On how many hours you log in its normal on www.myLot.com ??

@anangf (1146)
May 15, 2009 3:17am CST
I realized all of us have different time zone that where we are living. but, i am interesting to asking this to all of you myLotter. In what time you usualy log in this site? and for sure how may hours you spend on it. Start from me, .. i am usualy log in myLot.com at 15.00 pm until 17.30 pm. like this time... It's mean 2,5 hours a day. usualy if i have nothing to do(but it is not everyday), i am continuing to log in again at 20.00 pm till 22.00 pm. how about you myLotter? thanks..
1 response
@boogerman (1544)
• Philippines
15 May 09
Hello, anangf! Well, I usually hang out here for an average of eight hours here using my phone. I always check out if there are available task to do and I read and sometimes post on discussions here. But I am busy right now so I can't post many for now but I still try to respond as I can. Happy mylotting and have a nice day!