After effects of swine flu...

Swine flu - Might this be the after effects of swine flu?
@Beertjie (976)
South Africa
May 13, 2009 7:26am CST
I got this picture via email, saying it is the after effects of swine flu. It was just send as a joke and not intended to make fun of the peole affected. I understand the seriousness of swine flu and hte people affected by it. I have noticed in my country people can find a bit of humour in everything. I suppose it is a way of seeing the lighter side of life. What do you think, is it wrong to find humour in such cases?
2 responses
@oyenkai (4394)
• Philippines
14 May 09
That's a funny picture! Can you determine its source? I want to know if any other photoshop images in that site is funny and worth a laugh :) If something is funny and non-offensive to anyone then there's nothing wrong with it. I actually think that laughing at serious matters is a good quality, a good character that we have to learn because it helps us get a good breather during bad times and to stay afloat :) I love humor and I love it best when other people are happy even though it might be a stupid kind of joke that they saw or heard. Happiness is contagious and it makes work so much easier to accomplish :) Thanks for the response on my discussion!
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@Beertjie (976)
• South Africa
14 May 09
I have no idea where the photo comes from, it was send via email from someone who got it via email, etc, etc. Maybe it was used in some film or something... Blessings
• United States
13 May 09
Hmm i found the picture quite amusing, i don't think it is wrong behavior since the swine flu virus thing, was caused by a human strand with the swine strand, i find it quite funny, might even save and send it around, i don't think its a bad thing, i mean if you cant laugh at something like this, then seems like you would be a boring person but a the same time lets just go with its Satire
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