Have You Told Your Mom or Dad They are Good Parents?

United States
May 13, 2009 1:59pm CST
hmm so i am listening to this song,and i realize something, about how to know when you are a good father or mother, how can you tell, you cant really have a friend or your family members tell you, you are a good parent, and then you have believe them,well i was wondering about that, and i realized the only person who can tell you,that you are a good parent is your kids alone,well if you look at the it from my point of view.. well since i don't have kids, i can only talk about it from a son's point of view,and if you look at it, you can see all your mother or father have sacrificed for you, or the things they have done to make your life better than their lives.. Hmm.. i am just wondering, how many sons or Daughters today have told their parents that they are good parents,and thanking them for working every single day to support them,and give them, what they could not have due to money problems, because as you can tell now seems better than how it was when your parents were kids o.o so i am curious.. how many people here, have been told they are good parents by their kids? and how many sons and daughters have told their parents they are good parents? o.o
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