It wasn't me!!

@Humbug25 (12540)
May 12, 2009 2:36pm CST
Whilst I was away recently I received a phone call from my landlord to say that a neighbour had complained about me making noise, like playing loud music at 2.30 in the morning. I was shocked and obviously told the woman on the phone that I wasn't even there, how could it be me!! Then she said there was a complaint made the week prior to that when I was at home but wouldn't say on what the grounds the complaint was made that time. She said she would get back to the complainer to try and work out what was going on and said that she was then going to be on holiday and would call me in a week. That whole week trying to work out which neighbour it was. I worried that I had upset a neighbour of mine and then I was angry that my neighbour had not come and spoken to me about it thinking that yes she had got the music thing wrong but me and my kids can sure raise the roof sometimes though never after 8pm when the kids go to bed! When the week was up I rang my landlord back and she told me that the woman who had complained had in fact given her the wrong numbered house. The neighbour has since apologized to me and we had a laugh about it but I had an awful week thinking about it. Have you been wrongly accused for something recently? What was the worst thing you have ever been wrongly accused for?
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14 responses
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
12 May 09
Well at least you can laugh about it now, but at the time it sure wasn't funny, you are sensitive I guess like me and we can't help but worry whereas most people would have shrugged it off and wouldn't have let it worry them in the slightest. When I first read it I thought perhaps it was that woman you said about sometime ago now that complained because your children were jumping on the trampoline, some people are so damn petty! I can't envision either you playing loud music either, you are the kind of person I would love to have as a neighbour. As for being wrongly accused well yes it happened when I was working at a Primary school one of the children in my class told the headmistress I had given him a pound coin! Well you can imagine what happened because of the sensitivity of what had happened, I was called into the headmistresses office and confronted about this! I was taken aback, totally shocked that she could think ill of me, I told her under no circumstances would I have given a child money. Well she brought the child in and the child burst into tears and said no it wasn't me! It still left a nasty taste in my mouth afterwards and relations were fraught even though I got an apology both from the child about I must not tell lies and from the headmistress. It could have been a damn site worse and I could have easily of lost my job.
@Humbug25 (12540)
12 May 09
Hi wolfie34 Blimey you're hot on my tail tonight! LOL Well that was the first thing I thought was that it was the neighbour who complained about the trampoline but like I said I couldn't understand why she hadn't spoken to me about it as she didn't hold back when it came to the trampoline. It was the neighbour that lives the other side of the fence at the bottom of my garden. About your situation, that must have been so awful and people never seem to look at you in the same way after an incodent like that even though you are inocent!! That must have been so horrible you poor thing! Take care my friend
@wolfie34 (26770)
• United Kingdom
12 May 09
You know what they say my friend, mud sticks, that child could never look at me afterwards, I felt sorry for him in a way, because he was just a child I was more annoyed at the headmistress and her attitude. Anyhow that's history now and they lost me as a staff member anyhow, and they have the cheek to wonder why there are not many male members of staff working at schools, HUH and double HUH! Thank you my friend, you too take care ;0)
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@Humbug25 (12540)
12 May 09
Did the child ever say who did actually give it to him? Did he ever say why he said it was you? When I read your story I too felt sorry for the child and, like you, I think it will stay with him for the rest of his life! Sometime adults can behave worse than children when they blame some one else for something!!
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
11 Sep 09
omg that has n't happened to me as of yet *knocks on wood*!! but i can imagine how you feel.. espeically if you recognize and respect that you have neighbours and keep it down!! it would make me feel really bad too and guilty even though i didn't do anything!
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
15 Sep 09
I wish everyone was the same way! then there would be no problems FOR us either!
@Humbug25 (12540)
15 Sep 09
Hi Siss I guess that is just the way we are! Thanks
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
8 Jul 09
The only thing I can think of was back when I was in middle school. A boy had accused me of ratting him out about something. He asked me if my first name was what it was and when I told him yes he grabbed my hair from the back and pulled hard. I was so angry, but I didn't say anything to the teacher. It wasn't me, but I'm betting I know who it was. A girl in that class who had the same first name as me. But he obviously had a crush on her, so that's probably why he accused me instead. LOL
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@sacmom (14192)
• United States
18 Sep 09
I think he was too angry to care. It sure did. I can still feel it 20 some odd years later! Just kidding! LOL Happy mylotting!
@Humbug25 (12540)
15 Sep 09
Hi ya sacmom OUch that must of hurt. Silly chap should have made sure first! Thanks for your response and sorry for delay in commenting
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
30 Jun 09
Hm. Not recently. In college I was in a German play and this other girl made some remark that ticked the professor off, but for some reason he thought I had said it. We straightened it out though. The worst thing I have been wrongly accused of? Hmmm... Being interested in another guy when I absolutely wasn't.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
15 Sep 09
Hi ya dawny I am sure that happened to me at school several times! Thanks for your response and sorry for not getting back to you sooner
@celticeagle (172640)
• Boise, Idaho
13 May 09
How cruel! That should have been handled differently I am thinking. How awful that you had to go through a week like that. If it was April I would sware it was a mean joke or something. I have been acused of things I didn't do before. Can't think of any particular thing. Flirting with my ex-husbands friends, things like that. What I hate is when you can't prove you didn't do it. Ugh!
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@celticeagle (172640)
• Boise, Idaho
16 Sep 09
I thought I was going to make my way under the radar but you caught me. Haha
@Humbug25 (12540)
15 Sep 09
Hi there celticeagle That really bugs me too when you are inocent and can't prove it Thanks for your response and I am sorry for the delay in commenting it!
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• United States
12 Jun 09
It is a good thing you can laugh about it. I wouldnt be able to. Because the point is she made more than one complaint and that couldve caused you to loose your place to live. Your landlord can kick you out with to many complaints. Sounds like your neighbor needs to get her stuff right first. I live in a gated community and our neighbor calls about our dogs barking. The security shack called once and told me that more than one neighbor called and complained. I called back after listening to the message and told her I know for a fact only one neighbor called. She was like no it was a few. I was like well first of all my one neighbor is my in laws. And we was with them. The only other neighbor that couldve called is on the other side. See the thing was my dogs where in the house. So it was there other neighbor or the people across the street. The same neighbor has called before saying our dogs where in the garage barking for 2 hours. i heard a car in my driveway so went out to check it and it was the security guard. I was like why are you on my property. He told me the complaint. I said first off my dogs has only been in there for 15 minutes because I just woke up. He said well I made them bark and I cant hear them in there. Well after the 2nd complaint when the security called my house. I called back and told them I know which neighbor it is and after they gave me the crap story about more than one neighbor calling I told her to call the neighbor and let them know the next time they complain I will press harassment charges and tresspassing charges. Because I will get all the neighbors to sign a petition stating my dogs rarly bark and that when they do bark there is a 90% chance there daughter is on my property. I have witnesses that she gets on my property and others when they are not home. Well they havnt complained since and there daughter no longer tresspasses. See I have two brindel boxers and the women next door swears they are pitbulls that she has never seen brindel boxers. Well in her face. Anyways sometimes you haft to let them know you wont put up with crap.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
15 Sep 09
Hi ya heather177 What a pain huh? I rang my landlord and made sure that there was a note on the computer stating that I hadn't caused any disturbances at all and that there are no complaints logged against me. They assured me that this had been done! Thanks for your response
@riyasam (16556)
• India
13 May 09
thankgoodness,it all turned out well!!my hubby lost an important document and that document was last seen in my hands,so he put the blame on me.weeks later,he got it back from his boss,he himselff had given it and had forgotton all about it!!!boy,did i give him a hell of time after that!!
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@Humbug25 (12540)
15 Sep 09
Hi ya riyasam I too would have given him what for and for some days after that!! Thanks for your response sorry for my delay on commenting!
@nana1944 (1364)
• United States
13 May 09
HUMM. I have lost track of all the things I have been wrongly accused of. When you are as old as I am it has generally happened a lot. The landlord thing says a lot. Only mine is more like a slumlord. But that is quite another story. It used to bother me a lot when someone accused me falsely but now I just can look at someone and say, "Believe what you want to, as long as I know the truth what you believe does not bother me at all." Rude of me, huh??
@Humbug25 (12540)
15 Sep 09
Hi ya nana1944 That's not rude of you at all, you are just stating the truth a see no point in agruing your inocence!! Life is rough sometimes huh? Thanks for your response and sorry for my delay in commenting
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
14 May 09
I was accused of stealing paper from the front office. this happened when I was a clerk and my dept. was in the middle of a factory. so there are offices in the front, back and middle. I supposed to provide printing paper for the dept. and for 2 years I have been taking it from front office because that's what I was told to do by senior staff and everyone in my dept. at the time did the same. out of the sudden one day there was no paper left and the lady supervisor (she was just there for 3 months) called me a thief for not buying the paper I told her it was always like that, middle office never had to buy our own but she didn't want to listen, in fact at a later date I even had a manager of another dept. called me that I quit not long after that. And then a co worker told me he had been taking papers at night shift and kept it in a certain place because they always need paper and front office has to provide it even if they don't want to. I never told anybody. They called me thief and I am not. Why should I warn them of the real thief? Let them be robbed again and again, at least this time there is a real robbery going.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
15 Sep 09
Hi ya LittleMel I dare say that in time they would have found out that it wasn't you but it would have been too late! Thanks for your response and sorry for my late comment!
@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
14 May 09
This wasn't recently. This was years ago when I lived in Florida. To try to save myself some money I moved in with this elderly woman. One night one of her 'boyfriends' had come for a visit and on the table she had one of those combination radio/flashlights. Anyway, I finally went to bed. The next day while I was at work she called me and accused me of stealing that radio/flashlight and that she was going to call the police on me. I told her that I didn't steal anything from her. Within 3 days she 'found' the radio and never apologized to me. It was obvious that she was just using me as a scapegoat in order to get me out of her house. Why didn't she just tell me that she didn't think the living arrangement wasn't working? She was horrible. Purrs, Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
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@Humbug25 (12540)
15 Sep 09
Hi kellyjeanne Aww that is horrible!! Thanks for your response and sorry for the delay in commenting to it!
• United States
13 May 09
I can remember one time, when I was still in grade school. My younger sister brought in a dirty joke she took from my father's collection, and wrote on the top of the page to give it to me when finished. I was called to the principal's office and it took an hour to get him to realise that it wasn't mine and I had no idea where it came from! I'm a forced lefty and the handwriting wasn't even close he he didn't want to believe that my sister had done it, so he kept trying to get me to admit to it. What a jerk!
@Humbug25 (12540)
15 Sep 09
Hi ya lorelei1622 I hope you gave you sister what for after! Thanks for your response
@jesssp (2712)
• Canada
13 May 09
I'm glad that you got the apology you deserved! That really makes all the difference in a situation like this. When I was in my last year of high school some guy accused me of hitting his truck with my tiny little car in the parking lot. He was absolutely adamant about it and him and his little buddies followed me around accusing me and pestering me to admit to it. He even went to the police and the insurance agency and I had to deal with a police officer coming to my place of work to question me and I had to take my car to the insurance place for an inspection. Never mind the fact that his door was bent right in and my little car was completely unscathed (aside from the scuffs on the bumper from my grandma hitting garbage cans - they were blue, same color as his truck, which is why he thought it was me). My bumper wasn't even high enough to hit his truck where it had been hit, and even if it somehow grew six inches and was able to hit the door my bumper would have been completely mangled, not undented and slightly scuffed. I was so mad about this as I absolutely DID NOT do it and had to endure being accused of it, followed around and harassed about it and even being questioned about the police about it. In the end the police and the insurance agency said that, duh, my tiny undented car absolutely could not have caused that kind of damage to the kid's truck. It was right at the end of school and I was done my classes so I really didn't see the kid or his little cronies much after that. A year or so later I saw him at a party and he came over to me, drunk, and started talking to me. And the conversation consisted of him apologizing profusely for like 20 minutes. He said he was mad and upset and just wanted to blame someone so badly that he just focused on the blue garbage can scuffs on my bumper and ignored all the things that made it impossible for me to have done it. Plus his buddies were egging him on and insisting that it was me. I still wanted to kick the kid in the balls but I did really appreciate the drunk but sincere apology.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
15 Sep 09
Hi ya jesssp I guess a drunken appology is better than none! Thanks for your response and sorry for the delay in commenting
@sandymay48 (2030)
• Canada
12 May 09
Hi Humbug25...there is nothing worse then being accused of something you did NOT do... I still remember and make jokes about this incident. About 20 years ago, we were camping in a public campground. It was a mixture of trailors and tents, but mostly trailors. The next morning the park rangers came and told us we had to leave the park. When asked why, he said there were several complaints that night about us slamming doors. I remember reeling right around and looking right in his eyes and saying,,,"when you can tell me how the hell you can slam a tent door, then I will leave" He didnt know what to say. He was so dumbfounded. I looked at my friends and so Ok, we have to go now, you guys were slamming the "tent" doors too loudly last night. The ranger told me I didnt have to be so sarcastic and I didnt have to leave. I told him he didnt have to accuse of us something so stupid without checking first. Those were my young and mouthy days
@Humbug25 (12540)
12 May 09
Hi ya sandymay48 At least you didn't have to wait a week before the situation was sorted!! LOL. I think I would have said pretty much the same thing as you did and it is a funny story! Thanks for your time!
@th52096 (469)
• Philippines
13 May 09
Hahaha! It's a good thing that it was the wrong house number because if it was your house you would have a suspected burglary and you would have to go through all the trouble of changing locks. and having the risk of being kicked out of the neighborhood.
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@Humbug25 (12540)
15 Sep 09
Hi ya th52096 This too is true Thanks for responding