry for me if I did not had them... I am however glad that as long as glasses helps, I still can do my hobbies...lol I am an assistance nurse in my profession, and the eldre need my hands, my legs, my eyes, and my ears .....I love my profession It is so nice to se that my help make a different...
• China
13 May 09
I dare not imagine what my life will be after I lose my eyesight. The world is in the whole darkness. But the losing of hearing will not prevent me doing some interesting things, such as reading, writing, drawing,sewing. Maybe the trouble of losing eyesight is more than that of losing hearing. The old age maybe make us lose these. We have no way. So it's better not to think of what the future life in the old age will be like. nowadays, we use our good eyesight and hearing to do our favourite things, don't we?
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
13 May 09
It is really hard noticing that your eyesight is getting wors year by year. I am really dependent on my glasses...losing my sight totally would be a tremendous big issue for me. Meaning being dependent on others to...in this dark world to become...
@jayrene (2708)
• Philippines
12 May 09
omg anette that is really a scary news you got there and im hoping it will not happen to you. i know how hard it is to lose a part of one's sense... you know i have become hearing impaired suddenly, and its just a sad thing that have happened to me. being hearing impaired is hard enough already, how much more losing one's sight. i dont want to think about it. let's pray it will not happen, and prove the doctor wrong...
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
12 May 09
Unfortunately, the lack of my eyesight is already starting. I canot read without my glasses, I can not make a note without them. I also need books with large letters to be able to finnish it. So I guess, it will happen. Hopefully not in my nearest future. My glasses is my dearest thing and I can not be without them...the world get blurry without them. I guess, my doctor will be right... Losing hearing is not god either a specially if you have been hearing once. I guess you will miss the words, music, sounds...etc. I am sad that we are losing those senses that are most important in our lifes...in order to function by work, and doing things that you love. Nothing in the world can be more sad then lose those senses. I see my eldre at work how they are so dependet on our help, we are their hands, ears, eyes and legs. They need our help with so many things, since their senses and organs stop working enough for them to be able to make it them selfs....But that is why I love my profession. I can be the help they need.
• United States
12 May 09
It's a tough question but I'd rather lose my hearing than my sight. I would hate to miss the joy that is seen in smiling faces, the love that is seen in your family's actions and the beauty that you see in the woman you love.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
13 May 09
Hi juanypablo, welcome to mylot, I hope you are enjoying this site. In my book it is the best way to make Free money but that is not only the reason why I am here...writing and have som nice time with friends all over the world...seeing people smiling is something I do enjoy so, I am not glad that I am about to lose my eyesight. My profession give the opertunity to see smiling faces every day as an assistance nurse...I shore will miss that.
@ruworth (147)
12 May 09
I would rather loose my hearing because id hate to miss a sunrise or looking at a nice crisp sea. Most people are full of crap so loosing my hearing could be an advantage - lol
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
12 May 09
Hi ruworht, welcome to mylot, hope you enjoy the site...lol. Well, you have a point there...listen to a lot of crap is something I absolutely could be nice sometimes...I am one of those who hate gossip...
• United States
13 May 09
In general, I'd rather lose my hearing. Even though I am a die hard music fan. I used to attend school with a blind boy and I always wondered how he managed to live with himself. I've never seen him trip or nothing, it still amazes me to this day. Today, he has a guide dog to guide him in public places. If I could'nt hear, I wouldnt have to listen to some people. Which can be a good thing. LOL I'm sorry to hear about your eyesight though.
@anetteh (3590)
• Sweden
13 May 09
xxmurdergorgeous, you have been near that experience that I am affraid of. Thinking of not being able to do things on my own anymore would be hard for me, I am independet person so....
@acro47 (1)
• United States
10 Jun 09
I would absolutely rather lose my sight! I could live in a world of darkness if I had to. I've often thought sight is overrated in a terribly materialistic 21st century world. Who cares if I can't watch TV or go the mall or drive a car or play video games or use a computer? I could still enjoy an ocean breeze or the feel of the ocean or sand under my feet. But to never again hear my children's voices? Never again hear the spectacular musical classics I was raised on and which are such a prized part of my life? Never hear the voice of my best friend in the world...my dear and wonderful sister? Never hear my amazingly gifted daughter play her piano? Never hear the Bible preached or the choir sing on Sunday? No, if I had to choose, I would give up my sight without a moment's thought.