Converting to Islam for the sake of marriage
By pree70
@pree70 (525)
May 13, 2009 4:34am CST
i would like to know if islam prohibits marriage between its followers to a hindu. what happens when a muslim man wants to marry a hindu girl?
i know of an incident where the the two are totally in love, but the man wants the girl to convert to islam so that the marriage is legalised.
do you think that the girl should do it? i feel that converting to any religion should be done only if the person really feels like doing so on a religious basis and not for the purpose of getting married.
any comments???
9 responses
@murderistic (2278)
• United States
13 May 09
The Qur'an only allows for Muslim men to marry either Muslim women or chaste women who are Jewish or Christian. People of any other religion in Islam are considered to be unbelievers. This is because Jews, Christians, and Muslims all believe in the same God of Abraham, whereas Hindus do not.
"Do not marry unbelieving women until they believe. A slave woman who believes is better than an unbelieving woman, even though she allures you.... Unbelievers beckon you to the Fire. But Allah beckons by His Grace to the garden of bliss and forgiveness. And He makes His signs clear to mankind, that they may receive admonition" (Qur'an 2:221).
"This day are all things good and pure made lawful to you.... Lawful to you in marriage are not only chaste women who are believers, but chaste women among the People of the Book, revealed before your time, when you give them their due dowers, and desire chastity not lewdness. If any one rejects faith, fruitless is his work, and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost" (Qur'an 5:5).
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@murderistic (2278)
• United States
13 May 09
Oh, and to answer your question. I do not think ANYONE should change their religion for someone else. I think it is an insult to God, even if you are changing to the "right" religion, because you aren't doing so for God, but for man. The real question here, for the Hindu, what is more important: gods or man?
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• India
13 May 09
Well said murderistic. To change one's religion- I believe religion is chosen at birth, in that God places where you ought to learn the best. To change that would be the worst way to insult. This idea of cahnging one's faith is mere act of subjugating one's soul to Man instead the All-Knowing God.So, IMO the Hindu girl must desist from what the Qur'An says and leave the Muslim boy alone.
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@pree70 (525)
• India
13 May 09
hmm.. i agree with you. Conversion should be done only for the sake of God and not for any other reason. but why do such rules exist? after all, we all are human beings. we should be allowed to mingle together irrespective of what our faiths are. we should have the freedom to follow our faith and lead life according to our wishes.
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@fizanali (478)
• Pakistan
15 May 09
I am a Muslim and Muslim men are allowed to marry women from Christians and Jews but no other, Muslim women are not allowed to marry outside Islam.
This is because so that more people from other religions get Islamic preachings so that they would eventually willing fully convert to Islam.
Islam never forces any one to convert, Muslims can only preach the religion.
According to me though it's better that the girl first understands then accepts Islam but in the long run of eternity I think I would even accept if she just converts to Islam for that man because in the after life just being a Muslim (even by name) can put you a lot ahead of others.
When in the after life we all have forgotten about these matters we used to discuss and criticize each other I think the girl would only be thankful that she came Islam irrespective of the reason.
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
18 May 09
'because in the after life just being a Muslim (even by name) can put you a lot ahead of others.’…that’s what you believe and your observations here are typically of a conservative religious bigot…we and our religion (Islam) are the best and all others are inferior us, so come and join the bandwagon and be alleviated directly to heaven!
or else, rot in Hell.

@fizanali (478)
• Pakistan
18 May 09
Your comment is exactly what I meant when I was trying to explain that when you consider eternity these small matters (like you getting a bit angry and criticizing me) won't matter and at that time you won't be what you are now so may be you would be thankful even that you made that choice which at that time you were regretting.
But I did say that's it's better (in fact 1000 times better) if she first understands and then converts.
Actually I'm sorry to have said that because even if I would have not been a Muslim I wouldn't understand this.
@cannibal (650)
• India
25 May 09
We've got it from the horse's mouth. Cheers!
Can I ask you a few simple questions? What kind of hypocrisy is this, that you allow men from your religion to marry outwards, and not the women? Your explanation that you're trying to attract others to your fold is utterly absurd, if you don't mind. Who on the earth proved out to you that only when you convert to Islam, you become a happy person? Really, is it true that every Muslim is happier than their counterparts in other religions? I can easily proclaim that Indians (Hindus) are the happiest through somewhat crazy are the happiest in the world (Read some surveys if possible)In any case that's not easily inferable. So how did you jump such an incongrous conclusion?
Do you see the psyche it generates? It's exactly what Sudipta is alleging. It indeed is a ploy to make the whole world Islamic. Whether Islam is right or wrong is not the question here. The question is, why do you fall short of acknowledging the positive features of other religions, which definitely are aplenty compared to Islam. Now I know, even you'd ask how I jumped to this conclusion. Well, it is quite obvious. Please go through some history notes, some current real articles and some responses of users like Sudipta and I amongst many others have generated.

@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
15 May 09
The Muslim religion requires that a man marry a woman who is at least a woman of the "Book". Which means that if she is not a Muslim she must be a christian or a Jew. She must still convert eventually. The Islamic faith feels that all people of the earth must eventually convert. They feel that when the christ returns, he will come back to convert the world to Islam.
I do not believe that anyone should ever be forced to convert to any religion, or even be forced to follow a religion if they do not have one. Religion should be a very personal matter.
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@mbahdien (40)
• Indonesia
16 May 09
Although Islam do not force to convert, I think in Qur'an imply when married other religion should be converted to Islam. Why they must be converted? If they are not converted, probably it's difficult to determine where they should be married, is it in church or mosque?
• India
15 May 09
Conversion from one faith to another is an insult to God.This so because there no religion that is superior to the other.When a person is born into a particular religion it is GOD's WILL that he/she attain salvation through that religion because THAT(the path which GOD chose for him/her, whether it be Christianity, Islam,Hinduism or whatever)is the best vehicle of Learning, for that Soul -by which it is meant- learning to reach the Source- from whence we came.
Nobody attains any superior state by being in any particular religion, for in the ultimate any religion is simply put "belief" without proof. There is no gainsaying this. Quoting any Scripture is not the same as giving proof. The sooner one realizes the truth of this statement, the lesser there would be strife in this world. Half the trouble in the world is caused by religion and the other half by poverty or what you may call hunger at different levels.
IMO if the boy and the girl are so much interested in each other to such an extent of setting aside God's Will, they must simply eschew all religion- get into a state of "NO RELIGION" and marry and stay outside the compass of all religions. Happiness can be found it plain old GOODNESS. One does not necessarily have go through any religious path to be Good Human Beings. They could still be spiritual and "feel" one with all Life. That in itself one great resting in God.
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@fizanali (478)
• Pakistan
15 May 09
Though what you say is very nice but we have to realize that we cannot always make things up like this because our heart says it is right.
You say of proof then Islam is the only religion which also has proof in the Quran.
Like how can the Quran from 1400 yrs back tell us about the Big Bang theory which has only been proved now in the past 40-50 years even in the 1940 s great scientists like Albert Einstein did not believe this theory.
How can the Quran tell about Black holes, Quasars and the internal sea waves in the depth of the oceans ? All these things have only just been discovered by man using high end technology but the Quran tells it 1400 years ago.
How can no one ever finds a single mistake in the Holy Quran (which he can prove !) while lots of mistakes have been found in other scriptures including the Bible !
Look we need to open our eyes to the truth and not run away from it. Why do you keep insisting that other religions should not be criticized and that it shouldn't be discussed ? We can't close our eyes and accept that every religion is right because doing that won't make it right and God will do what he has planned.
You have to be more bold and open minded in your approach to religion because this is our eternal life at sake.
I don't even care if you think I'm being harsh or insulting because I know that you may criticize me now but when the time comes these small matters of personal hatred won't matter any more either to you or me.
Just for once watch peace TV or/and read the Quran .
• India
16 May 09
You have obviously not read our Scriptures -The Vedas [and they are more tha 6000 years old!).Because you haven't read the Vedas at least in translation which would be impoverished any way. That is why you say that the very so many details are there in the Qur'An. You talk of errors in The Bible- I would say look at it with Love and as coming from Someone who has heard the call of The Lord, you wouldn't see those errors!Further [B]all[/B Scriptural language would be too diffuse and nebulous that it could be interpreted in anyway. The one thing, if at all, that could have been done in respect of Christianity is that there must have been a chosen language of expression- it may be Armaic, it may be Hebrew- somewhere the oringinal texts should have been preserved zealously- a fact which is common to the Sanatana Dharma as well as Islam! Vedic Sanskrit (different from the one used in the Classics or in the modern day) and Old Arabic (different from the one in common use today) have been the hallowed languages in which the original Scriptures have been preserved. The Bible has been translated into ever so many languages- and several people - Constantine for instance- have been allowed to "reissue" the Scripture. In Hinduism - The Vedas are sacrosanct as to the language, the sequence and intonations of the words... nothing can be and should be changed! This is because if idiot doesn't understand, at least the Scripture remains uncorrupted for some better prepared soul to take a fresh look at it.
Once when I was in my college I had a debate with my classmate. The subject turned to "great" concepts being talked about in the Scriptures - the subject of discussions were The Vedas only. This friend of mine is a Christian - He wasn't claiming anything was avilable in The Bible. Since we were quite good frienda, we were discussing the pleasant and unpleasant things about our respective religions.The unpleasnt things being pointed by the "other" party. At that time he made a very sensible statement like an educated (we are both Engg Students)Indian, "You don't go about claiming the existence of all the currently outpouring knowledge in the Scriptures- in that particular discussion - The Vedas!!!""Why is it that always after the discovery of an idea is announced that you come up saying that this concept is there in The Vedas, or that is there? Lemme throw a challenge to you. Bring out one -just one- idea from The Scripture way ahead of the Scientists unraveliing it, I will take it that The Vedas alone are the true repository of All knowledge as you claim!" That was one of the most sensible things that was said to me in a debate. Being a scientifically trained person, I had no other alternative than to go silent. Ever since his "right" questioning I have been motivated to go into a deep study of The Vedas- in the spirit of the challenge he has thrown me.[B] It has become my Life's Mission.[/B] And the beauty of it all is despite his being a devout Christian he wasn't looking at The Vedas or any of the so called Scrptures that I was talking about as a Religious Scripture! He was looking at them as his common heritage as an Indian!!! We want the tribe of such people to increase in India.
Now I have a lot of Muslim friends. A discussion of the type I had with this gentleman, could not have even been imagined with them. No questioning of the statements in the Holy Qur'An is allowed in Islam. How can then a Scientific stance be even considered? The fundamental principle of Science is the necessity and freedom to question. It is to be understood that in any religion, mark my words, in any religion, one is required to fit in our "Logic" I mean, bend Logic to match the Scripture. A true allegiance to Scripture in any religion demands this. Further the unique feature of Hinduism is that ( hence of all the common cradle religions like Buddhism,Jainism and Sikhism) we are allowed to question, debate, counter-argue and accept a statement of truth only on and after personal experience. The greatest Seers(of The Vedas or the other Secondary or Tertiary Scriptures) had this humility to ask every follower of the religion to follow one's personal testimony in the ultimate and to use The Scripture as the First Guide and The Last Authority.The Scriptural testimony is no doubt the final authority. But no conviction is complete until it is made a part of one's own experience. That is the way Freedom of Thought is respected in the Hindu religion. This is a scientific stance.
In all my discussions with my friend quoted above my objection to other religions was with regard to their obsession with proselytization only- i.e. the desire to and instruction to convert others to their point of view, saying that it is the one and only greatest truth. We are taught in our religion which is popularly known as Hinduism- but ask a follower who understands it, he would only use the term Sanatana Dharma - to respect the "concepts" enshrined in any other religion.That is why the term used for religion in Sanskrit is "mata" (= opinion)
So, in sum all I want to say is if there is a Greatest and Final Truth it is ever going to remain hidden from the gaze of all but a few - such people to whom it becomes visible are only called Prophets and we from HBJS use the term Seer! Even the Seer will much less be able to put it in words of our ordinary finite-meaning words. The Final Truth can only be experienced.Commit it to language and you have already tarnished it!
• India
16 May 09
I am sorry I wasn't wanting to make everything BOLD only some parts of it, for emphasis. In all the other blog sites I do there is an edit feature to correct submissions. MyLot doesn't have that!

• India
16 May 09
Please ask your friend to read this discussion, and form her opinion. If all is not finished as yet. My wife who is a practising Clinical Psychologist, has dealt with inter-religious marriages, and the problems arising thereof, esp. Hindu girl - Muslim boy, and Hindu boy- Christian girl[It is only and mind you only in the Hindu home that the Christian girl has been allowed to practice her religion without coercion] yet in both cases there are so many disturbances and peace is simply not there. In Muslim boy-Hindu girl case the girl's is a sophisticated family so they, even though the idea of conversion has not been acceptable to them (as a typical Hindu) they have not interfered with the marriage. The girl is finding it very uncomfortable to follow the principles of the new religion esp. the element of force in it, which as a Hindu she perhaps was not used to. Having lived in a religion [Hinduism] that has freedom for the beginning, middle and end, she is finding it difficult to accept forced belief. The wise learn from others' mistakes.
So, before embarking on such an exercise as inter-religious marriage, give thought to all the pros and cons. IMVCO, inter-religious marriages are for those who are either basically atheists, or for those who have outgrown religion, into that more enlightened form of existence called Spirituality.
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@pree70 (525)
• India
16 May 09
i think this is very sane advice. i will definitly bring up this whole discussion to her notice. when i started this discussion, i never ever imagined that it would rise to such levels...
i do agree with you as to the 'freedom' that Hindu's enjoy in life. if the girl is brought up on such a freedom, she may find it claustrophobic in her 'converted' environment.
thank you for this enlightning response. i hope this helps her in choosing a right path.
@fizanali (478)
• Pakistan
17 May 09
I agree with Gadhisunu here that there would be lot of disturbances if the Hindu girl marries the Muslim boy without conversion to Islam from the heart but I would ask that does the girl love the whole boy or just his face. If she loves him as a whole then she should also love Islam as it is the major part of his character, so she should at least take interest in Islam and then decide whether she can accept it or not. If she can't accept Islam then there would always be a huge gap between the thinking of the two and the marriage would not be much successful.
• India
17 May 09
There! Fizan, you have made an excellent observation now. Yeah, if the love is total taking everything into account then there is something to think about. Ultimately the decision to take the plunge is the girl's and her family's prerogative.
@mbahdien (40)
• Indonesia
15 May 09
I agree with pree70 statement. Islam is not cruel as Sudiptacallingu imagine. All you think about Islam is absolutely wrong. I am an observance moslem and I insist that Sudiptacallingu statement have insulted me. You can not judge Islam from what you've ever seen. The good moslem is peaceable. Islam is Rahmatan lil alamin(Islam is blessing for universe). We are never teached to kill people deliberately or without order from judge. So, people who you've ever seen who beheaded Hindu is not truly moslem. They don't know about Qur'an and guidances from Muhammad(in Islam we call it hadist) profoundly.
Frankly, Islam prohibits strictly its groom marry to another religion groom, including Christian and Jewish. So that I do not agree with Murderistic statement that said we have same God. Alquran mention "We won't worship what you worship(Qur'an:109:2)". According to this verse, it's quite obvious that I have different God to Murderistic's God.
In Indonesia, people(especially moslem) who married to Christian or another believer occurs frequently. Our government actually has tight regulation, but people often break this rule. When married, they pretend have same believe, but afterward they back again. In society or family what they've done probably can be tolerated but not in Islam.
I suggest that they should not be married even though they are totally in love. Love in God is first and can't be compared to human love.

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
18 May 09
I am sorry if I have offended mbahdien but India has a very big Islamic population and I have seen nothing peaceful about them. They maybe peaceful but only within their own religion, their own fraternity.
Every time something bad happens, Muslims here come and say that the perpetrators are not true Muslims, they don’t know their religion well, Islam doest not preach violence and so on…so where are the true Muslims? And what are these people then, false Muslims? Then why doesn’t their community ostracize them? In the case I mentioned, the decision to behead the man was taken after consultation with village elders and the qazi and it was given religious legality to make it more acceptable.
Personally I think Islam is inherently violent.
For one, it was born and consolidated in violent times among violent people.
Secondly, the way they continue with their sacrificial ritual even today, the slow killing of animals where each member goes and slashes the animal’s throat with a razor (even small boys are egged on to go ahead and do so), the sight of blood spurting out and getting habituated to it…it has to instill a sense of violence from the very childhood.
Thirdly, flagellation in the name of partaking in grief…another violent way of expressing religion.
Fourth, Muslims never attack unless attacked…OK, but the attack and kill part is there nonetheless. No other religion I know of says to go and attack in the name of defending the religion. And we all know how easy it is to interpret ‘attack’ to suit personal purposes. So say what my Muslims friends will say, I have a very firm belief that Islam is inherently violent.
@pree70 (525)
• India
15 May 09
i think we are going off track now. each religion is special and unique to its followers. i honestly feel that with a 'live and let live' policy, we sure can make this world a better place to live in.
as for the two lovers, i pray that their predicament end in a happy way as soon as possible and they are able to find solutions to their problems. because if their love is true, then i believe that God is definitly with them.

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
14 May 09
I firmly believe that this is another of Islam’s tricks to keep and increase the number of its followers. It is said that a Muslim youth can marry a girl from another faith only if she is a believer i.e. either she is a Muslim or she converts (i.e. overnight from non-believer, she starts ‘believing’!) and for a Muslim girl it is prohibited to marry someone from another religion coz it is generally believed that girls being weaker, she would not be able to force her husband to convert to her faith…instead she herself will be converted.
Nowadays, though I find many Hindu boys have converted for marriage which I find utterly despicable coz if love is another name for God that all Gods are equal OR ELSE if I have to play by their rules, then my God is definitely better than yours and I would never convert to marry.
And the lengths Muslims will go to keep their faith, exposes how inhuman and cruel they can be when it comes to their religion…very recently at a village in my state of West Bengal a Muslim girl working in Mumbai had met a Hindu boy at Mumbai and they married without the boy converting or without informing the girl’s family back home. When finally they did go to the girls village and people found out about the Hindu groom, they took him to a paddy field and beheaded him! Can you imagine what a cruel heartless religion this is…I would never ever convert to Islam!

@Gordano (795)
• United States
16 May 09
I 'm so sorry to know about The Story Of one Killed, According to Islam No Punishment in This Situation, But All The Community Can Do According to the Islamic Laws Is to Consider The Marriage as invalid and Put an End to The marriage not Boy.
another Point is in The Common sense when I want to marry a Girl I consider it a Must to be Introduced to Her Family and to insure That the Marriage is approved By Her Family, and Since you said That The Guy Married Her without informing the girl's family back home.
In My Opinion There is two Mistakes accrued in This sad story:
The First is That The Guy Married Her without informing the girl's family.
and The Second is That the girl's family are some Zealots, and They didn't represent Islam Here, They Acted Like The Hindu Zealots Which are always ready to Burn Muslim and Christian Families Alive Just Because of a Rumor as it repeatedly Happened in Your Country.
I don't know Why you were injustice when you applied this Crime to Islam, and I condemn Your sentence Can you imagine what a cruel heartless religion this is.
One should Get Mature enough to Differentiate Between what is Religion and What Cultural and Other Factors, Don't Let Your Hate speak Of you.
Be reasonable There is no one will Believe you in Your Views That God Created Some peaceful People Called the Hindus while Others are not peaceful.
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@pree70 (525)
• India
14 May 09
well, each religion has its own views and i guess we have to respect them. But it is a shame when incidents like what you said happen on the name of religion. i am sure god(whatever the religion be), stands for love and not hatered or violence. No holy book preaches or encourages such mindless acts.
It is the people or followers of religions who choose to intrepret it as they like or wish to. what ever, it is indeed sad that such incidents occur at this age too. I wish people would just live their own lives and respect other's too.
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• India
16 May 09
At least among the Hindus, Sir, fundamentalists are a very recent development, and in response and as a backlash to, the continued onslaught on this most peaceable religion. So, referring to the "Hindu zealots" is blowing a microscopic new phenomenon out of proportions and placing it in the same class as terrorist groups operating, giving headache to everyone in the world, unleashing low intensity wars, shows more religious zealotry. Please take a hard look at history;it is India that didn't attack any country. The Indian(Hindu/Buddhist[!?!]) kings of the past have either tried to consolidate political power for keeping the country united under one culture or to defend against external attack like King Purushottam ( a very honorable man) did half-successfully to repulse the attacks of the Greek conqueror Alexander, or the attack of the barbaric Huns. Wherever a religion from India has spread, it has spread as an intellectual/cultural exchange. Fahien and Huen Tsang came to India to study and take Buddhism, to their country. It at the request of the people in China that Padmasambhava, went on to settle there. What Sudipta has referred to is not a lone example. If at all there are any instances of such things[like killing the person who has married one of their ilk] not happening it might be in higher echelons of Muslims where sophistication due to education, or the general tolerance that [B]might[/B] show up due to a wealthy disposition, might be possible.You can take the example of cine actors and the like who have inter-married living in reasonable peace. But by and large, Hindus in India are aware of the lurking dangers in such an exercise.

@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
16 May 09
no , i will convert to islam if i love him so much and
im ready to sacrice evrything if my heart belongs to him.
but if just for marriage only i will not. im ready to
cut the relationship if it does not mean so much from me.
how is married important if you cant understand your situation.
it should be balance, once you accept it , you are ready to
do and act their culture whatever it is.