Everyone thinks constantly...

United States
May 13, 2009 5:31pm CST
I've noticed, though perhaps I might be a bit of an over thinker, that everyone has to be thinking something at every moment, right? Perhaps not thinking so strongly about a certain thing that they realize so much that they're thinking but... they do have to be thinking. I know I think constantly. About anything from when I'm going to pay what bill to "oh I gotta remember to call my son's doctor" to wondering what other people's lives are like for them as I pass someone walking down the street or riding in their car. So... anyone... everyone even... what are you thinking right at this very moment?
1 response
• China
14 May 09
me too.i used to think about everything i meet.and i never stop doing that.some of my friend find me crazy.but i dont think so.we are the same.we just use our brain everywhere.god gave us brain.why not to use it frequently?i will never waste my mind.it is so perfect.we are nothing wrong.but some times i think some thing to deeply.i even forget my supper or my classes.but i still like my way.i wont stop doing so.i wish you wont give up it too.this is nothinge wrong.yes,we are alright.
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• United States
14 May 09
I agree, entirely. It is a great thing. And honestly, I find it interesting sometimes... the things that I think about... which only makes me think more. haha... but I've never really thought of it as a bad thing. It can be a bit hindering at times, especially when it comes to me worrying about certain things... such as my kids, because I start worrying and then over think the situation and worry more. But, all in all I'd say the constant thinking is a good quality. Thank you for your post.