What is your fav colour and why?

@ruworth (147)
May 12, 2009 1:49pm CST
Many people ask what is my favourite colour, it dosent matter what you say to them the reply is always the same. So what is your fav colour and why?
7 responses
@nidz_16 (61)
• India
12 May 09
My favourite colour depends on the situation... it could be white, blue, pink, red or black.
@ruworth (147)
12 May 09
How is that?? what makes you say a differant colour all the time?
• India
13 May 09
i like all the colours,except those bright ones....it is difficult for me to select one.....as all colours suit me, i like wearing all...n if i have to buy something in particular...then it depends on the place n products....if u force me to pick one then it would be white and blue.....happy mylotting...
@playapal (894)
• United States
13 May 09
I love blues and greens, aquas and turquoise. These colors are peaceful and remind me of blue skies, green grass and the ocean. I would love to redo my house in these colors, they are serene and peaceful.
@ruworth (147)
13 May 09
UIt would certainly feel more homley if you could implement these into your home.. good luck with it..
@chillpill90 (1936)
12 May 09
my favourite colour is light blue as it is quite peaceful and i also find that i feel hot alot of the time so it does cool me down in some weird way
@ruworth (147)
13 May 09
You are right that is weird - lol i see your point in that tho.
@dianmelydia (2269)
• Indonesia
12 May 09
My favourite colour is yellow. Why? Because yellow is colour of prosperity. I believe everyone know that. But in a book of love, yellow is said as a colour for jealousity. I don't what's the meaning but my friend told me that people who love yellow colour is kind of easy to jealous with their beloved one. But i disagree with her. Have a nice day and happy mylotting.
@ruworth (147)
13 May 09
I would have thought red would have gone with that? Oh well you learn something new everyday :)
@moujha (86)
• Mauritius
12 May 09
My favorite color is green because for me, green means the nature including trees, birds etc. For me, nature means a lot specially trees that are planted everywhere. Green also mean clean and antibacterial for me, that's why doctors put green clothes while performing operations. In the end, i like green color and it will always remain my favorite color.
@ruworth (147)
13 May 09
That is a really good point you have made, i never thought of green like that. you have opened my eyes to something new. Thanx :)
• United States
12 May 09
When ever someone asks me this i always change my color ever since i was little. I love every color! But orange and yellow are at the top.
@ruworth (147)
13 May 09
Orange makes me hungry for some reason as i dont like oranges! Yellow is a sweet colour alittle bright in a morning tho.
• United States
12 May 09
My fave color is white. It gives peace and purity to Heart! Thanks.
@ruworth (147)
12 May 09
Aww that is soo sweet..