***I hate this about you***
By tabsnlos
@tabsnlos (587)
United States
May 14, 2009 4:56pm CST
What do you hate about your wife/husband or girlfriend/boyfriend? Every relationship has something...
For me, I hate when my husband leaves things like papers and items around the house where they don't belong, then I put them away and I some how get blamed for losing it. WHAT?? No, its where it should be and thats off the couch and back in its place!
Or when he comes home from work and leave this trail of bread combs (his clothes) all over the house...Everywhere but the hamper! JHDS*&^%%W#*H!!!! Grrr
Also he always has to have something to drink, so here is one cup, there is another cup, a cup in the computer room, a cup in the bed room and a cup in his hands...Ugh what does he think??? that I love to wash cups all day?? NO!
Things he hates about me... I like to have the curtains open so the beautiful sun can shine through. No he hates that because people can see through. Um we live on the 3rd floor, so whos going to see in? NO ONE
He hates when I go to the store for milk and come back with 5 other things...
He hates when I touch the AC...(he likes our home to be a freezer, but hes working all day while Im at home freezing my butt off)
What about you all? What do you hate about your partner?

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17 responses
@Flirtykumquat (927)
• United States
14 May 09
I absoutely hated in my last relationship that men always think they are right. My ex would spend his money and not even think about it and then when he would find out I had a stash he was like how did you get that money and I am like it's called budgeting money. Another thing I hated is how he treats me like if I am his mom. We would be in bed and I would be almost asleep and he would ask me to get his something to drink or eat or whatever it would be. And I would be like you have 2 hands and 2 feet go do it yourself.
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@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
15 May 09
Yea I never could understand that?? Why would they think we would want to get out of bed to get them something?? Seriously, NO! My husband tried to do that when we first got married. I cook dinner, thats it...if he wants a snack, then he has to get it himself!! Sheesh...
@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
15 May 09
Anytime I have been sick and I start coughing my hubby gets up and gets me some water and I don't even ask! BUT that also works both ways as I have done that for him. I have noticed that if my hubby really likes something I have done for him, he will remember and then do it to me when I need it! That's how my hubby seems to work anyhow!
@Ozarkgirl (774)
• United States
14 May 09
When he leaved his shoes at the back door for everyone to trip over and then one pair turns into 5 pairs of shoes at the back door.
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@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
15 May 09
There are so many things I absolutely hate about my hubby…his laziness, his procrastination, his unorganized nature, his complete dependency on me, his casual approach, his nonchalance, his short fuse, his silence on most things, his lack of enthusiasm…in fact I could go on and on!
And what he hates about me…I would never know, as I told you he’s the silent type that gets on my nerves. I would never really really know just what exactly he thinks of me!

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
17 May 09

@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
15 May 09
ohhh I know that type! You know, if you want to hear more from him, you say less. My husband uses the silent treatment on me and it drives me up the wall!! Grrr... So when he is least expecting it, I give it to him! Then hes all confused and wondering what the heck is going on and before you know it, hes talking! LOL
Thanks~that was a great list =)

@Trace86 (5030)
• United States
14 May 09
I hate how cavalier my husband is about money. He makes less than I do and spends what he makes on CDs and DVDs and Commit lozenges. He has been addicted to the lozenges for 5 years, since quitting smoking.
I use all the money I make to pay our bills. The mortgage, phone, cellphone, electric, water, etc..
I think I would be able to have a savings account and a nice vacation every year if I had never gotten married.
@PurpleTeddyBear (6685)
• Canada
15 May 09
After reading everyone else's list I am starting to think that I actually have it not so bad! My hubby doesn't leave clothes or towels on the floor or on my side of the bed, he too hates it when the seat is left up and their is no toilet paper on the roll, he knows how to use a cup more then once. However their are 2 things he does do that kind of bug me ... 1) I think he suffers from obsessive compulsive disorder though because he's really picky about where he puts stuff ... for example one day I was dusting, and as far as I knew I put his stuff back in the "right spot", but after he came home from work he asked why his stuff was moved ... it kinda creeped me out like that lady in the movie Misery who noticed her stuff had been moved while she was gone. 2) He has no problem putting his dish on the side of the sink after he's finished his supper which is great, BUT the dishwasher isn't even 2 feet away, would it be so hard to just put the dish in the dishwasher? 

@aakansha12 (183)
• India
15 May 09
Lol , your boyfriend seems to have the personality like i do . I also do all those stuff like him . My mom just gets after me that why i all the time leave my cups everywhere .
@simplyshawn (650)
• United States
15 May 09
It drives me nuts that my husband won't throw his socks in the whites basket and everything else with the other clothes. However he now throws the bath towel in the towels basket. I hate sorting clothes before doing laundry. What a time saver to just take one basket and dump it in the washer.
I have a hard time keeping our clutter under control and most of the time it's not. That drives my husband crazy. Yet, he sets his stuff wherever he happens to be at he moment instead of filing it away wherever it should go.
Thanks for sharing your story...I got a good laugh from that, moreso because I'm a lot like your husband. I used to have cups all over the house as well. Now I make myself keep track of 1 cup, because I do have to do the dishes by hand each day.
Thanks for a great laugh! Have a fun weekend!
@bamrahkirti (1821)
• India
15 May 09
I just hate one habit of my husband and that is as soon as he enters the bedroom after coming from his office,he will switch on the television .I wish that he chats with me and plays with his kid.But it appears that he has inherited this habit from his parents who are constant T.V.watchers and stare at it throughout the day and sometimes night too.
This issue has led to many fights between us but he would do the same thing again .Anyhow i have stopped asking him to switch off the television .

@chookie1971 (2271)
• Australia
15 May 09
I am another person who will say where do I start.
He leaves cans all over the house.
He never helps me with the dishes.
He will never put his own clothes away after I have washed them and folded them.
He has computer parts all over the house.
He leaves his shoes in the middle of the floor.
He likes to do things that he like but never do things that I like.
He only thinks of me when he wants something.
He never listens to me when I want to share things with him.
I don't mind him drinking if he picks up after himself.
It would be nice to have him help me with the dishes even just once a week.
It would be nice if he did put his clothes away as that mean 1 less person to put away clothes for.
I wish he would sort out all his computer parts and get rid of the parts that are worthless of keeping.
I wish he would put his shoes in the designated area for shoes.
I wish he would do some things with me that I like.
I wish he would think of me when he doesn't want something.
And I wish he would listen to me as I listen to him.
I am sure that there are things he doesn't like about me. I know he doesn't like it when I talk to him when he is busy with something or watching his shows.

@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
15 May 09
Thats a good list there Chookie! I can relate to most of those...LOL. My husband is pretty sloppy. But I went to FL without him, leaving him home alone and when I came back, he was helping me out. I asked him why are you helping out now? He realized how much work it is to keep a house clean, cook, do laundry and so on... so he wanted to help out a little more. I was so excited!!!
Yea well that didn't last very long

@maanrodriguez (604)
• Philippines
15 May 09
hate is a bit too strong a word for me. what I dont like about my boyfriend is he tends to be passive about things, like he doesnt want to have discussions. I would have to stress over and over the importance of once thing just to get it through to him. he is sometimes too laid back for his own good.
@sarcasms (120)
• India
15 May 09
i love my grilfriend very much believe me wen i say so........btu there are things that annpy me so much for example she is selfish at times and is incosiderate of ppls feelings and smtimes my feelings too.........other than that she doesnot like to take care of her slef and is very lazy im like how can anyone be so lazy.......lol
@tabsnlos (587)
• United States
15 May 09
Yay finally a guy response... I was beginning to think girls were just perfect and guys don't have anything negative to say to us...LOL J/K
I stand corrected. LOL
Ok, so your girlfriend is selfish and lazy...I can definitely see how that can annoy you!! I would feel the same way.
Thanks for your response =)
@ibelle09 (155)
• China
15 May 09
:D It seems that we are all desperated wives. My husband is also the one who likes leaving things everywhere, which makes our home untidy. I do advise him to put away things to where they belong after he uses. He always says 'OK, it is a piece of good advise.' You will think he will do as he promise. No. He does the same again.
Things he doesn't like about me is that I am always asking him to shop with me. Because he will have to help me carry things and pay for me. :D
But I love shopping with him. haha
@geniustiger (1694)
• Philippines
15 May 09
i hate him when he will not take a bath daily.
It's because he has a bad odor. i told him to use that particular
thing to rob in the under arm after bathing but still dont want to
do it. sometimes when i told you do that and then he will not
do it right away, he just see first the tv show than acting what i
asked for.
@tracy_d (76)
• India
15 May 09
Phew... all men are alike i'd say! One thing worth noting here is that all of us ladies are cribbing about their husbands/boyfriends :D not a single male has turned up!! this proves that we ladies are perfect ;-) well... i wouldnt be surprised though if suddenly a guy pops up sayin that what he hates about his partner is her gossip habit!! lol!!
@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
15 May 09
There were two things I hated most about my ex. The first was that she continued to smoke pot even though she was allergic to it and it made her sick. Then, I would have to take care of her until she got better. As I'm in a wheelchair, it was basically my job to tell other people what she needed as she couldn't do it. This was not on my agenda, and I didn't enjoy it. The second thing I didn't like was that every year at Yom Kippur she would decide that it was a sin to go out with me (not because I'm a girl but because I'm not Jewish) and break up with me for about four days before she decided that God didn't care so much. I can't really fault her for this, however, as I decided frequently that I couldn't handle dating an able-bodied person as I'm disabled.
@punlonnjack (1308)
• United States
15 May 09
i wouldnt say i hate these things but they are pet peeves.
i dont like when there is an empty toilet paper on the holder or when the seat is up.
i dont like his clothes on the floor in the bathroom after he showers.
i dont like when he gets mad and curses.
i dont like when he stays up late at night after i go to bed.
i dont like when he watches tv and has the same movie on he watched yesterday and i wanna watch something.
i dont like when he wants coffee when i first wake up.grrr give me a minute.please lol.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
15 May 09
Oh, where to begin.
My husband and I run a business together so we have lots of time to irritate each other. I hate it when he loses his temper with something involving the computer or the printer and, instead of letting me deal with it (since I'm the computer person in the family) he continues to fight with it until he is outraged. Then he'll storm off.
When he's frustrated or having a bad day I hate it when he puts on his happy face when one of his buddies or his brother comes into our shop and then goes right back to being a grump as soon as they leave.
I hate that he leaves his wet towel on *MY* side of the bed after he takes a shower. My side of the bed is closer to our bathroom but his side of the dresser is closer to his side of the bed. I've complained about this but he "forgets". One of these days I'm going to "forget" to cook dinner and see how he likes it.