Reading Materials that Are Not Work Related

United States
May 14, 2009 11:35pm CST
Are you allowed to read book is in between calls while you work ? At the call center where I work we use to be able read even though we weren't suppose some supervisors would let us do it anyway. When I came back from my maternity leave they have really enforced the rule.We are not allowed to read books, newspapers, magazines, word searches, or school work. If its not work related we can't do it. I was so very upset because we do have times when we are not busy and very slow. I really enjoyed my free reading time. At your job do you have a rule like this?
1 response
@Smudly (15)
• United States
15 May 09
It all depends on your work's policy. At the place I work, they encourage us to keep busy reading, working on work from college, or other things to keep us from being bored when it is slow. I can see how this can get taken advantage of though in some cases.
• United States
15 May 09
i don't read while i'm on the phone, its better than doing nothing at all