don`t you just hate it when some one forgets

@_hope_ (3902)
November 11, 2006 7:07pm CST
to turn their alarm off when they don`t need it
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13 responses
@doshijs (342)
• United States
12 Nov 06
@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
12 Nov 06
hubby went to work at six an alarm went off at seven thirty it`s my sleep in day here GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
@justreal (2364)
• Canada
2 Jan 07
I always have my alarm on, obviously not when I don't have work the next day. I got used to waking to work from monday to friday at 7am. Yes, it's hard.
@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
5 Jan 07
i just did it to myself today it was still set foe 6:30 so oh well i just got up
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@Sm00tH (2037)
• Belgium
29 Dec 06
oooh yeah i hate it alot!! my dad frequently has this bad habit. most irritating is when u don't have to wake up for anything and then suddenly at 7am you get awakened by the alarm and you have to get out of bed to turn it of. but now the good part: you open the door of your parent's bedroom, the curtains are open so u get bright light in yur face and then you have to search for the button to turn the damn thing of, at least i have to! and the birght light makes me unable to go back to sleep immediately :(
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@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
29 Dec 06
just so annoying
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@ossie16d (11821)
• Australia
28 Dec 06
This is just awful _hope_, says she who no longer needs an alarm. LOL Actually it is most annoying I agree, and even worse if you are staying somewhere or with someone else and the alarm keeps on going. Unless they are really close friends it is a little hard to scream out "turn that b thing off before I chuck it out". LOL
@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
28 Dec 06
i have a lot of problems sleeping and this anoys the hell out of me
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@firelight (1858)
• Australia
12 Nov 06
yes, especially when it wakes up the kids and they're grumpy all day! lol
• United Kingdom
29 Dec 06
I don't know about that, my youngest was up at 7 and my oldest was up about 7.30 I think, they weren't in a bad mood or anything, they were really lively and jumping all over me, I only wanted a little lie in!
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@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
12 Nov 06
there is nothing worse
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• Australia
30 Dec 06
Yes my Dad has had problems where he lives as the power can go on and off a fair bit upsetting his alarm clock. We tried lots of different ways like the battery back up. Something that has puzzled us is the fact you can not buy a winded up clock for love nor money:(. The answer to his alarm clock woes was to the set the alarm on his mobile phone which has worked like a treat for him.
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@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
1 Jan 07
yesterday my young son set his alarm on his phone for 6am i was so tired not sleeping well at all when i woke him after five minutes of it going off he said wake him at 11 grrrrrr i was so cranky as then i was awake and he could just go back to sleep
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@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
2 Jan 07
there will be no more setting the phone as it will disappear for a considerable amount of time
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• Australia
2 Jan 07
GGrr oh that does annoy why not turn it off if they are not getting up gee children, can set the cat among the pigeons. We are not so selfish so why are our children!!!
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• United States
1 Feb 07
What my hubby does is set the alarm for 8 am the night before. Also the night before he will tell me to "please make sure I get right up at 8!" So he will when the alarm goes off, hit the snooze button, I will try my best to wake him up and he will say he is getting up, he will hit the snooze button for about an hour and a half. Than he will get up for a few minutes and go back to sleep until noon or so and leave by 1 PM. Grrrrr..... It is now 10 am today. He told me to make sure he gets up.. The alarm is going off right now. How many times will he hit the snooze button today....
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@pumpkinjam (8861)
• United Kingdom
29 Dec 06
Yes it is very annoying, you're just in a lovely sleep not realising that it's nearly morning and then the alarm goes off and you realise it's you who forgot about it! It's nice when my son leaves his alarm though because that wakes us up with water sounds which is lovely, except it makes me need to get up and go to the toilet, which I guess is a good thing because it means I have to get out of bed!
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@gnt23tr (1014)
• United States
12 Nov 06
Yes, I do. Once when I had my 24th birthday my partner forgot to bring me even a flower........
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@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
12 Nov 06
that wasn`t nice of them to forget
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@pinklilly (3443)
• Australia
2 Feb 07
Yes it is annoying although I'm usually in charge of the bloody thing... Even just this morning I thought I turned it off when I got up, thinking I will let my partner sleep a little longer but No I had moved it the other way so when it went of it was the loud beep instead of the radio I was already down stairs making my partners Lunch when I heard it and thought what the hell is that then I realised "You Idiot" so I ran upstairs and turned it off.. Argghh I was still so tired, I felt like such a fool :D
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@oldboy46 (2129)
• Australia
2 Feb 07
Oh I do that and my wife surely does complain about it ... but it is different if she does it. where is the logic in women sometimes? It only happens sometimes and I think we should be forgiven when it does and anyway it is probably time they got out of bed ...... at least that is what I tell the wife. she doesn't listen and just gets cranky with me and makes me get my own breakfast as well. women are strange creatures.
• Australia
28 Dec 06
I must admitt I can be guilty of not turning off the alarm, I can be very forgetfull at times, so to keep me organised I have alarms to remind me of things, eg wake up, leave for work, (specially needed if I"m caught up on the computer before leaving for work. lol) feed the fish, ect. My diary/alarm is my 2nd brain.. I would be lost without it... lol...
@_hope_ (3902)
• Australia
28 Dec 06
you have a good reason for setting your alarm but my hubby sets his for five in the morning it`s so annoying on his days off to be woken up at this ridicilous time when i only get to sleep around thre each morning
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• Virgin Islands (U.S.)
2 Feb 07
yes i hate it whenever someone forgets... i mean i have forgotten soetimes.. but i hate it when i forget and whn they forget i get soo fustrated and stuff like for example if i teell my mother a week in advace i need her to drop me to the mall and pick me up and keep reminding her everyday and when the day comes she forgets... now that pisses me offffff to tha max