Interratial dating
@classicelfryoko (109)
United States
May 14, 2009 10:52am CST
What do you guys think about it? Do you know people who are in a interratial relationship or have biratial children?
I ask this because I am a biratial child myself. I am half black, and half filipina and a tiny bit of Irish that I don't really claim. I'm also a very open minded person, and I have dated outside of my race for several reasons. But my preference has grown to love asian/caucasian men. What about you guys?
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14 responses
@scififan43 (2434)
• United States
14 May 09
Hi classicelfryoko, I have just read your post. I am a white male in my early fourtys. I have no probems at all with dateing outside my race at all. I am not dateing anyone and I am not in a realtioship right now but I did have a Fillipa girlfirend at one time. it was a distance relatiohship beccase she lived in the Phills. I was even thinking of marrying her but things did not work out, I do not think becase of race but the fact that she maybe did not want to leave her county and maybe becase of other issues. I fould out latter that she married someone there, another fillipino, a guy from here hometown i think.
As for myself I do tend find women of Asian decent to be very attrative. I have sought to have relationships with women of that color. I am not sure why I find women of that type to be attractive but I think it might be the lure of something exotic. What I am seeing nowdays is where a white guy will hook up with a black girl. I have thougt about trying to date a black girl myself. like I have said I have been seeing a lot of that expressed in the media like in some of the t.v shows I have watched as well in one novel I have read recenly.
@scififan43 (2434)
• United States
15 May 09
Hi and thanks for your comments. you have said a lot in your post. it is true that we are all human beings, we are simply differated by class and culture in many curcumstances.
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@scififan43 (2434)
• United States
16 May 09
Yes I know what you mean, I see white/black hookup on the sci-fi shows I have seen recenly. but I have seen it on other shows as well. Interrarail couples are here where I live too but not wide spread, I have seen some high shcool aged couples here that are intractcal and I wanted to meantion that some time ago I found out that my best friend from childhood who is white is now married to a black female. so if is something that is going on in our secioty now and the media reflects it.
@classicelfryoko (109)
• United States
15 May 09
Hello scififan, and thankyou for replying. Yes, the media has exposed black/white couples quite a bit lately. You can see it on Soap Operas,movies,and even some of the shows. It's def. out there. I just don't see much of it in my area. I'm sure other places like Florida, New York, and California are more spread with it.

@Flirtykumquat (927)
• United States
14 May 09
I totally understand where you are coming from. I was born in New Jersey in a "ghetto" area. I am black but I do have mixes in me that I don't claim as well. THen I moved to Florida in a middle class white area, so during growing up time I was around white people and eventually had all white friends and boyfriend. Then I got into a relationship with a latin but he was like preppy. Now I am in Miami and just started having black friends but they tell me that I don't act black and I am not "hood" enough and whatever. But for some reason when black guys hit on me it feels weird. So I always think I will end up with a white.
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@classicelfryoko (109)
• United States
14 May 09
Yes, omgsh.. i've lived in both *ghetto, and whitey* neighborhoods and still the way black guys hit on me is...what's the word..well i'll just say not attractive. I've never liked how *ghetto* guys approach females. But yea..I def. know what you're talking about. It's nice to know i'm not alone. ^^ ...for some reason though all I attract is black guys..i'm clueless as to why. _
@JRASTA1976 (13)
• United States
17 May 09
im black and samoan and have a little german from my moms side and native indian from my fathers side.yeah i believe in the u.s when ben mixing for like the longest god one love one human race write.
@IedynRose (79)
• United States
16 May 09
Mixed race children are some of the most beautiful and exotic looking people (if I do say so I am mixed, my God daughter is mixed, and I have numerous friends that are mixed or have mixed children. Honestly thoughin this day and age its safe to say that almost everybody is mixed to a certain degree. It may only be .00001% but if you go back far enough your proabaly going to find somebody of a different race.
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@tundeemma (894)
• South Africa
15 May 09
its good to be an half caste especially in a world where racial discrimination is getting back to the fore, you need to learn to love the black side of you as well and never forget that the black blood is in you, that will be one of the ways you will get the racial thing out of your system
@classicelfryoko (109)
• United States
15 May 09
I don't understand what you mean about getting the racial thing out of my system? I'm all for interracial relationships. I have dated all colors of the rainbow if you'd like me to put it. *My* preference has just grown to love asian and caucasian men more than any other ethnicity because of things that I have gone through in the past with all men of color.
@00Lovely00 (4)
• Canada
14 May 09
Someone of the worlds most beautiful people are biracial. The more exotic the more beautiful. You fall into that category! I'm all for interracial relationships. When i look for what i like in a partner, i look for someone who has a great sense of humor, maturity, sweet, caring , honest, trustworthy, loving, responsible... Race is definitely not an issue. It's not about where you're from but who you are inside.
@classicelfryoko (109)
• United States
15 May 09
Thanks for replying. I believe in everything that you have said. You really just can't judge someone by there is just stupidity and it will blind you by finding the love of your life.
@bluyap (3)
• United States
14 May 09
I think its ok to date outside of your ethnic background. I am mexican and I have seen how a lot of mexicans and lationos act with their girls and women and some are bad while a small percentage is really nice but I have found that many caucasian and mixed men are the nicest of them all.
@classicelfryoko (109)
• United States
15 May 09
Hello, and thank you for replying. Yes every culture has nice's just sad that there are bad apples as well in every culture.
@mattwilkie (278)
23 May 09
I think the internet is changing a lot of peoples views as people can literally talk to people from all over the planet at the same time. But i do think its a lot about the person themselves. I do have an issue with the "Ghetto" types.. its doesnt matter on race but the fact to me it just seems stupid with all this excess gangster attitude that means nothing. Personally im for what is inside a person the mentality the personality and attitude ok ive dated some beautiful women over the years but to be honest for something solid and long term you need to be people who get on with everything.. my friends are a mix of all nations and my wife is from the Philippines but did i choose my wife because of her location? Simple answer no.. we just hit it off and the rest is history.
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
16 May 09
i met millions of people who r mixed. it is not a big deal. if it is the right person for you and u r both happy together, that is all that matters. it is no one's business but yours and the person u r with.
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@kellyt82 (204)
• United States
14 May 09
I have a very mixed background- to the naked eye I just look caucasion. I do not really tell people my ethnicity unless they ask. My child is half black, though. My boyfriend is Puerto Rican. I do not see any problem with mixing races. I do not have a specific race that I am attracted to. I have found my significant others in life by being attracted to their personalities.
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@classicelfryoko (109)
• United States
14 May 09
I have a friend who is half black and half caucasian. She looks white to. ^^ I should have mentioned that personality is also what I look for as well. lol, so that I don't seem like I take people for face value only. As that saying goes never judge a book by it's cover. That's really neat though that your child is mixed. I be he/she is soo adorable. How old are they?
@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
16 May 09

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@jalapenos789 (47)
• United States
16 May 09
I think interracial is fine, and I encourage it. We shouldn't be limited to who we date, make friends, and love.
I'm half asian and half white, and I've dated outside of those two as well. People sometimes might look at you differently but it doesn't really matter. Heh, but I've only dated white ladies.
Stay strong on your beliefs, love has NO restrictions.
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@IedynRose (79)
• United States
16 May 09
Interracial Dating is somethng that society is simply going to have to deal with. Relationships are about you and the other person involved, no one else. If two people choose to be together despite their racial differences, it is not my place or the next person's place to tell them they are wrong in doing so. However, opinions are something we are all entitled to, this being said if you choose to put yourself into any type of controversial situation (i.e. and interracial relationship), then you will have to be strong enough to deal with the negativity that some may harbour. You cannot control the actions or thoughts of others only how they effect you. I am Biracial (black/white) and date predominately black men, not because I have anyhting against other races; but becuase thats what does it for and at the end of the day thats all that matters... Besos Baabi
@Ahmone19 (28)
• United States
18 May 09
I don't see any problems with interracial dating. Both of my sisters have been in a interracial relationship, one of which got married and had three kids. I wouldn't think any more or less of those kids regardless of the color of their skin. If someone is a good person and you love them, why should race affect that?
@adaaaa (6)
8 Oct 09
well, since i'm not living in america things are a bit diffrent for me. i live in croatia. i'm mixed, my dad's black and mum's white. in my whole life i've only seen one mulatta in my city (and, it's the capital city) and a few black guys:D
My first and current boyfriend is white and we're planning to get married. Noone sees it as a problem, they always say we'll have beautiful children. :D Noone ever saw our dating as a problem, not even his parents considering they are white and that it's a conservative society here. I think that the human race is evolving:)