How to make friendship last forever, strong and unbreakable...

May 13, 2009 4:24am CST
How to make a friend who remain on your side forever...
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3 responses
@Margajoe (4709)
• Germany
13 May 09
I don't know. I had a good friend for over 12 years and lost him. I never thought that was possible. We were so close. Then he feel in love, and I lost him forever. Take care.
@Jezebella (1446)
• United States
13 May 09
Friendships much like romantic relationships takes time and hard work to make last and strong. You need to be there for each other, not take advantage of each other, respect their desires, goals and more. You can't just call a friend when you need something, call to see how they are doing and let them talk more, don't break plans unless it is an emergancy.
• India
13 May 09
well this is the question that almost every person asks this question. but there is no specific answer to this question as every friendship has a different base line. some people are friends because they want a time pass.but there is one thing that if you include in your behavior then you can really be good friend for ever. first of all you should always have faith in your friend and always support him/her when the support is most required, only then two people can become good friends.