Do you have nicknames for your children? What are they?

United States
May 14, 2009 11:23am CST
I'm interested in nicknames. I don't need any for my children or nieces and nephews because I already have them, but I am interested in the other kinds of nicknames other people have for their kids, their friends kids, their nieces and or nephews, etc... and I'm interested in why they have those nicknames for those kids... if there is a reasoning behind it. I myself have nicknames for each of my kids and almost all of my nieces and nephews. My oldest niece, Alyssa, is nicknamed Princess. I'm pretty sure this is a common nickname, but she got this nickname due to being my sister's first child and our first niece. My oldest nephew, Anthony, is big buddy. I'm not actually sure why he received this nickname or who started it for him, but it was started when he was an infant and it just kind of stuck. My year old nephew is bubba. I came up with his because while he's not actually a chunky baby(he's actually on the thin side), he's got kind of a big head... and it makes him look like he's on the chunky side. My 2 year old nephew, Tayton, is booger. This is because he's kind of a little trouble maker... he likes to instigate things and some times antagonize the other babies. lol... and booger just seems to fit for that reason. My oldest son, Jeffrey, is Boo Boo. This is because he's my first child, and my nickname was always Boo/Boo Boo all my life. So, he was born and he became my baby boo. And my youngest baby, Paul, his nickname is Bug. Well actually it's kind of a mixture there of Bug, Bugga and Bugga baby. This is because while he's absolutely adorable anyways, my favorite feature on my beautiful 5 month old are his eyes. He's got these beautiful little bug looking eyes, and to add to it, when he gets really excited his eyes get this great twinkle in them and he actually gets his little eyes to open quite a bit and actually look... sort of big... almost like they're bugging out. It's sweet. So, what are your nicknames?
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9 responses
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
14 May 09
As someone who gets overwhelmed by details and such and having had two kids while dealing with a stressful job and also as someone who writes on the internet quite a lot but is unwilling to part with personal information, I am afraid that my children's nicknames are rather dull. I call the elder, The Girl, and the younger, The Boy. She actually is a girl and he is a boy so it works out fine. I am lucky I had no third child or these names would not have worked out so well. My kids, on the other hand, have lots of nicknames for lots of their friends and other family members. I think they use them as code, so I can't really tell you what they call anyone in particular. I think they refer to me as that strange woman in the kitchen.
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• United States
14 May 09
hahahaha! I've noticed that too with my 3 year old and my 2 year old nephew. They have called for... whatever they said a few times and I'll ask them who they want. They'll repeat themselves and yet, I still have no clue. Eventually the right person comes into the room(I guess) and they get all excited and go up to whoever it may be(grandma, uncle, etc...). I still haven't figured out who is who... because it seems to change. However, when one of the boy's says it... the other boy seems to know just who they're talking about! Thanks for your post!
@derby5 (6)
• United States
14 May 09
My oldest is Evan and we call him: Ev, Evie, Thinker Rory is my middle and we call him: Roo, Rory Roo, and Cowboy Bodie is my baby and we call him: Bodie Bear, Bean and Tenacious B.
1 person likes this
• United States
14 May 09
I love those, very cute. I am interested in how or why you came up with the "Thinker", "Cowboy" and "tenacious B" nicknames though. Thanks for posting!
• United States
14 May 09
I guess I should of stated why I call them that. LOL Evan is my thinker, he asked a million and two questions a day and is always wonder why? He has great hopes of being a scientist when he grows up. Also a lot of my friends call Evan; Killer, because when he was a baby ( and still does) he has beautiful killer blue eyes. Not because they think he'll be a serial killer. :) Rory is obsessed with cowboys, his Papa really came up with that name. Mostly we call him Roo. Bodie is our Tenacious B well, because he is determined and never gives up.
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• Canada
15 May 09
Those are cute nicknames!
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
15 May 09
My older son is called Ryan and because of his interest in history I sometimes call him Roman. When he was much younger I nicknamed him Rybe the Rascal. That suited him really well at that time in his life. My youngest son is called Leo. I nickname him Leo the Lion because it is a fun thing to do. Her is collecting a number of lions and I saw one that I was tempted to buy for him today. My oldest niece is called Aleah and gets nicknamed Lee Lee Lucky. My youngest niece is called Sabrina and is nicknamed Bree Bree Lucky. My nephews haven't got nicknames.
1 person likes this
• United States
16 May 09
Very cute nicknames. Unique sounding. "Rybe the Rascal"... gotta be my favorite! Thank you for the post!
@BlueAngelRS (2899)
• Canada
15 May 09
My son name is Michael he used to be called Mikey, Mickey, or pumpkin when he was smaller.. My daughter her name is Johanna, her friend who isn't much older then she is calls her neener, she gets called hanna, and also poopsie lol!
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• United States
15 May 09
Awwww... I like the name "Mickey" for a Michael. Now I gotta have a Michael! LOL... no... entirely joking... I'm quite satisfied with the two I have and not having anymore at least for a long time. But, that is cute. Thanks for the post!
@metschica25 (5399)
• United States
15 May 09
Hey I don't have any kids right now . My name is Laura and well growing up my parents called me lucy , lucy bell , pookie, and pooh bear . When real little my aunts called me LaLa and I still sometimes get that now ;) My brother his name is Chris and well he got called critter and I at times still call him that ;) He also got cupcake when he palyed football LOL . I dont think he liked that all that much .
• United States
15 May 09
HAHAHAHA... cupcake and being a football player? Ooooh yea... that had to go over really well! I love it! lol. And that "Pookie" thing is kinda like my friend's girlfriend.. but she was called "dookie". I still don't know why and neither of them seem to have a good reason for it. Hmmmm... Thanks for the post!
• Philippines
15 May 09
my son's name is Timothy Jov, we call him TJ :)
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• United States
16 May 09
Awww, my cousin is called TJ as well. His name is Tyler Jonathan. Thanks for the post!
@littleone3 (2063)
14 May 09
I have five children and at one time or enough they have all had nicknames. My eldest is called Rory Sean and we use to call him Ror which he didn't really like. My dad nicknamed him Rory Sean the leprechaun because they brought him a toy leprechaun back from Ireland when he was a toddler and it was his favourtie cuddly toy. Than I have Patrick who now prefers to be called Paddy. Then there is my daughter Beth who I have nicknamed bossy Beth as she is always the one that organises everyone and likes to be in charge. I also call her bethie boos which she hates. Than I have Kian who I use to call "my little monster" My youngest son Niall I sometimes call my baby boy because he is the youngest but he is growing out of his nickname fast.
• United States
15 May 09
Very cute, all of them! I especially like the "bossy beth" one because of my eldest niece... makes me think of her and her extreme bossy 8 year old self. lol. Thanks for the post!
@jessi0887 (2788)
• United States
15 May 09
I have all kinds of nicknames for my little two year old sweetie. My sons name is Seth. I sometimes call him sethie and i know its weird but it just comes out that way. I even said before he was born that I wouldn't do nicknames. Only his real name. WEll here are some I go with. Booger, booboo, sethie and I really can't remember alot off the top of my head. Mainly because when i use some i try to forget them so I dont continiously continue to do it. I know I used one when he turned one I used it so long that I just stopped. Cant remember it anymore.
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• United States
15 May 09
I'm the exact opposite... I've always been for nicknames... hence why I have one for almost all our family's children. But, for the most part I've always waited till after birth to see what they look like and perhaps some of their personality before I choose a nickname that I believe suits them. The only one I didn't per say do that with is my oldest, Jeffrey... because he was my first and so naturally in my head he should be my baby boo since I'm boo. lol. Thanks for the post!
@Ozarkgirl (774)
• United States
14 May 09
Yes my youngest sons name is Steven and we call him "Little Bit", our middle sons name is Josh and we call him "Bud", and out oldest sons name is Blake and we call him "Bo Diddle".
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• United States
15 May 09
"Bo Diddle"... that's great! It sounds like a "for shizzle my nizzle" type of thing... which I have no idea where I got it from.. but it seems lately I'm going around saying it quite a bit. lol Cute nicknames and thanks for the post!