What irritates the life out of you?
By mimpi
@mimpi1911 (25464)
May 13, 2009 2:32am CST
I hate people who brag, who know no ends of themselves, parents who would invite just to have their child do a Britney spears number or even too much public display of affection.
But my special hatred is for people who feel obliged to prove how big they are by demeaning the people like waiters, drivers, delivery boys, maids etc. That is sinking too low just for nothing!
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29 responses
@kntr07 (9)
• Italy
13 May 09
I take it that you are talking specifically about people...In that case, my list is endless.LOL! I don't hate anybody. I know it's hard to believe but I don't hate people. It's their characteristics and personalities that strike a nerve. For example, I don't like it when people are inconsiderate. I know a lot of inconsiderate people but I don't hate them because they still have a lot of good qualities. What irritates me the most are ungrateful people. I hate it when people don't appreciate what they have but instead whine about how they don't have what somebody else has. I hate it when you give someone a very thoughtful gift and they turn around and hint that you should have gotten them something else. ugh! I also hate it when people demean others. People who think they are better then others are irritating! Another thing I hate is when people get so lost in their lies that they don't even remember what they've said. I work with this guy who brags to people outside our office about stuff he "does" and it's stupid because I'm usually around when he does this. I just look at him, like, seriously?!?! In general, I like mostly everybody I meet. But like myself, I'm sure they all have little flaws that irk others. Hey, I know I annoy some people.=)
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
14 May 09
I know what you mean. we do not really hate anyone - that would be too strong a word but deportment, mannerism could be irritating. Some people do stuffs like this intentionally and some unknowingly. I try to rectify myself as soon as someone points pout something.
@asherem2 (257)
• Thailand
13 May 09
what iritates me are people who seems, "to know it all!" As if no ideas were right except theirs. They were kind of narrowminded - other people suggestions amount to nothing because they usually have a better idea to offer.
People were not cut out from the same stuff - even fools were right at times. I guess, we just need to learn the art of listening, you know being sensitive towards others.
and yea, i also don't like those people demeaning others - doesn't they know that they just demean themselves too...?
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 May 09
Yes, that's another pet peeves of mine. Know-it-all are boastful and narrow minded. They are not open to ideas and have huge ego problem accepting others by negating themselves!
Thanks asherem.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 May 09
I know what you mean Flower. Humour is essential to survive and the ability of laugh at yourself is a great way to dilute things. that helps us move on and forget.
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@goldflower (156)
• Indonesia
13 May 09
and i think people who seems to know it all never been able to laugh at themselves. Which is a shame I think being able to laugh at yourself shows that you're a great person. Thus, they dont like to be laugh too.
Doesnt sound like i phrased that right, but i hope you guys understand lol.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
13 May 09
I can't stand people who belittle others either. People are PEOPLE for God's sake and we are ALL equal, regardless of our economic status, job or any other reason. What also irritates the heck out of me are people that spend their time whining and complaining about others doing or saying certain things, but never stop and realise that they are doing the EXACT same things themselves! I'm dealing with people like this quite often lately and it drives me insane! 

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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
14 May 09
I find this absolutely annoying. How can we decide for ourselves? Just on basis of our status? We are in no position to do that. Its going lowest of low.
@anniecheung216 (168)
• China
14 May 09
Normally people who are rich but not good educatated do that often.
I met those kinds when i worked in kindergarden,most grandparents whose kids have good job or make good money do that to us .They look down on us ,and keep complaining .It's really troublesome.

@goldflower (156)
• Indonesia
13 May 09
Agree with the irritable people you mention there.
Also people who talk big (slightly different with bragging in my dictionary :P), people who are bossy, who think that their opinion should mattered to everyone but not vice versa, who are so self-centered that they think the world revolves around them, bratty kids, stay home moms who think that they are so great and people should praise them 24/7 becos they are so unselfish they willing to sacrifice their lives so they can manage to raise their kids by themselves, aannnd.... people who whines! Not that i never whine, it's just... tiring hearing people who whines about almost the same thing over and over again. Especially if the intention is to get people to sympathize with them and feel sorry for the martyr-me personality they have.
wow, so many people that irritates me :P
btw, kudos to all stay-home-mom, really, but not the martyr-me type. You know what i mean? Hope so! Dont want people to think i'm being unkind to mothers :P
Yeah, i think i have issue with all martyr-me type lol.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 May 09
I know what you mean Flower. Nothing is more nagging that that. I would like to add another instance. There are some who do this public display of affection. Why not at home? Just to prove that they are the happiest? And there is another group who have gone through a lot to be someone in life. I appreciate their hard work and dedication. But don't you think some go over board proving that we are no one, we did nothing to achieve something! Our efforts are futile because we were raised up comfortably!
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@goldflower (156)
• Indonesia
14 May 09
hahha... one of the best thing in living in asia country is less public display affection! True, that sometimes in the mall in the big cities there are people with excessive PDA, but not that much, thankfully! Even the foreigners are behaving (at least as far as i've seen :P)
Yes! I know what you mean!! People who come from scratch to be in a position sometimes look down to those who also in the same position but have the support of the family (and money). I mean, just because we happen to have a supportive family and is not that poor doesnt mean we're not striving to get where we are now, right?!
Ah, it feels good to talk about our irritating people and found out that we're not the only one who thinks they are irritating! :)
Cos you know, sometimes i think am i being over reacting :P
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
14 May 09
Hahaha...this is a favorite topic, no wonder! lol..
The list can go o and on and on....

@onlydia (2808)
• United States
13 May 09
I agree with you 100% as I hate it when other people put other people down and put there nose in ther air. I have a friend like that. We used to go out for lunch and what not. She cut my other friend down and made her feel like trash. I no longer go out to lunch with her. If she wants to hang out I make her come to my house as I told her you can't treat people like that. You have a good day.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
14 May 09
This is so bad. This is really rude and bad disposition. I do not like such people who brag and belittle others.
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@FluffyDoomKitten (150)
• United States
13 May 09
Hmm. Putting others down is quite popular nowadays. People like to feel better about themselves by this. I guess it makes them more confident about themself? Or arrogant. Which brings me to my irritation.
I hate arrogance. I dislike people who are arrogant. There is a fine line between 'Confident' and 'Arrogant'. I'm confident(Usually). But arrogance is just like an instant annoyance to me, even if it isn't directed at me. I sometimes verbally lash out at people who are arrogant, not because I want to... But because they just annoy and irritate me so much, and so fast. Just a couple words is enough to set me off.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
14 May 09
Even I find it hard to deal with arrogant people. They have low self esteem and extreme cases need help.
@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
14 May 09
I guess it can't be helped, really. You can't make somebody not be arrogant, or a jerk. You could say something to them about it, but it would probably be a bit worse. Oh well, no laws against being arrogant.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
13 May 09
I find that most arrogant people act that way because the actually lack self-confidence. I think they are afraid others will find out and so they think they have to act out. I think those who put others down do it for a similar reason, because of a deep-rooted fear of their own inadequacy. It is pitiful indeed that they cannot see it is a downward spiral.

@rainbow (6761)
21 May 09
Bragging is tacky I have to agree with you dear! As for the waiters etc, if they loose customers, they loose their jobs so why be like it, nasty people I do not understand at all.
I think people who say things just to get a reaction or stir trouble should be shot. Why people need to bring drama into their lives is beyond me, if I had roared into school and challenged the teacher instead of asking I'd have looked really silly. Rude people are horrible too, sometimes people are really rude and I don't know why or what I did to deserve it and it upsets me for the day or even longer, I'm such a wimp, lol.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
23 May 09
I feel the same way. Rude people just makes my day sick and I cannot tolerate rude, haughty people who know no ends of themselves.
@alokn99 (5717)
• India
13 May 09
I get extremely irritated
By the people who consider thier worth simply based on thier material standing and treat people who they think are below them in status with disdain and disrespect.
By those who show disrespect towards the elderly
By those who lead a life of lies and hypocrisy. Who at home with the family give a picture of being totally devoted and in truth are something else.
Then are some who brag about things they achieve but in reality would not have done anything close to what they talk about.
Those who jump at taking credit for things they have not done.
I very recently tried to correct someone who did something like what you have described above. i.e disdain towards a maid. The person quietly left the scene for had that person not, it may have got me even more irritated and led to a severe argument.

@alokn99 (5717)
• India
14 May 09
Yes we can go and on.
Another thing which got me really irked , was a passing remark made by someone on while members of a particular community were grieving the loss of innocent lives. This was being shown on TV. Innocent human lives have been lost and at such times no matter what our beliefs, we should not discrimate and must have compassion.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
14 May 09
This is extremely annoying. Sometimes I shout at maids also but they know how much I care for them and they know its more out of being concerned. They like me at the end of the day. People who know no ends of themselves are extremely irritating and also those who take credit for things they did not do. After all hard work, when the credit of preparing some good dishes goes to the mother-in-law and not the daughter-in-law, I am sure the DIL would only have bad feeling for the person. I can go on and on and on...
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
16 May 09
Thread ceremony, among hindus adorns the brahmins with a special thread to denote that he is superior.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 May 09
Good points! Who are we to decide who are lower and who are higher in the society? Coming to this, I hate the thread ceremony that blatantly glorifies the caste supremacy.
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@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
19 May 09
Hmm, if Id had to think out of the top of my head then Id say that disrespect in any form irritates me. That also includes the stubbornness of people who just throw litter carelessly into the streets. Its like they dont have 'breeding' in a way. Its just so annoying since there are proper places to throw trash and yet they just chuck them out the window of a moving public utility vehicle.
I also dont like it when others' steal my intellectual property without. Its would be fine if they had my consent but otherwise, my thoughts are my thoughts, others have theirs. Its not nice to get my thoughts and put their name on it and claim it as theirs.
I guess those are my topmost pet peeves.

@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
21 May 09
Those are annoying. The people who do not have civic sense yet they claim to be respectable world citizens annoys me like anything. And coming to plagiarism of thoughts, I think that's cowards act. Having said this, we can do little about it. I have found excerpts from my articles posted elsewhere by different user names. I could do nothing!
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
26 May 09
permission!!?? You are far behind BJ, these people never care. And there is little you can d about it also.
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
13 May 09
I abhor people who put others down when they are feeling insecure themselves and I particularly dislike materialistic shallow individuals who are constantly competing in order to 'keep up with the Jones'. I have a friend like that, every time I see her I feel as if I am in some kind of contest and it irritates me no end! She will put a negative spin on anything I am doing or planning and manages to put a damper on anything I may be excited about. Grrrr!!!!

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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
13 May 09
I have known such people whose only aim in life is to compete with others. They suffer from some kind of inferiority that compels them to act like this.

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@krajibg (11922)
• Guwahati, India
26 May 09
Hi Mimpi,
This is more common among the newly become rich people. they are the worst dividers. As they have money to demean the weaker people they take the full advantage to prove their superiority. I hate this hypocrisy.
They would brag you for you have some talent and have come off a considerably well off a family. But as you are sipping a cup of tea and there is the rickshaw puller asking for the fare and being bargained is the worst thing and I would throw the cup of tea on the face and hiring the same Rickshaw would sneak off to my destination.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
29 May 09
So true! Thy have their priorities wrong. I distaste people who are rude and who belittle others.
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
26 May 09
My largest passion is that I hate abuse of any kind done to anyone, especially children.
A small pet peeve for me: all modern packaging. It is like I need a chain saw to get into it!
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
29 May 09

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
15 May 09
Yes Mimpi, you are right those who belittle people like waiters, maid servants, drivers and delivery boys also irritates me. I believe that everyone should be respected and should be given due regards. In my office, I treat all my subordinates with due respect and do not belittle them on any occasion. I believe that respect begets respect.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
16 May 09
I agree and who are we to decide!! Can we imagine life without them? They are most indispensable and see how some treat them!
@uicbear (1900)
• United States
14 May 09
One of the most irritating things to me is a driving scenario. It's when you are driving at a reasonable speed and the person behind you wants you to go faster and is tailgating you. Finally they go ahead and go around, and pull ahead of you. Then what do they do? They proceed to go slower than you were going.
Hello?!?! Was all that really necessary? Yep, that really bugs me.

@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
14 May 09
True! Here people are so irrational with honking adding to the noise pollution!
@anniecheung216 (168)
• China
14 May 09
I don't like that kind of peoeple too.I do meet a lot.But if the waiter or waitress insult you ,what will you do .Still be nice ? No i won't.So it's all depends,right?
@meandmy3 (2227)
• United States
14 May 09
I get irritated by know it all's people who are not willing to admit that they in fact do not know every thing there is to know about life, and that they can not learn anything from anyone else.
The rudeness you mentioned upsets me as well. I am not sure I would use the word hate, as I am not a fan of that but I am really turned off by anyone who treats people badly.
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
14 May 09
Hate could be too strong a word but certainly they are not in our roll. Know-it-alls are my pet peeve as well.
@aakansha12 (183)
• India
14 May 09
I hate many kinds of people but specially those who ill treat with animals like beating them or doing hunting and killing them for their fun .
There comes another kind who think world revolves around them and nothing will happen without them . A egotist kind of person . Also those who disrespect women , who think girls shouldn't be given power or be at higher position or should not be given much freedom .
I can give you the all list of people who really irritate me .
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
14 May 09
I loathe people who ill treat animals. It hurts. And coming to egoistic people I do not think I would be able to co habit with them.