What happened to the Wonder Years?

@kykidd (6812)
United States
May 13, 2009 3:19pm CST
Does anyone remember that show The Wonder Years? It was a sitcom that involved a guy telling about his life growing up in the 50's (I think). I used to love that show. I guess maybe the kids grew up and they had to cancel it. But I wonder why Nick At Nite or TBS hasn't picked up the repeats. Or any other station for that matter. I would love to watch old Wonder Years reruns. Anyone else remember the show?
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2 responses
• United States
13 May 09
I remember The Wonder Years. I used to love that show when I was a kid. I watched it all the time as a kid. If I'm not mistaken though, it was set during the 60's and not the 50's. As I recall, several episodes made references to the Vietnam War and even a (minor) character, one of Wayne's friends, even went to Vietnam to fight. I remember Nick at Nite did used to air it some years back but eventually got bumped off. If you like watching it, have you considered buying the series on DVD? Of course, I'm not entirely sure if it's even on DVD but I would not be surprised.
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
14 May 09
Oh yes, you are absolutely right. I do remember, now that you mention the Vietnam War. And I was trying to remember the characters in the show. You reminded me of his brother. He was a ornery. On the one episode when Fred Savage's character is trying to get into the car, he pulls away a little bit. Just enough so that he can't open the door. Great show. Thanks for reminding me of the characters and the timeline. Have a good evening!
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
13 May 09
Nick at Nite used to show The Wonder Years a few years ago, or maybe a decade ago, I can't remember. Honestly, The Wonder Years was one of those shows that I liked for a while but then had to stop watching. I started to get irritated by his minute-to-minute memory of every day of his life. No one remembers that many details about their lives. I recently saw the girl who played Winnie Cooper on an episode of NCIS. She looks exactly the same whereas Fred Savage actually grew up a bit and his looks changed. He was a criminal on a Law & Order episode not too long ago. So, at least they all still have jobs...
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
13 May 09
I guess it has been longer than I thought since that show has been on television. I guess I missed the running on Nick At Nite. Thanks for the update, and letting me know that they are both still in the acting business. I hate it when you don't hear about a child star for a long time, and then the next thing you hear is all bad news. I appreciate the response, I'll have to look them up on imdb now. Have a great day Rollo1!