Illegal immigration. What do you think about it?
@BishounenNerd (373)
United States
May 12, 2009 12:51pm CST
I just happened to be in the right place when I heard this... 1 year ago in Iowa, there was this huge raid on a this plantation, and police were busting all kinds of illegal immigrants. But what happened when all was done and over, was people in the city where the raid happened where struggling. Shops closed and people weren't generating as much income as they used to. Do you think that illegal immigration has too much of an impact on our economy? Do you think that it's for the better or for the worse? Let me know what you think!
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10 responses
@BethTN81 (564)
• United States
13 May 09
Im my opinion, the ONLY people that should be griping about immigration are American Indians. They were here first and then Euopeans came over here and took over their land. Our ancestors were immigrants here once. Who are we to tell others to go back to their own country? Who are we to tell others to learn OUR language? Why dont we speak the language of american indians? Is it just me or is america a hypocritical country?
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
13 May 09
Fine with me if they don't want to learn the language, but in that respect we shouldn't have to market everything in their language or provide interpreters to them. We shouldn't have to learn their language.
What a shame we think them too stupid to be able to assimilate by making it easy for them not to. I guess their ability to learn a new language got lost. They didn't start out speaking Spanish. They learned the language.
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@BishounenNerd (373)
• United States
13 May 09
That's true. I can honestly say that as far as invading land goes, European nations were the worst. With Britain it was the Sioux and Apache they tried to conquer, and with Spain it was the Aztecs and Mayans. But you can't change the past. Some of us grew up here, even if our ancestors were from another country, so that makes us just as American as the natives. I guess we just have to learn to get along, because as it stands the consequences of our ancestors actions are irreversible, and the future generations have to live with what happened back then. It's best just to forgive and forget I think.
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@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
13 May 09
I know for a fact that there are many illegal immigrants all over the world. Actually having illegal aliens, I believe, is not mainly concerned with strict laws on foreign lands but generally WHY these people have to resort to being illegal immigrants. Standards of living in their own countries must be very bad - and I know that it is here in the Philippines which is why I believe there are probably many Filipino illegal immigrants.
Thanks for the response on my discussion!
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@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
13 May 09
thank you for pointing that out, so many people think the answer is to put punishment on the illegal aliens (one person went as far as to say they should be shot as a second warning),,,,but the only way to truelly solve illegal immigration is to help the third world or underprivileged countries that these people are coming america we are supposed to be the "land of the free" we are supposed to stand for human rights and having a fair chance in life, so if we are going to be hypocrites and say "oh no you can't come here" then we at least have to use our wonderful position in the world to try and make things better in the immigrants native land
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@BishounenNerd (373)
• United States
13 May 09
You both put up a VERY good argument! I know one of the other people who commented on this discussion said that immigrants should learn the language. While normally this is true, you are also right, Oyenkai, some people don't have access to this stuff because they live in these deplorable conditions, so they really don't have much of an option. As crazy as this country is at times, we still do better than a lot of poorer countries, which is why illegal immigration exists here. But you're right, sometimes it is better to look at things from their point of view and try to sympathize with them.
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
12 May 09
We have very strict laws pertaining to European immigration and Canadian immigration. These people wait years to come to live in our country. They have to prove that they can support themselves and speak the language and most of them don't just get a green card they proudly become citizens. They do not put any strain on our Government, they pay taxes and give back to our country.
The illegal immigrants that cross our borders, do not pay taxes. They find ways to get help from our welfare system by having babies here. They send as much of their pay back to their home country as they can, so that more of their family can come over too. Many of them do not learn our language, but their children do when they get to go to our schools because they are born here. Mothers who have babies here do not have to support themselves because they can receive American welfare and SSI for their children.
The illegals are a drain on the American system. Even if they do work, they do not work at jobs that pay a lot of money. Eventually they end up collecting SSI, which is the same as welfare.
@BishounenNerd (373)
• United States
12 May 09
It sounds like a long process... But I suppose it's necessary in order to keep the economy from getting too strained. It is true that too many people rely on welfare, and that just makes taxes higher for the rest of us. Thanks for your input.
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@Mikaela_taz25 (1842)
• Philippines
13 May 09

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@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
12 May 09
While I have no objections with immigrants coming to the U.S. to work, I do have objections to the fact that they refuse to legally become citizens. It makes no sense to have those who are doing it the proper way get shoved to the back of the line just so those who represent more Democrat votes (and that's all it is--it's being politicized so that the Democrats can stay in power)can set up shop here, and not necessarily in a good way.
For me, the immigrants need to study and learn to speak English, learn American history, and go through whatever other proper channels they need to go through to legally become citizens. If they aren't willing to do that, then by all means, deport them back to their home country.
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@BishounenNerd (373)
• United States
12 May 09
I can see your point. Yeah, if it's not too much, if people want to move to a country, they should at least make an effort to become a functional member of society. It only makes sense.
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@spicysweetie21 (2572)
• United States
13 May 09
Don't you realize that so many of them come here to escape the poverty of mexico, and since we had a "cowboy" administration the last view years, can't you realize that its not the democrats who get the "proper way" shoved to the back of the line....and please about the american history,,,i understand about the english part....but i know plenty of immgrants that know way more history than so many stupid white americans
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@tundeemma (894)
• South Africa
13 May 09
European countries and the United states will never find peace or be able to resolve the issue of illegal immigrant until they find a way to remove bad leadersship in the poorest countries, thousands of immigrants die off the coast of spain on yearly basis and the trend has continued unstoppable for a long time, poor countries should be helped to developed as in the case of south africa where the country is being developed and the people here are not eager to travel to developed countries
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@agv0419 (3021)
• Philippines
13 May 09
Some Filipinos migrate illegally in the US and some other countries to look for the greener pasture. I don't condemn them because they want to have a good life for there family back home. Back then that the immigration law is not that strict many illegal alien migrated. I think their contribution to the economy is much bigger although they don't paid taxes. Like Chinese many are exploited because they are not documented but they are hardworking people.
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@shibham (16977)
• India
13 May 09
hello, illegal immigration is a major problem for my locality. government are fully doing a silent job. not only economy, our traditional customs, beliefs and nationality are going to corrupt. some times i think where we are going to live, in our own country or others? thanks.
@rolento (227)
• Spain
13 May 09
the problem is that illegal immigration raises the tax of criminality, and here in spain is worst, because the law protects the criminals, i had to pay an indemitzation to one rumanish that tried to steal me, a gave him a couple of hits and ran away, but i was identified by the cashier security cams. adding to this the owners of the industry are a pirates that explotes the inmigrants that entered illegally and pays them 30% or so of the real salary, destroying lots of jobs.
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